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New Book:

The Beggar's Throne
By David Falconieri
Hi there, This one came out in May 2000. Just got it and haven't read through it yet, but I'm enjoying it so far (first fiction account I've read since R.L.S.'s "The Black Arrow" *grin*. It's quite readible and does a good job at bringing the characters to life. The book seems to cover the period from just before Wakefield to just after Tewkesbury which, of course, is my main area of interest. I don't agree with all his interpretations so far, but they are all legitimate possibilities (ie. he did his homework *grin*). So if you get tired of all the non-fiction on my book list, check this one out. :-) More when I finish reading it.

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Here are some of my photos from around and about.
Or here are some photos from Ren Faires I have known.

Would you like to hear a bit about the Wars? Click here for a Real Audio Slideshow. Spacing issues kept me from doing exactly what I wanted, but you want a very basic overview with a seriously bad recording of me (but with some pretty cool pictures), check it out.

Here are my awards. Yay! :-)

Are you looking for some Wars of the Roses books? Check here for some of my recommendations and how to get them.

The Wars of the Roses Pages...

Links to a World Gone By.

Here are some links to some places that I love. :)

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© , Copyright 1997, Erik Stultz

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