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This site, we hope it will become a real  part of the solutions you are looking for in the Internet. The content of this site will be focused on highlighting the news and events of the best Solution Providers.

medAssist is a relaible and scalable mobile patient tracking solution for MDs to use in Pocket PC 2002 and Pocket PC.

Customizable treatment types, treatment zone, prescription items and anamnesis according to physician's speciality

Patient tracking on diagnosis basis

Receivables management

Appointment management and sychronization                   



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IVR Solutions


Retrieve the data with the dial pad....
IVR Solutions
Fax on Demand; Documents like, Product Cataloques, Price Quotes, Cetain Forms are faxed to the number dialed by the user. 
Automated Surveying and Telemarketing, Downloaded phonenumbers dialed Survey questions readed  to the surveyee. Surveyee answers questionaire by using dial pad.  Results are recorded to the database.
Product info and partner navigation lines 0-800  or standard phone lines, system reads the product/service info the customer. Customer can get the sales or service points contact info by using dial pad.
Custom solutions, covers the projects demanding 5-250 channels, i TTS and database integration.

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Senheiser PX100 and PX200 to carry on music with you whereever you are, and you will be addicted to this one in a short time.Useful for Walkman....more