By: Robert Boluyt
"Our engines just died," shouted Ensign Barrows over
the din.
The Runabout Apollo was going to land on the planetoid Sigma
VII. Survey reports had suggested an easy ride through the atmosphere, as well as
extraordinarily high level of pergium, a rare element used in the construction of orbital
space stations. The element was used to keep the life support systems functioning. Sensors
had shown an easy ride, but as the light craft entered the atmosphere, a storm arose,
complete with ion lightening and hurricane force winds.
The Apollos engines had been trying, unsuccessfully, to
combat the storm.
Lieutenant Commander Theo Constone was in command. His crew
consisted of three people, including himself, Lieutenant Chip Ryan, and Ensign Olivia
Barrows. The three of them served together on the USS Cheyenne, a galaxy class starship.
Lieutenant Ryan was still grieving over the loss of his fiancé, Ensign Bina Amadis, who
was lost while serving on the USS Voyager. The Voyager was lost with all hands while
pursuing a Maquis ship through the Badlands.
Ensign Barrows was trying to stabilize the Apollo with the
emergency anti-grav thrusters, but the emergency thrusters only succeeded in leveling the
Apollo. Lieutenant Ryan sat at the comm. station, he was trying to get a message to the
Cheyenne, but the storms fury dissolved the transmission before it could get out of
the atmosphere. Lieutenant Commander Constone sat at the tactical station because he was
the security officer as well as the commander. His thin face wore a stern expression, and
it was covered with black stains from the smoke and sparks.
Sparks flew from the comm. station, knocking Ryan to the
ground. Constone rose from his station and began to make his way to the downed Lieutenant,
but the Apollo shook violently and Constone lost his grip on the control panel that was
supporting him. He rolled past Ryan and into the back of the shuttle. Constone rose to his
knees and began to crawl to Ryan. Though he went slowly, he finally made it to the injured
Ryan was laying face down on the debris-strewn floor. Constone
rolled him over and felt for a pulse. To his relieve, there was a faint pulse, he also
noticed that there were plasma burns of his face and hands.
CRASH! The Apollo touched the ground and sheared off the top
of a rocky outcrop. They didnt stop after hitting the rocky protrusion, they skidded
and slid for almost 30 meters, then they crashed into a large mesa.
When the Apollo had first hit the ground, a hole was ripped
into the hull. Constone was tossed out like a rag doll when they hit another rocky growth.
He had lost consciousness upon landing.
When the Apollo first touched down, Ensign Barrowss seat
had been torn loose and was tossed about the ship. Barrowss limp body was beaten
around the Runabout like a toy ball.
Constone regained consciousness and opened his eyes. The three
suns of Sigma VII stabbed his unprotected eyes and they began to water. He rolled to face
down and then blinked his eyes to get rid of the salty fluid pouring out of them. He
pushed himself up off the ground and looked around. There were rocky protrusions and mesas
jutting out of the red brown ground. There were dozens of smaller rocks on the ground;
there was no soil on the surface, just assorted rocks. Constone reached down and picked up
a piece of pergium. Now it was useless.
He gazed around for the Apollo, then he saw it. It had,
apparently, hit one of the protrusions of rock, which had spun it in a 180-degree turn to
smash into the side of a mesa. One of the nacelles had been torn off and lay 25 meters
away. The front of the craft had a huge, gapping hole, which mustve been where
Constone had been tossed out. There were burn marks on the hull; it also sported dozens of
cracks and fractures. Constone wondered how they made it to the surface. Constone began to
limp toward the battered Apollo when Ensign Barrow emerged.
She poked her head out the hole and gazed around. Her uniform
was ripped and torn in several places, she had burn marks all over her, as well.
"Lieutenant Ryan has been injured very badly," she
shouted to Constone, "he's been pinned under a fallen support beam. In his condition,
he won't live long unless we get the beam off him."
CHSHOOO! A green spherical blast shot out from a distance.
Constone watched as her molecules lost cohesion and her pretty
face dissolved into oblivion. Constone whipped out his arch-handled phaser and looked in
the direction of the blast. Three Borg were walking slowly toward him with their Borg
prosthetics extended. At the end of each was a wicked looking phaser weapon.
Borg. The most feared race in the entire Federation. Their
technology had over taken and gotten the better of them.
Theo Constones father had been at Wolf 359 when the Borg
attacked. It was a slaughter, 11,000 lives lost, as well as 40 starships. Constones
dad had been first officer onboard the USS Roosevelt when he died. The Roosevelt had been
hit by and unknown Borg weapon discharge and vaporized. Vaporized! Nothing to bury,
nothing to mourn. The Borg had taken it all away from him in an instant. Constones
calm, rational mind clouded over with hatred. There was only a single thought on his mind.
Constone leveled his weapon at the nearest Borg. He pressed
the firing stud. A beam of deadly orange-red energy lanced out of the weapon and hit its
target. Sparks flew from the Borgs chest as it fell to the ground, but the others
kept coming. Constone fired again, but the beam just splattered on the Borgs
Constone turned and made a mad dash toward the Apollo. He
barely made it through the hole before the Borg fired. He would have gone through the door
but it was wedged up against the mesa.
The inside was a wreck, fallen support beams were all over the
deck, E. P. S. conduits were burned out, and assorted debris lay on the floor. Ryan was
pinned under a beam.
Ryan motioned for Constone to come and help him; he was about
to lose consciousness. Constone picked up one of the broken seats and pushed it into the
hole, then he used his phaser to melt it into the hull. Then he grabbed the emergency
medkit off the fractured wall and went to Ryan. Constone tried to lift the beam, but it
was too heavy. Then the Lieutenant Commander had an idea. He pulled out his phaser,
adjusted the setting and fired it at the beam. He cut it into three pieces. He then
holstered the phaser and moved the sliced girder pieces.
Constone opened the medkit and pulled out the medical
tricorder. Then he ran it over Ryans body. His leg was broken in several places, now
it was impossible to get out of the Apollo and run away. He felt a brief surge of panic,
but he suppressed it, he was the commander, he was in charge, it was his responsibility to
get his crew to safety. Constone used a regenerator to heal the broken bones, but they
would be weak for a few days.
Lets get outside and build a shelter," said Ryan.
Im afraid thats impossible. Ensign Barrows is
dead. Borg vaporized her."
All the color drained from Ryans face. Ryan had had
first hand experience with the Borg. He had been the helm officer on the USS Conely during
the second Borg incursion of 2373. The Conely was a galaxy-class vessel, but the Borg made
short work of it. Only 42 people got off in time, 42 out of 1,012.
Ryan panicked and tried to run for the now plugged hole.
Constone grabbed him and held him down.
"Theyll kill us! Theyll kill us!"
"No, they wont kill us, it is more likely they will
assimilate us."
"I would still rather die," said Ryan.
Constone glanced at his communicator, the casing was cracked,
that meant that a homing beacon was on and would reach the Cheyenne. Assuming the Borg
werent jamming it.
If were lucky, the Cheyenne will pick up the
beacon and come and rescue us."
Ryans head drooped then rose with a smile.
I think I know a way out," he said.
We use our phasers to cut out a small cavern in the
mesa, then we just pull a piece of hull over it and phaser it in place. Well need a
breathing hole, too."
"Excellent, lets get to work."
Soon they had a small cavern 5 feet across and 4 feet tall.
BAM! BAM! The Borg were pounding on the hull.
Ryan and Constone huddled into the little cave. Constone used
his phaser to seal entrance by causing a rockslide.
Ryan and Constone had been in the cave for about an hour when
they heard sounds of rocks falling on the outside of the rockslide barrier. The Borg had
broken through the hull and were digging at the rocks. Constone increased his phaser
setting by one degree and began cutting a hole in the mesa to get out.
The first wisps of sunlight were beginning to peep through
when a Borg prosthetic arm broke through the rocks. Constone raised his phaser setting
again and vaporized the remaining rock.
"Ryan, give me your phaser."
Ryan handed his commander his weapon. Constone put Ryans
phaser into the holster at his side, and then set his own on an overload. He set it down
and put a couple rocks over top of it. Ryan and Constone got up and ran out their newly
formed escape route. With Constone helping Ryan, they covered about 100 meters before the
phaser reached its limit. The mesa exploded in a spectacular display. Plumes of fire leapt
into the air, then the rocks fell. Boulders the size of cars fell from the sky. Constone
and Ryan kept running while trying their best to dodge the boulders.
After the rocks came dust. Dust fell and coated Constone and
Ryan with a red brown layer of powder. When the explosion was completely over and Constone
and Ryan were 200 meters away, they turned to look at the mesa. There was almost nothing
left, just boulders scattered all over with an occasional piece of twisted metal.
"I dont understand why it made such a huge
explosion," said Ryan, panting.
"The phaser overload ruptured the anti-matter storage
pods, the anti-matter did all that, not the phaser."
For a while they sat in silence until Constone said,
"I think we should find some shelter."
"There is no shelter on this worthless lump of rock!
Its all stone!"
"Then well phaser a hole in a cliff side."
"What about the distress beacon from the
"Its still transmitting, but I think we should turn
it off. The Borg may use it to find us."
I agree." Constone reached up and pulled off his
communicator. He was about to rip the casing off, but then his hands moved down. He set
the device down on a rock and then he dug a little hole. He put the communicator in the
hole and covered it with rocks.
"This way it will still transmit, but without showing the
Borg our location."
Ryan nodded. Constone pulled his tricorder out of its holster
and opened it. The terrain was very rocky, mostly flat for several miles. There was one
mesa in the distance, but, from the past experience, the Borg would look in the cliffs and
mesas first.
"I think our best bet would be to phaser a hole in the
ground for a shelter. The temperatures on the planetoid pretty much stay the same all year
round so we wont have to have any sort of heating or cooling equipment."
"Thatll leave our phaser dangerously low."
"I dont think thatll be a problem if the Borg
cant find us."
Chapter Two
The USS Cheyenne cruised through space at warp five. The
Apollo was due back within four more hours.
"Captain," exclaimed the young communications
officer, "Im picking up a distress signal."
Captain Toby Bates swiveled in his command chair.
"The same planetoid that the Apollo went to."
"Contact the Apollo. Tell them to scan for someone in
"Aye, sir."
A few minutes later the comm. officer was getting frustrated,
he was young and inexperienced, and thus he got frustrated and was angered easily.
"Sir, the Apollo is not responding."
"Helm set a course for that planetoid, warp eight."
The Helmsmen nodded and tapped his console.
The Cheyenne dropped out of warp near Sigma VII and began
running scans.
"Captain, I'm picking up another ship."
"On screen."
A small black blip appeared on the screen, it was too far away
to be seen clearly.
"Magnification factor four, Lieutenant."
A cube-shaped vessel appeared on the screen. A mass of pipes
and metal cobbled together as if its makers had taken no pride while making it. A Borg
"Red alert! All hands to battle stations! Status of Borg
"They're just sitting there, they don't appear to notice
us. I think we might be able to defeat this ship in a fire fight."
"This is not the huge Borg ship that destroyed those 40
star ships at Wolf 359, this is a smaller vessel, only about the size of an Intrepid class
"Ensign, all Borg ships use the same weaponry, we may
lose in a fight."
"Captain," said the Lieutenant on duty at the
tactical station, "I think we should inflict as much damage as possible."
"I disagree."
"Captain the distress beacon just faded away, as if it
had been jammed."
"Analyze the recording that the computers made of it,
find out what race or government sent it. Stand down from red alert. Maintain yellow
"Aye sir."
The Lieutenant at the Comm station got up and left the bridge.
An Ensign on the other side of the bridge walked down and around the bridge horseshoe to
take his place.
"Captain, I'm picking up some scattered debris on the
surface. Its hard to get an exact reading on what kind of metal, but it appears to have
been ripped apart in an anti-matter explosion."
"Can you tell if that debris was the Apollo?"
"As I said sir, its hard to get an exact
"Keep trying, Ensign. Ensign Furlong, send a message to
Star Fleet command. Tell them our coordinates and our current situation."
"Aye sir," replied Furlong from the Comm station.
"I'll be in my ready room, keep me informed."
Captain Bates left the darkened bridge and went to his ready
room, which was just behind the bridge.
Constone and Ryan had used a phaser to create a make shift
cave that they could use to defend themselves. It was large enough for the both of them.
Ryan had taken rocks from the cliff and deployed them into a wall around the entrance to
the cave. However, because they made a large cavern, the phaser was almost drained.
"Ryan," said Constone, "I am going to go out
and explore these cliff and canyons here."
"Okay, sir."
Constone left the cave and went into the nearby canyon; he and
Ryan had scouted it earlier. There were three ways out, one near the cave, one at the
opposite end of the canyon; the other was in the canyon wall. The third exit route was too
small to be an effective shelter.
Just then some thing glinted in the distance.
"Wish I had a ship to leave this rock" muttered
Constone as he began walking toward it.
When he reached it, he sat down and looked at it. It was half
covered it powder, he began to uncover it. It was a diamond, from the looks of it. He
looked up; most of the canyons right side had diamonds half buried it. Constone collected
several of them and brought them back to the cave. He had an idea. Next, he went to the
site where the Apollo had crashed and began to search for a piece of wreckage that would
suit his purposes. After that he went into the canyon again and began searching for the
three minerals that he would need to make his weapon. He found the three minerals, sulfur,
potassium nitrate, and coal. He brought the materials to the cave and began to assemble
his idea.
"Commander Constone! Come here quick and bring the
phaser! The Borg are here!"
Constone turned the phaser setting down to its lowest setting
and rushed to the cave's opening.
There were two Borg walking toward them with their deadly
prosthetics extended. Constone kneeled and pointed the phaser emitter at the top of the
tubular piece of metal and fired. The metal heated up and the contents within exploded.
The expanding gases caused the diamonds inside to shoot out toward the Borg. The diamonds
scattered and hit both of the Borg. Sparks flew from both of them and they fell to the
ground. Constone had made gunpowder.
"Captain Bates to the bridge." The message blared
out of Captain Bates's communicator. He rose from his chair and walked out onto the
"Starfleet has responded to our message. They've sent the
starships Enterprise and Defiant. The Enterprise will be here in 7 hours, the Defiant in 9
"Excellent. Any idea where the Apollo is?"
"The wreckage we found earlier was from the Apollo, but,
from what we can tell, the Apollo hit the ground and slid, but it did not explode. That
happened later. The antimatter explosion was triggered by a phaser overload. However,
every thing I have told you is just theory."
"Its better than what we had before, at least now we have
something to operate on."
"Captain," said the officer at the science station,
"I've located two life signs on the planet's surface."
"Just two?"
"Yes, sir."
"There were three on the Apollo. Any signs of metal,
there was a thin metal shelter in the Apollo."
"Nothing like an emergency shelter, but there are several
traces of duratainium, most likely form the Apollo's hull. Wait a minute, this is odd.
There are some unusual magnetic resonance traces."
"Borg leave traces like that when they walk."
"Captain," exclaimed Security Chief Cassias Carter,
"I'm picking up a vessel coming in at high warp!"
"What type of ship?"
"Its Borg, sir," he said in a defiant voice.
"Red alert! All hands to battle stations! Get me
Starfleet command on the priority one channel."
"Aye sir. I've got a subspace link with Admiral
"On screen."
"Yes sir."
There she is."
"Captain," said the steely admiral, "you are
aware that misuse of the priority one channel is a Federation offense."
"Admiral, we've just picked up a Borg vessel heading
toward Sigma VII. I request reinforcements."
"Understood, Captain, the starships Adelphi, Bellerephon,
Berlin, Cairo, Chekhov, Crockett, Endeavor, Excalibur, Gandhi, Hera, Horatio, Merrimack,
and the Monitor. I'm sorry I can only give you fifteen starships, but the rest have to be
here to defend the Federation. Good luck, Captain. Nechayev out."
The Admiral's face winked off the screen. Captain Bates
slumped in his chair and rubbed his temples. The thirteen starship she named plus the
Enterprise and the Defiant equals fifteen. Fifteen ships against the Borg ship, and him
with out his first officer, they were doomed. His only hope was that Captain Picard could
pull another miracle out of his head and save us all.
Chapter 3
Constone walked out the door they had made in the wall; he
needed to get something. He walked up to the dead Borg and pulled off couple of circuits.
The Borg body immediately vaporized. Constone took the circuits back into the cave; he
pulled out his tricorder and placed one of the Borg circuits on it. Borg circuits contain
information that has not been uploaded to the Collective, when one interfaces with them;
they have access to all that data. Constone was interfacing with the circuit. The small
display monitor in the tricorder was blank as it downloaded data from the circuit into its
own memory banks. Without warning, a small plume of fire spurted out of the circuit and it
popped off and fell to the ground.
'I guess we won't be learning anything more from that
circuit," said Ryan.
"We still have two more, I removed three, remember?"
"I remember." Constone opened the file with the Borg
data in it and began to read.
"Ryan," he said with a note of urgency, "we
have to get out of here now and warn Starfleet, the Borg are planning a major invasion!
They have one small scout ship in orbit and one large ship on its way!"
"Commander, we must get off this rock, set the tricorder
to emit a homing signal."
"I know, Lieutenant, I'm doing it right now. Wait, what
sound does a homing signal make?"
"Just beep, beep."
"Exactly, with this tricorder, we could alter that to
transmit a message to the Cheyenne saying what is going on!"
"That's almost impossible, unless you are able to alter
some of the internal circuits."
"If I'm not mistaken, you had advanced computer classes
at the Academy, and they also taught you about the inner working of a tricorder."
"Only two semesters."
"Your still better at it than me," he handed Ryan
the tricorder, "here, get to work."
"Yes sir."
Onboard the Cheyenne, Captain Bates was getting nervous. The
Borg vessel was getting closer and closer. The Enterprise had just arrived and Bates had
just briefed him on the situation. The Defiant would arrive in one hour and 30 minutes;
the other ships would arrive slowly after that. He turned to the Operations officer, and
experienced Lieutenant, he needed his first officer back or this Lieutenant would be next
in line, after Bates.
"Operations, send down a search team of 30 qualified
personnel to the surface, tell them to locate and rescue Constone, Ryan, and Barrows.
Equip them with emergency field gear."
"Aye sir."
"Captain Bates! There's an incoming signal from the
planet's surface. Its on a low band frequency," exclaimed the crewman at the Comm.
"Cancel the search team. Put it on screen."
"Its an audio only message, sir. I'm putting it on
"Captain Bates, this is Lieutenant Commander Constone.
Come in Cheyenne. Do you read?"
"Commander, this is Captain Bates. You're on a low
frequency, what happened?"
"Use this signal to lock on to us, beam us up."
"Beam them up."
"Captain, this is the transporter chief, Lieutenant Ryan
is in need of medical attention." The message came over the communicator that was
pinned on the Captains chest.
"Transport them both to sickbay, I want them both fixed
up and certified for active duty."
"Aye sir, transporter chief out."
"Lieutenant Commander Vladimir, when will the Borg ship
get here?"
"At their present speed, 23 hours, two minutes."
"How many starships will be here by that time?"
"Five sir."
Bates began to rub his temples again; they didn't stand a
chance. Just then the turbolift doors at the back of the bridge opened and Lieutenant
Commander Constone walked in.
"Welcome back, Commander. You mind telling me what
happened down there."
"We crashed, Ensign Barrows was killed when she emerged
from the runabout. Ryan and I hid in a cave we had phasered out, the Borg broke in, and I
overloaded my phaser and blew up the Apollo. Captain, may I speak to you in private?"
"Of course." Bates motioned to his ready room door
and they went in.
They emerged a few minutes later, Bates was grim.
"All right people, we have a bleak situation here, I
expect you all to perform admirably. Though we may not make it out alive, I sure Starfleet
will remember our bravery and our accomplishments. Even if we die here today, I know that
we did our best and we all know we can't do better. Get me the Enterprise."
"Aye sir."
"Put it through to my ready room. Commander, come with
Constone nodded and followed Bates into his ready room.
Bates touched the control panel on his desktop terminal and
the bald, wizened face of Captain Picard appeared on it.
"You wish to talk to me, Captain Bates?"
"Yes Captain, my first officer, Lieutenant Commander
Constone, has devised a plan to stop this Borg ship before it can destroy us."
Picard's gazed turned toward Constone.
"Lets hear it," he said anxiously.
"With the help of your chief engineer, I can design a
computer virus that will disable them, the virus will then delete itself and the Borg ship
will go into a self-destruct mechanism."
"When do you wish to beam to the Enterprise?"
"Go to the Enterprise? I was planning on doing it
"The computers here are more advanced than those onboard
the Cheyenne, we can get it done faster here."
"All right, I'll be ready in 15 minutes."
"Acknowledged, Picard out." The image winked off the
screen and Bates yawned.
"Captain, maybe you should get some rest before the Borg
arrive. A tired Captain will cause us to lose." Despite himself, a yawn escaped
Constone's lips, as well.
"Maybe we both could use some rest, I'll leave Lieutenant
Commander Vladimir in command while we get rest to combat the Borg ship."
"Sir, I have to get that program ready to implant onto
the Borg ship."
"How much time do you require?"
"Couple hours, maybe. I say 3 hours."
"I'm ordering you to get some rest, 8 hours uninterrupted
sleep. The Borg won't be here for 22 hours."
"Yes sir." Constone left the ready room by the door
opposite to the bridge.
Constone went to his quarters and went to sleep. Bates went as
well, but a few minutes later.
Lieutenant Commander Vladimir was bored, the Borg scout ship
had done nothing, and the Borg vessel had not arrived. Vladimir lived for action, he had
to have something going on, that why he joined Starfleet. The Captain and his first
officer were resting in their quarters; Vladimir was in command. A fourth star ship was
going to arrive in a few minutes, Vladimir decided to do something about the scout ship,
before the starship arrived and made the armada five vessels.
"Tactical, lock our phasers on the scout craft, keep the
frequency changing don't give them time to adapt."
"You heard the order."
"Aye sir, firing phasers." The deadly red-orange
beams lanced out and caressed it, but they didn't cause a massive amount of damage. The
scout craft fired its own weapons at the Cheyenne; the entire ship shook and rattled. The
Enterprise suddenly fired quantum torpedoes, they connected with the target, the scout
ship. The small craft exploded in a brilliant display.
"Commander Vladimir, the Enterprise in hailing us."
"On screen." The image of the bald Picard once again
appeared on the screen.
"Captain Bates!"
?I am in command here, Picard. You may talk to
"You're the idiot who was responsible for that act of
"It was not a stupid act. Now we only have to deal with
the Borg ship."
"I am relieving you of duty," he gaze shifted down
to a young Lieutenant named Markus, "you shall have command of the Cheyenne until the
Captain arrives on the bridge." Just then Captain Bates and Commander Constone walked
onto the bridge. The ship jolting around had awakened them.
"What's gong on here," growled an angry Bates.
Vladimir opened his mouth to speak, but it was Picard who
"Your Lieutenant fired upon the Borg scout ship, causing
damage to your vessel. We destroyed the scout craft before it could inflict serious
"This true, Mr. Vladimir?"
"No sir, I thought it would be best if the scout ship was
destroyed before the big one arrived."
"Mr. Vladimir, I'm reluctant to relieve you because you
are the best shot and have the fastest response time of any tactical officer. If this
happens again, you will be relieved of duty and escorted to the brig. Do I make myself
clear?" The Captain's voice sounded like gravel.
"Quite clear, Captain." Vladimir was angry at
the Captain for yelling at him, he was determined to get revenge.
Bates tapped his communicator,
"Bates to Commander Yvan."
"Yvan here sir."
"We have five spare shuttles and several spare antimatter
tanks, correct?"
"Yes, sir."
"Could you rig one of those tanks to explode on an impact
if it was mounted in a shuttle cockpit?"
"Of course."
"Could you also set the shuttles impulse engines to
overload with a 30 second delay?"
"Yes captain. Am I correct in assuming that these will be
used as bombs?"
"That's correct, Commander. Get going on those shuttles,
use as many people as you need."
"Aye sir. Yvan out."
"Captain," said Constone, "I'm going to go back
to my quarters and finish my 8 hours uninterrupted sleep."
"Go ahead, just make sure you're up in time to work with
Mr. La forge on that virus program."
Chapter 4
Commander La forge and Commander Constone were having little
success with the virus. They just couldn't get it to move fast enough to disable the Borg
ship before it killed all of them. They decided that the virus would be used if the Borg
ship broke through the star ships Merrimack, Enterprise, Defiant, Crockett, Endeavor,
Monitor, and Cheyenne, the rest would arrive a lot later.
"Mr. La forge, your knowledge of engineering amazes me,
but I still think the virus is fast enough."
"I think you're right, Commander. I'll take it from
Constone nodded and turned toward the engineering doors.
After Constone returned to the Cheyenne, Bates ordered him to
the main shuttle bay.
"Ah, Commander. Commander Yvan and I have something to
show you."
Yvan pointed at two shuttles and smiled. Constone knew what
they meant; these were the shuttles that had antimatter tanks stored inside.
"Captain Bates to the bridge! The Borg have entered the
system! Repeat the Borg have entered the system!" The voice blared over the speakers
so loudly that Constone's ears rattled.
Bates and Constone rushed toward the turbolift door and headed
to the bridge.
"Mr. Vladimir, fire phasers. Keep the frequency changing,
don't give them time to adapt!" Bates slapped his communicator,
"Bates to Yvan! ?
"Yvan here."
"Prepare shuttle one for launch. You've got 5
"Aye sir."
Another Borg discharge smashed into the Cheyenne's hull
leaving a blackened streak. In response, the Cheyenne fired torpedoes. The Starfleet ships
were losing; the only one left were the Monitor, the Defiant, the Enterprise, and the
Cheyenne. The Borg began to fire rapidly at all the star ships.
"Captain the Monitor just took a major hit, I think she's
pulling away. The Enterprise and Defiant are coming on strong, Endeavor and Merrimack have
lost power."
"Launch shuttle one!"
The Borg must have detected the antimatter in the shuttle
because they tried to destroy it, but the shuttle was rigged for a suicide mission. All
its power was in its engines. The Borg's discharge flew by harmlessly.
The Borg fired at the Cheyenne instead, this time they meant
business. The shields collapsed immediately, the outer fringes of the hull exploded. By
some unknown miracle, the Cheyenne did not explode. The Cheyenne's power died and Constone
looked up at the view screen and was just in time to see the shuttle hit the Borg ship.
There was a brilliant flash of light, then the whine of a phaser set above setting 5. Then
Constone collapsed and fell to the deck.
Constone awoke in a crowded sickbay. All the biobeds were full
with the patients that had the worst injuries, others with minor injuries laid on the
"How are we feeling today," asked a balding doctor.
Constone tried to say fine, but it came out as Mmmmph.
"You suffered internal spinal injuries, Commander. You
should be able to speak soon. We repaired most of the damage to your spine, but you've
suffered brain damage, we're taking you to Starbase 196."
Constone tied to talk, but a multitude of sounds came out
before it came out right.
"Where's Captain B-Bates?"
"Captain Bates did not survive the explosion. He was
killed while attempting to save to other crew members."
"No, I heard a phaser before I passed out."
"You probably just imagined it."
"Maybe, can you give me a damage report?"
"No, but Lieutenant Vladimir can. Mr. Vladimir, come
here, Mr. Constone wishes to speak with you."
Vladimir strode over to Constone's bed, stepping over several
people on the way.
"Yes, Commander," he said.
Constone stared for a second, Vladimir's uniform was torn at
the shoulder and he had bloodstains on his chest. His face was covered with black smoke
stains, his uniform was even worse.
"Damage report."
"Yes sir. Decks 8 and up have been severely damaged and
are uninhabitable. We had to eject the warp core to avoid a breach. The impulse engines
were destroyed when the Borg fired at us the second time. If it hadn't been for the
Enterprise, we'd be dead right now. We are currently operating on emergency reserve
batteries. ?
"Casualty report."
"So far, at least 233 people have been confirmed dead in
the wreckage, including Captain Bates and Commander Yvan."
"Where are the other star ships? Estimated time till
repairs can be affected."
"The other star ships went to pursue the Borg ship as it
fled. As for the repairs, I doubt we can get this ship moving with out Yvan in less than 3
"When I was on the bridge, I heard phaser fire, check
into that."
"Aye sir."
"Doctor, I've never seen you before. ?
"I'm the EMH program. I was activated when your doctor
was overwhelmed by the injured people."
"How long will it be until I can walk?"
"Here, on the Cheyenne? Weeks, our main supplies were
drained before you were even injured."
"Doctor, I'm the best engineer on this ship, after Yvan,
and he's dead. You have to devote all your resources on me, if we're to have any hope of
getting this hulk moving."
"I'll help you onto an ancient device that we replicated
before the power ran too low. Its called a wheel chair."
"The power ran too low for the replicators?"
"Yes," said the EMH as he helped Constone into the
"Lieutenant Vladimir, you've had some experience with
engineering?" Constone needed help to get to engineering in the wheel chair; Vladimir
was the best choice present.
"Yes, Commander, I've had quite a bit of
"Accompany me to engineering."
Vladimir pushed Constone down the corridors to a turbolift.
"Do you know how to reroute power to this turbolift? You
can't use the Jeffries tubes."
"Of course I do, I'm first officer. We'll have to hurry,
though, the EMH said the power was too low to replicate, that means life support will go
in about 25 minutes. After that we have about one hour before we all start to drop like
Constone opened an access panel and began to connect wires.
Suddenly the door slid open. Vladimir wheeled Constone inside. Then something touched his
leg. He looked down, there was an injured ensign lying on the deck of the lift.
Constone pulled out the medical tricorder that he brought
along for victims.
She was dead; a plume of plasma had apparently caught her in
the face. Constone's tricorder beeped, there was unusual energy signature in the plasma.
"Lieutenant, this women was not killed by plasma, she was
shot in the face by a phaser."
"I'm sorry Commander." Vladimir lifted the chair and
dumped Constone on the floor. Constone turned upward just in time to see a fist come
crashing down. His awareness ceased as pain throbbed through his head.
Vladimir stood up and began to tap the control panel. The
doors slid open to reveal a battered deck. Dead people lined the walls and there were
pools of blood in the middle. Vladimir pulled Constone down this corridor to a man sized
opening in the wall. The forward torpedo launcher. Vladimir opened the port manually by
taking two round plates with handles on them. He stuck the magnetic plate part to the port
and pulled. The port slide open. Vladimir hoisted Constone off the ground and lifted him
into the tube. He closed it by tapping the control panel.
"So long Commander." Vladimir tapped in the manual
launch code; there was a loud sucking sound as Constone was sucked out of the tube and
into space.
Vladimir felt a tugging at his pants. He looked down; there
was an injured crewman on the floor.
Vladimir grinned and stomped his foot down on the crewman's
skull. It flattened with out any real effort on Vladimir's part. The crunching sound of
the skull pleased him. Vladimir went to a dead crewman and stomped on his skull, too, then
another skull, and another, and another.
The starship Horatio dropped out of warp to see the newly
created graveyard of a couple starships. Captain Gryta sat in the command chair, she had
been ready to engage the Borg, but there was no Borg ship, just wreckage.
"Captain Gryta, that starship right there," he
pointed to a battered galaxy class starship, "just launched something. Its a
human, but its dead."
"Lock onto it. Drop shields and beam it directly to
"Aye, Captain."
Captain Gryta stood from here chair and left the bridge.
Lieutenant Vladimir stepped into Sickbay on the Cheyenne. The
EMH looked up at him when he walked in. His feet were covered with blood, and worse, in
his hands he held a human head and a phaser. Vladimir pressed the firing stud and swept
the beam across the room at setting 10. People were fried and sliced in half as the deadly
beam swept across the room.
Vladimir dropped the head and crushed it with his foot.
Captain Gryta walked into sickbay onboard the Horatio to see
many different kinds of life support equipment around a single biobed.
"Doctor Corby, report."
A white haired old man looked up from his work at the biobed.
"We've managed to stabilize his condition, but we believe
he was assaulted prior to being shot out the photon torpedo launcher."
"He had been punched in the face not to long ago. His
legs have also been broken, that means someone had to drag him to the launch tube. His
spine has sustained severe damage, but I can fix it. Apparently the facilities on board
his ship have been drained."
"Proceed. When he regains consciousness, contact me, I
wish to speak to him." Then Gryta left the sickbay and went to the bridge again.
Vladimir rushed through the corridors of the Cheyenne,
shooting the bulkheads and injured people. His mind was completely gone. He saw an
observation port, he raised his weapon to destroy it, but he stopped. There was an
Excelsior class star ship out there. Vladimir's face turned a deep crimson as he searched
for the coffin-sized bundle that would be Commander Constone. He didn't find it, but that
didn't mean anything. Vladimir rushed to the lift and tapped the control panel. Nothing
happened, the power was too low for the turbolift. Vladimir would have to use the Jeffries
Constone awoke in sickbay onboard the Horatio. He opened his
eyes only to see a collage of swirling colors. He griped the side of the bed for fear of
falling. As his surroundings slowly came into focus, he noticed the biobed's diagnostic
half circle that curved over the top of the bed. What was he doing in a biobed? This
sickbay was empty; the Cheyenne's was packed with people.
"Glad to see you awake, Commander."
"Who are you? Where am I?"
?I am Doctor Corby and you are on board the starship Horatio.
What happened out there?"
"The Borg attacked. They annihilated almost all the ships
that were here. When they got to my ship, they fried the outer fringes of the primary
hull. That caused the saucer's impulse engines to fry. The Borg fired at the warp nacelles
and one of them fell off. There is a bigger problem than the damage to the ship. We have a
killer onboard the Cheyenne. It was he that shot me out the photon launcher."
"Lieutenant Vladimir."
Corby tapped the communicator pin on his chest,
"Captain, Commander Constone is awake. He says they've
got a killer on the Cheyenne."
"I'll be right down."
Vladimir reached the forward launcher. He tapped the
flickering control console and rerouted all available power to the torpedo launcher.
Vladimir manually loaded one photon, locked it into place and tapped the firing command.
The torpedo blasted out of the launcher in a shower of sparks, but it did not make it all
the way out, its path was blocked by a piece of debris. Suddenly the whole area exploded,
the explosion destroyed the entire deck. Then explosion continued, taking out deck 35, 36,
37, 38, 39, and 40. Engineering was on deck 38.
The antimatter storage pods were ruptured and antimatter
leaked out. Then, with a spectacular bang, that no one could hear the Cheyenne exploded,
scattering wreckage through out the newly created debris field.
The Horatio dropped off Constone at the nearest star base
where he underwent therapy for his experience. He later went on to command the USS
Excalibur, a Sovereign class starship. Every one on the Cheyenne died, at Constone's
order; a special memorial was built on Betazed to honor those who were killed by the Borg.
The names of the dead are printed on the sides; this is possible because the monument is
75 feet wide and 120 feet tall.
Alternate Reflection Preview
The newly promoted Captain Constone is assigned to patrol the
Romulan Neutral Zone. An Ion storm during transport causes Captain Constone and his first
officer to transport to the Mirror Universe. The Klingon-Cardassian Alliance is launching
an attack on the captured space station Terok Nor. The mirror Constone begs Constone for
help, but Constone declines. The Klingons board the station and Constone is forced to
fight to save the lives of every one on Terok Nor.
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