Emerald's Wonderful World on the Web

 In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:6)


Welcome to my place. It is such a blessing to have you visit my little corner of this wonderful world. May God bless each of you and may something here touch your heart and your soul. In an effort to put together a website that truly reflects me, I came to one simple conclusion. It has to be a site devoted to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, without whom my life would not be possible.


Please come back and visit often as I am in the process of adding more pages to this site. However I wanted to get it up as soon as possible. If you have any interesting links that you would like to see added here, just email them to me using the button below and I will take a look at them.

Click here to see a listing of all the pages I have.This list was getting so long, I felt it would be easier to have one page with a listing. There are links for my photo album, quotes, A page dedicated to our Veterans, Something special for my husband, and a whole lot of other interesting things.




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Thanks to Judi for the lovely background. Visit her site for many more wonderful backgrounds.


Thanks to all my wonderful friends in the real world and in my virtual world. Many of you have crossed that line and have entered my heart making you more than just words on a screen. You have been my inspiration, my encouragement and at times my shoulder to cry upon. You have laughed with me and cried with me. You have shared the many escapades of your children. You have told of the pranks of your spouses and significant others. You have shared your Faith with me and I with you. Together we have all grown and blossomed as a result of these friendships. I love you all dearly. Emmy

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