My Works
Daughter of the Morning | |
Unknown Affection | |
Sleepless Nights | |
What's Wrong? | |
Solitude |
A Night's Journey | |
Death, My Lady | |
The Vampire | |
A Specter's Tale
| Madness | |
Silken Leash | |
Tantalus | |

- Daughter of the Morning
Blessed be the day
my love was born
My love drew first breath,
on a bright summer's morn
Blessed be the stars
that shined in her eyes
But cursed be time
who told me life's lie
Cursed is the sickness
she contracted one day
And cursed is the illness
that drew her away
Cursed be that fate
that withered her form
Her candle snuffed out
on a cold winters morn
- Unknown Affection
Soft currents of air,
Like angelic breath sweet.
Set adrift strands of her hair.
Alas for glimpses found all to fleet.
I'd welcome death for but one kiss.
Oh sweet agony, oh terrible bliss!
Her smile mends a ruined soul.
Bitter indeed is a lover's toll.
So from afar I would behold,
Green eyes sparkling, emerald glow.
Unknown to my love it seems,
I recall her face within my dreams.
- Sleepless Nights
I lay awake at three A.M.
Listening as my vision dims,
and I think of times long past.
My life is a play with an endless cast.
What can you say?
Teach me to learn.
Show me the way.
Now it's my turn.
The sun is rising from the other side
Kept awake by visions, emotions come in tides
I may seem lost, but you just can't see my light.
So here's an ode to my sleepless nights
- What's Wrong?
Floating through places,
can't remember the faces.
Time is flowing around me,
locked in a cage with no key
Has the world lost it's mind?
Do you realy think it's all fine?
Oh yeah technolgy's great.
Learned how to kill and to hate.
The world's turned around,
and we're spiralling down.
Struggles for power,
closed off, a political bower.
You all name me insane,
'cause I won't play your game.
Things have grown blurred,
but somewhere my message is heard.
- Solitude
Moonlight falls upon my face,
silver threads of sorrowed days.
Do I belong to any place?
Or will I wander lonely ways?
The stars above in loneliness delight.
They revel in their lonely life.
Yet so numerous they seem in twighlight!
Night's emptiness cuts like a knife.
An empty wind blows o'er the plain,
It surely sings a sadly song.
Reminds me of this blissful pain.
Why do short days seem so long?
I am known, yet who am I?
Why am I so estranged?
In the soul-deep mirror of the eye,
By chains of freedom am I constrained.
Have I been by myself exiled?
There must be others alike in thought.
Surely the Night can't be that reviled,
There are some who's passion can't be bought.
So I sing in silence wrapped by silken folds.
And if I sing who will hear?
Beauty wrought for none to hold.
And when I pass who'll shed a tear?
- A Night's Journey
Walking down a dusty path,
while the moon gleamed bright in spirit's wrath
and there I stopped on the forest trail.
For lark, I heard the banshee wail
In vain I tried but to dismiss,
to some wolf call, not faery hiss
But as the moon rose in the sky,
for the second time I heard death cry
Then I saw her pale and drawn
in the pinkish light of morning's dawn
And then the cry rang so much like bells
'twas my doom it did fortell
Though I ran still I was late,
Who can best Death's sure gait
And as the sun rose in the sky,
the light of life flew from my eyes
So now I roam beyond life's gate
and lament upon a twist of fate,
that led me down a country road
and forever on, to the soul's abode
- Death, My Lady
I bask alone in pale moon beams.
Yet there She stands at my side.
And though I walk alone it seems,
She matches stride for stride.
Her eyes, eternaly dark.
Her kisses, velvet soft.
Leper's skin, white and stark.
On blackened wings She's borne aloft.
Carrion birds may her attend.
I court Her often, my ghostly lass
But my heart She's loathe to rend.
So for now I elude Her grasp.
Her palace built from mortal's bones.
When afterlife and this world merge,
The tombstone is Her ghastly throne.
Her wedding song is a funeral dirge.
She comes for men who's beards are hoary,
She comes for men of but few years.
And with Charon they make the journey.
They leave the living behind in tears.
Still I hear the mourners weep.
How they long for her embrace.
She visits them within their sleep.
And in their dreams they see Her face.
So from Her I hear but naught.
She's yet to sound Her sirine call.
That causes youth to lie and rott.
And makes both king and peasant fall.
Thus we pass beyond this life.
Souls streak skywad like a dove.
As we leave all mortal strife.
To be with Death, man's Lady Love.
- The Vampire
Night softly ovetakes the day
While the Sun falls down
A coffin lowered into the grave
Then the silver eye of the moon
Appears from the world's edge
And I rise, a shadow, a pale image
A Fallen Angel
Proweling like the beast I am
Searching for the heart within
The infinite possibilities of reality
I notice her, walking, alone
A fair haired girl, full of life
The fever burns in my eyes
Full of life, wedded to death
I am Death
I slip silently behind her
She stops, she senses me
Sadly it is too late for her
I embrace her, she sags against me
Leans against me like a lover
My teeth pierce the flesh of her neck
Razors on silk
- A Specter's Tale
Part I, The Wizard
In chambers dusty, dark and dank.
Filled with relics from days of yore.
Sits the Wizard presiding now,
Over volumes of some ancient lore
Suddenly he chants his words,
And waves his eldritch stave.
He summons forth a spectral wraith,
From netherworlds beyond the grave.
The spirit shreiked, the spirit moaned,
And screamed a ghostly wail.
"Cease," says the Wizard,
"I command thee wraith, tell me all thy tale.
Speak ghost, and tell me of beyond.
Tell me shade, of the other side.
Tell me death's secrets!" shouts the Wizard.
Spells of power he then cried.
Now the specter stops his shreike,
And talks with ghostly voice.
Compelled by the Wizard's words,
The Specter speaks and has no choice.
The Specter speaks, " Very well," says he.
"My story's strange, my doom is sad and fell."
The wraith he spoke with empty tone.
Thus he began, to recite his tale full well.
Part II, The Forest
"While I was a living man,
In days and years gone by.
In time now gone away,
A gypsy wanderer was I.
And walking through some lonely wood,
On a starry and dark night.
And such a wondrous night it was,
That I had never seen it's like.
So far I walked into that wood.
As if pulled by magic threads.
That it seems I found myself,
Where man had yet to tread.
For the path was all a tangle,
Covered by brambles and thorns.
They tore at skin and clothes,
Like some tiny deamon's horns.
Suddenly I tripped and fell.
I couldn't stop, oh how I tried!
I tumbled down a deep ravine,
And that was how I died.
But still my shade, it up and rose,
To journey on it's mournful way.
Past this world and to the next.
To life beyond my dying day.
Part III, The Vision
But what a hellish trip it was.
For by the moon's gossamer seems,
I saw such awful sights to see,
From mankind's darkest dreams.
All around me dead men walked.
The truth was in their eyes.
And I wept for I beheld,
That they had more life than I.
I saw the ghosts of lowly wretches,
The shades of Scholars, Kings and Popes.
They pulled behind on tarnished chains,
All their power, wealth and hopes.
Anon, the forest grew strange indeed.
The trees took on daemoniac form.
Through their limbs I saw the dead.
That all walked on alone, forlorn.
And seeing all this ghastly mass,
The very moon did shed a tear.
That tear was red, as red as blood.
It fillled me with a dreadful fear.
Then too the trees began to weep,
They all were weeping blood.
As if to wash away the dead,
As God had cleansed the Earth with flood.
But still the dead did stumble on.
And I was with that gruesome throng.
No Poet came to be my guide
No Hermit came to shrieve my wrongs
When suddenly the dead drew back,
And sank into the ground.
The sound of battle rose from ahead.
The clash of arms was all around.
Faster, faster then I went with haste,
To find the source of the battle din.
I came upon some sylvan grove,
Summoned my courage, and entered in.
Part IV, The Battle
In that grove I stood amazed.
And could do naught but stare.
I saw a battle being fought,
Tween vile deamons and angels fair.
The angels fought with gleaming swords.
Among that host there was a score.
The deamons fought with tooth and nail.
Of that host were as many or more.
Alas, the Seraph host was overmatched.
The deamons slew them were they stood.
Flames and smoke lept from the earth,
To consume all that they could.
But the angelic fighters rallied.
And beat the foul fiends back.
Trumpets sounded a battle cry,
That lead them to attack.
At first I could not gues,
Over what it was they fought.
Then I percieved what both sides craved.
It was my soul they sought.
Back and forth the battle raged.
And my fate was in their hands.
But neither side could gain my soul.
I was cursed to roam the land.
Because the deamons and the angels,
All around they both lay dead.
Heaven nor Hell could claim my soul.
So I wander the earth instead.
Part V, The Release
Now I've finished with my story,
That horrific tale of awful woe.
Now you see there are no answers
To the things you wished to know.
So release me to my rest.
I beg you now to let me be."
Thus the Wizard recants his spells.
And thus the Specter is set free.
- Madness
Surreal, I drift
Not knowing how to feel
A new understanding
Leads me to the pinacle
Disenchanted, I laugh
Laughed while they ranted
Those voices in my mind
Telling me what's what
Faded, I rave
Dead to passion and jaded
My soul is scattered
And through the pain I smile
Secluded, I weep
And mock their conclusions
I'm exposed and empty
As the madness take me...
- Silken Leash
abused and confused
alone it's too cold
i slip
and can't keep my hold
rejected and dejected
been washed down the drain
i'm crying
your pleasure is my pain
dazed and crazed
you can kill me again
i'm ready
how'd this all begin?
writhing and dying
a pawn in your game
dissembling again
suddenly it sounds so lame
jilted and wilted
but i just can't leave
i'm caught
in the tangled web you weave
- Tantalus
Their dragging me under
I'm losing my wonder
To the weights of society
Futile attempts at sobriety
I'm forever reaching
For hopes that lay bleaching
Dissolved by the Sun
Guilt weighed by the ton
I can't help but feel trapped
As my despair holds me rapt
I'm locked in this cell
That is made from my thoughts
My dreams are witheld
I chose my own lot
So I'm alone as I cry
The well has gone dry
The fruits are now rotten
But I don't feel the loss
Because my sins have begotten
My own Albatross
This hunger inside me
Is feed my rage
The weights keep on dragging me
Frustrated age after age
- Bleeding
I hope you're alright
You smile, malice concealed
Ripped open that night
My feelings were revealed
Nothing to it, is there?
But it's for the best
Something, how'd it happen?
Just like all the rest
So what do you think?
It's really all the same
Check mate, my Dear
Because it's all a game
Can you tell I'm screaming?
Or are you that deaf?
Unconscious and reeling
Now what am I to do?
And I'm still screaming
I can still see that smile
Hollow footsteps fading
I'm left alone to bleed awhile
Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 Travis Webb
The author is a member of
Flee back to mommy