A bit about me...

MeWell, since you beamed to this page, I might as well tell ya a little about me. I recently graduated from the United States Air Force Academy. My rank, therefore, is "2nd Lieutenant". Wow, I can't believe that I've graduated already. Yes, the Academy is a four year college, but it is also a military training facility. In fact, cadets there take between 153 and 163 credit hours for their majors, plus mandatory physical and military training. I majored in Astronautical Engineering (I guess you could call it rocket science). Military stuff permeates cadets' everyday lives there; the tourists love watching them march to breakfast and lunch every day. You can read all about the Academy by following the link below, or feel free to e-mail me to ask about it.

Now that I'm in the "real" Air Force, I have a "real" job. My full title is Advanced Satellite Control Project Engineer, but I'm not sure that those words really mean anything. I do work on the Air Force Satellite Control Network, which has to do with the bunch of satellite dishes that we have around the world. I work at Los Angeles Air Force Base, and currently live in Los Angeles, CA.

Meet my sister!

She is now a teacher and loves it. Read all about her in the link above.

Some of my interests are astronomy, Star Trek, Star Wars, nature-type hobbies, martial arts, and music of almost all sorts (except country and rap and some other pieces of junk that some call music). I love driving. One of my favorite activities is to just get in a car, put in some good music, and drive to nowhere in particular. I now own a Dodge Neon, and I just love it. It's actually an awesome car, if you can get away from the fact that it's a little wimpy looking. It has a pretty good engine, one that puts out 150 horsepower. It also has a lot of room on the inside, despite being small on the outside. My nickname at the Academy was Locke, but that's a long story that I won't go into right now. I joined a club at the Academy, and it really turned out to be great. It's a martial art called Iai Batto Jutsu, and deals with the use of the Japanese sword and learning about the Samurai way of life.

Originally I am from Chicago, IL, then I moved to a south suburb, Oak Forest, right next to ETPI. Now I live here in sunny LA. LA is a pretty cool place because there is so much to do, but I don't think I'll want to live here forever. My plans after the Air Force include being an astronaut and a Disney Imagineer, which is the title given to those people that design everything at the Disney theme parks and resorts.

A lot of people don't know it, but I'm actually quite religious. I think God is wonderful and we should all thank Him for all he has done for us. We don't have a chapel on base, and I haven't found a good church yet in the area. Consequently, I don't often go to church. Most of my worship is done privately. I'm Lutheran by upbringing, but I haven't found any good Lutheran churches around. Oh well, I'll manage.

E-mail me and tell me about yourself.

Doesn't it look cool when Venus rises?

Of course, Venus never looks like that (it's upside down) because of it's position near the sun. Check out the ASLO page I set up to learn more about cool space stuff. It has a link to the official ASLO page, which has cool pictures and informative stuff.

Also, visit the Thought Page that my friend Mike and I are developing. It's pretty cool, at least I think so.

A few summers ago I had a great opportunity through the Academy to go to an operational Air Force base for three weeks to see what life was like in the "real" Air Force. I went to Luke AFB, right next to Pheonix, AZ. It is an F-16 training base, so there were fighters everywhere. I even got to go for six rides in them! It was AWESOME!!! This is a picture that I took with a disposable camera (no kidding)! I was in an F-16D (a two-seater) that was flying alongside.


Read about the United States Air Force Academy.

Read about Los Angeles Air Force Base.

The contents of this page in no way reflect the opinions, standards, or policy of the United States Air Force. Furthermore, this site is not under the control or supervision of the United States Air Force.

CadetE-mail me at LA Air Force Base.

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Last modified: 9 November 1999