SETI Funding and Support
We are extremely pleased to announce three recent major donations that have
arrived at this very crucial time. The
SETI Institute has provided
a very substantial grant which will cover the majority of the expenses
of the SERENDIP IV sky survey. The
Planetary Society
has provided additional funding which was used to finish up the SERENDIP IV
system, install it at the Arecibo telescope and will help with operating
costs. Sun Microsystems has
donated two of their fastest workstations to process the
huge data set that SERENDIP IV will produce. We have also received
a number of donations from private individuals which have helped with our
ongoing expenses.

Friends of the Search...
... we need your help!
Thanks to our innovative piggybacking approach
and the outstanding capabilities of the
SERENDIP instruments, SERENDIP has been able to obtain substantial amounts
of prime telescope time and ranks among the leaders in world-wide
SETI efforts.
In the course of our 17 year program, we have built a number of instruments.
Sponsorship by the Plantetary Society and the SETI Institute made possible
the installation
of our latest instrument at Arecibo and will cover much of
the operating expenses.
However, in order
to ensure its continuing success, the project still
needs donors. A group of individuals has formed "The Friends of SERENDIP"
to coordinate funding efforts.
This group is headed by science and fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke,
and founding members include SETI
noteworthies such as Frank Drake and Carl Sagan, as well as Nobel Laureate
Glenn Seaborg. All contributions to The Friends of SERENDIP
are administered by UC Berkeley.
For more information about The Friends of SERENDIP, contact

Major Sponsors of the SERENDIP Project
The Friends of SERENDIP
Equipment contributions have also been made by AWA, Austek,
Harris Semiconductors and Microtec Research.
More Information