Welcome traveler to the lands which I have laboured on for many years. Now, view the works that I have crafted and enjoy your stay.

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AD&D Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Monsters Magic Items of Magic Forgotten Realms Dragonlance Artifacts and Relics Swords Conan Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Raistlin AD&D Religions Cities Artifacts and Relics Miscellaneous Magic Items Advanced Dungeons and Dragons AD&D Magic Forgotten Realms Birthright Dragonlance Planescape Raistlin Majere Darksun AD&D Raistlin Advanced Dungeons and DragonsMonsters Magic Items of Magic Forgotten Realms Dragonlance Artifacts and Relics Swords Conan Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Raistlin AD&D Religions Cities Artifacts and Relics Miscellaneous Magic Items Advanced Dungeons and Dragons AD&D Magic Forgotten Realms Birthright Dragonlance Planescape Raistlin Majere Darksun AD&D Raistlin Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Monsters Magic Items of Magic Forgotten Realms Dragonlance Artifacts and Relics Swords Conan Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Raistlin AD&D Religions Cities Artifacts and Relics Miscellaneous Magic Items Advanced Dungeons and Dragons AD&D Magic Forgotten Realms Birthright Dragonlance Planescape Raistlin Majere Darksun AD&D Raistlin Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

AD&D and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast and TSR incorporated. The owner of this webpage is not associated with TSR in any manner, except as a buyer of their products. This campaign setting is my own creation, meant to be used in the playing of an AD&D game.