Well, since you beamed to this page, I might as well tell ya a little about me. I recently graduated from the United States Air Force Academy. My rank, therefore, is "2nd Lieutenant". Wow, I can't believe that I've graduated already. Yes, the Academy is a four year college, but it is also a military training facility. In fact, cadets there take between 153 and 163 credit hours for their majors, plus mandatory physical and military training. I majored in Astronautical Engineering (I guess you could call it rocket science). Military stuff permeates cadets' everyday lives there; the tourists love watching them march to breakfast and lunch every day. You can read all about the Academy by following the link below, or feel free to e-mail me to ask about it.
Now that I'm in the "real" Air Force, I have a "real" job. My full title is Advanced Satellite Control Project Engineer, but I'm not sure that those words really mean anything. I do work on the Air Force Satellite Control Network, which has to do with the bunch of satellite dishes that we have around the world. I work at Los Angeles Air Force Base, and currently live in Los Angeles, CA.
She is now a teacher and loves it. Read all about her in the link above.
Some of my interests are astronomy, Star Trek, Star Wars, nature-type hobbies, martial arts, and music of almost all sorts (except country and rap and some other pieces of junk that some call music). I love driving. One of my favorite activities is to just get in a car, put in some good music, and drive to nowhere in particular. I now own a Dodge Neon, and I just love it. It's actually an awesome car, if you can get away from the fact that it's a little wimpy looking. It has a pretty good engine, one that puts out 150 horsepower. It also has a lot of room on the inside, despite being small on the outside. My nickname at the Academy was Locke, but that's a long story that I won't go into right now. I joined a club at the Academy, and it really turned out to be great. It's a martial art called Iai Batto Jutsu, and deals with the use of the Japanese sword and learning about the Samurai way of life.
Originally I am from Chicago, IL, then I moved to a south suburb, Oak Forest, right next to ETPI. Now I live here in sunny LA. LA is a pretty cool place because there is so much to do, but I don't think I'll want to live here forever. My plans after the Air Force include being an astronaut and a Disney Imagineer, which is the title given to those people that design everything at the Disney theme parks and resorts.
A lot of people don't know it, but I'm actually quite religious. I think God is wonderful and we should all thank Him for all he has done for us. We don't have a chapel on base, and I haven't found a good church yet in the area. Consequently, I don't often go to church. Most of my worship is done privately. I'm Lutheran by upbringing, but I haven't found any good Lutheran churches around. Oh well, I'll manage.
E-mail me and tell me about yourself.
Of course, Venus never looks like that (it's upside down) because of it's position near the sun. Check out the ASLO page I set up to learn more about cool space stuff. It has a link to the official ASLO page, which has cool pictures and informative stuff.
Also, visit the Thought Page that my friend Mike and I are developing. It's pretty cool, at least I think so.
A few summers ago I had a great opportunity through the Academy to go to an operational Air Force base for three weeks to see what life was like in the "real" Air Force. I went to Luke AFB, right next to Pheonix, AZ. It is an F-16 training base, so there were fighters everywhere. I even got to go for six rides in them! It was AWESOME!!! This is a picture that I took with a disposable camera (no kidding)! I was in an F-16D (a two-seater) that was flying alongside.
Read about the United States Air Force Academy.
Read about Los Angeles Air Force Base.
E-mail me at LA Air Force Base.