So, here you are at my front porch. Before you come inside let me tell you a couple of things, okay? First , this site is constantly being improved, so come back often. And when you do come back, remember to 'refresh' or 'reload' each page or you may not see the changes (hint: Explorer can be set to automatically check for and reload changes). Second , there's lots of JAVA and animated (moving gifs) graphics , if it ain't working for you, get with the times and upgrade your browser. Third , most of the pages have music, which are Midi's. If you're using Explorer, they play automatically, if Netscape, you have to push the play button. And lastly, I apologize for the time it takes to load some pages, but the graphics are rather intense. Okay then, come on in and enjoy ! ! ! !





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HEY! When you get done here, why not check out the MASSIVE web site I've done for my business?


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