Welcome...take a seat...please select a beverage! Keep your shoes off the freakin couch! Thankyou, come again!

Venkman - 04/17/00 05:58:34
My URL:You know what it is.
My Email:dckelly@deakin.edu.au
Need a massage?: yeah...lower back
Note to self: - You need to get out more ya cloistered nutball. And start reading books about horsies, fairies and flowers and shit ya dark bastard.

Autumn - 03/14/00 20:05:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/autumnryder
My Email:autumnryder@yahoo.com
Need a massage?: are you offering?
Sleep in the nude? (females only): If I'm nude I'm not sleeping!!
Kewl site!! Loved the music and graphic's. Interesting guestbook!!

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