Tales of the Evil Bunny
Welcome to a page that is just all about me. If you're not interested turn off now. 

But if you are interested... here we go.
That's me up above as you may have already guessed.
I'm married to a very wonderful artist and erstwhile improviser who makes me coffee and hassles me about staying up all night.
I also share my flat with a cute and demanding tonkinese cat called Cappuccino.
I've been around for 31 years now. eeek! ... Definitely achieved Crusty Crumblie Old Hag status now.
Not so much the Belle Dame as the Beldame. Gets a bit worrying when you are a wavering aetheist, possibly pagan,
as I am.
However, in typical style I'm quite willing to believe in other not so aetheistic things such as ghosts,
magic and the possiblility of eternal life ... I just don't feel like dying to do it. ;)
I'm also intrigued by Angels and Demons.
I guess that makes me somewhat of a hypocrite or perhaps I just enjoy a bit of paradox in my life.
Oh well, in the words of Calvin (the comic not the philosopher):
`What if we die and it turns out God is a big chicken?? What then?! .... Eternal Consequences, That's What!'
And on that note I'm also a vegetarian. Just hedging my bets. =)
I'm just starting to worry that if god exists (which I don't of course believe) he/she/it might turn out to be a Big Carrot...
and then I guess I'm in for it. =0
So now... what do I do? Well, I've studied various forms of animation from Stop Motion
to traditional 2D to Flash and 3Dstudio Max and now I'm back at uni studying asian culture and languages.
I spend far too many hours attached to a computer, avoiding work, and sleeping.
I used to pay the bills by working as a Medical Receptionist ... very, very dull,
especially considering I loathe children, now my loathing has grown far too strong
for the Medical Reception as well and I avoid it like the plague.
I have also very quickly grown to loathe the Pathology Results Call Centre I like to
call QMHell. Ah well, that is all but a distant dream now...
And I'm on to wishing for work again.
I paint, not so often as I should, you can see some old work in the gallery .
Or visit my not so brand new shiny site.
I try to leave reality whenever I can. I play a lot of console games, mostly old PS (No One Can Stop Mr Domino, Chocobo Racing...)
PS2 (Dance-Mat, Eye-Toy, DOA2, Kingdom Hearts...) and Gamecube (Pikmin, Super Smash Bros Melee, Super Mario Karts...)
as well as a little Gameboy (Ham Ham Heartbreak, Pokemon Saphire, Kuru Kuru Kururin) and very little X-Box (DOA3).
When I can scrape together the moola I participate in the joys of shooting people with laser guns and paint guns .
When there's no moola I very rarely rollerblade or just sit at home relentlessy creating origami instead.
I roleplay from time to time (less and less frequently) ~ Vampire, AD&D, Paranoia, In Nomine ~
and if I can ever find anyone to join in play odd card games like Groo, Gimme the Brain and Falling.
All of the above seem to be increasingly less of late.
I read comics, but unfortunately all of my favourite comics (Groo, Sandman, Hellblazer with Jamie Delano)
have a nasty habit of ending or changing writers so I've been feeling rather comic starved for a while.
At least there's always manga. I'm very keen on manga and anime.
Well for now...
That's me in a coconut shell.
Write to me if if you like at bunnitos@hotmail.com

The Tales of the Land of Force
The Chronicles of George
Neil Gaiman's Coraline
Eric Conveys an emotion
I am better than your kids
Hello Kitty has No Mouth
Talk like a Pirate Day
Michael Moore

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