The Shadow Falls Clan - Welcome to our home!


Updated 12 August '99! Added Nathan's bio page. All of the member bio pages and a page to show how you can join.


Updated 29 January 2001!Where all of the clannies' stories are archived. Submissions from anyone are welcome.


Lots of pictures by our very talented members. Mostly fantasy oriented, but there is a wide variety.


Updated 6 June '99! What's new in the clan.

Web Update

Updated 27 January 2001! Updates, additions, repairs and other stuff related to this site.


Updated 4 November 2000! A listing of the Web resource sites used to make this Web, clannies' pages and other clan pages.

Comment Room

Feel like saying hi or leaving a message for someone?

Guest Book

Place for comments about the site, or for the same use as the Comment Room.

Submission Guidelines

Updated 18 August 2000 Submissions are welcome, so send stuff today! Very important--Port's e-mail address has changed--if you want to submit work to her for publication here, please take note. Address is on the Submission Guidelines page. Thanks!


Contrary to popular belief...

Woohoo! Over 2000 hits! You guys are great!


Everybody at once now: "Get your free homepage and e-mail!" ;)