AtlanticOkay here are a few snaps. ![]() Here is a snap pic of my house on atlantic. Great place! Here is a map of where it is located! ![]() It is located right next to the town itself so it is a safe spot. As for the PKers amongst you, This is a perfect newbie spot and a lot come around so it's good for you PKers =) Also there is an AWESOME animal spawn as well as a GREAT Reagants spawn! At one point I filled up my REG bag (usually holds about 50 of each red) exclusively by picking the regs in the area! Here are some screen pics of all the cool stuff I have in my house ![]() ![]() ![]() Reagents in that blue bag are as follows : Mandrake Root : 489 Blood Moss : 578 Sulphurous Ash : 106 Ginseng : 130 Spider's Silk : 1311 Garlic : 103 Nightshade : 182 There may be a bit more scattered in the house but I am not sure hehehe ![]() NOTE : Those bags that seem empty ARE NOT! All the bags with what seems to be 1 cutlass actually are piles of 50 cutlasses! Hehehe. As for the pile of shirts, there are 100 in there (worth about 3.5k). ![]() ![]() In here there is a runeset to ALL towns (except Buc's Den) and there is also a "tailor" rune set, to all the Tailor shops in Britannis (except Buc's Den and if there actually IS one there... I'm not sure...). Also I have OVER 300 stones of Valentine's day stuff! Might actually be worth something in a little while (probably will =P) Here is a lovely screen shot of Odysius' bank account =) Lots of LOVELY stuff! ![]() As you can see the balance is of a NICE 148 193 gold coins. And you can see here that I have ANOTHER big painting in the bank, as well as 7 small portraits (add those to the 2 in the house). Admire the Black Dye Tub. They aren't as rare as they used to be but eh! Hehehe =) I also have a nice little bag with a NO DRAW item in it. It is HIGHLY rare to find those now. They used to be common but now they are rarer than most items =) Int his pic you can also see Odysius' skills. Saddly I lost my 0.1 tactics but that can be EASILY gotten back. Just kill a few skeletal knights =). Master mage, eval int and nice wrestling and meditation. Kind of low Resist but a few weeks in the Blood ele room should fix that =). ![]() Here is a pic of Midnight, my tailor mule. I haven't worked on her much but it is actually easy to get up with a bit of work in Hind Valley. I have a rune for there in the house. ![]() Here is a pic of my "top mule" =). Dietamus is a NICE char! Master Tinker (title has not cought up yet), adept Carpenter, Adept Lumberjack, Nearly adept miner and Expert Smith. =) He can make tons of stuff. ![]() Here is my sister's Char. She is Mighty good too! She has around 20-25k in bank and a few other nice things in there (tons of runes mostly). And DO look at those skills! She never could get her mind to what she wanted to do! This week she wanted to be Ranger (animal lore and tamming) and so she did. Please take note that most of those skills are low because of skill atrophy. She can easily get ANYTHING up. Especially the magery! SonomaOkay this shard I have not played as much on. I have although a few good chars. I will give only VERY brief descriptions of all my chars because well they aren't too good hehehe.![]() This is Bhaal my "main" char here. Not too good as you can see... Still he can bring in a lot of gold at terrathan fortress by provoking a lot of them to attack each other... ![]() This is Locke My treasure hunter. He isn't bad, has done about 30 or so lvl 1-3 hunts so far. Can't open chests but with a minimal investment of 20 or so k you can get it up to GM. I have about 10k-15k total gold on this account so it's not too bad. ![]() This is my "Wannabe PK" char. I was going to work on him but then I sad naaaah! I just didn't feel like it hehehe. =) ![]() This is my dear char Kitiara! She is Master Scribe! I am very proud of her! NOTE : She is currently "stuck" north of Minoc. By stuck I mean she had around 250 stones but can only carry 75 stones hehehe. This account is VERY good. I have put a lot of time and effort into it. Hope you enjoy it! Contact me! E-M@ail : ICQ : 4669097 |