Mysteries of the Dark hide 
themselves for the searching to find.
Does the Walker choose the path, or the path the Walker?
Can one believe all that they see or hear without question? I think not. Life was made to be questioned and challenged at every turn and twist, until suddenly, the deep kept secrests reveal themselves.
Come in, sit down by the fire and warm yourself. I see that you are a little frightened. Does the howling of the wolves scare you, or do you feel the eyes watching every move you make? Let us talk, child as you get warmed. Do you believe in ghost, in vampires, fairies and things that go bump in the night? Do you believe in werewolves, witches, and the monster under your bed? You don't, well, after tonight, you will, my child, you will.
First, Let me introduce myself. My name is Sabriel Williams and I am a 21 year old student in Murray,Kentucky, the home of the infamous vampire cult. This town is full of mysterious things, and I know that you should never underestimate the dark. Here is a picture of me, modeling in the twilight

I know that I'm not the best looking gypsy girl in the world, but hey, you use what you have. I have my faith grounded in the beliefs of the wandering Rom, the mystical gypsies who have helped to keep the majic of the world alive.
My friends and I have always been the believers in the majic of the night, the mysteries of the shadows. I think that the chance to be yourself should be available for everyone, no matter what.
Anyways, on with your lessons on the night and it's hidden mysteries.
My thoughts on things
My dear friens
My writing
Gothic Domain
The webs I'm twisted in
© 1997 
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