Scott's POV Art-If you have graphics turned off, now would be a good time to turn them on!!
Click here to see the 640x480 version-190kb I call this one "The Class of 98". It was very simple to make and came from my experiments learning to use POVs arrays and random functions. It's has a nice combination of symmetry and randomness.
Click here to see the 640x480 version-71kb This one was inspired by James Blish's "Cities in Flight". I used a QuickBasic program to generate the random buildings and tiered layout.
Click here to see the 640x480 version-48kb Here's my Halloween POV. BOO!!
Click here to see the 640x480 version-32kb I made the wheels on this car and then the rest just follwed. It still looks like a toy though!
Click here to see the 640x480 version-321kb My 'Contrast' picture which I never entered into the IRTC.
Click here to see the 640x480 version-171kb A spider web ala POV
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Page last updated: 1/8/04