AF-7 Homepage AF-7's Personal Experience: Sightings

June 1974

September 1976

Summer 1977

Spring 1978

March 1980

August 1985

September 1985

October 1985

February 1986

March 1986

February 1988

October 1988

November 1988

February 1989

April 1997

26 June 1997

3 July 1997

8 July 1997

10 July 1997

15 July 1997

16 July 1997

18 July 1997

5 August 1997

12 August 1997

14 September 1997

15 September 1997

23 September 1997

24 September 1997

26 September 1997

1 October 1997

14 November 1997

20 November 1997

21 November 1997

7 December 1997

14 December 1997

15 December 1997

23 January 1998

29 January 1998

10 February 1998

28 March 1998

3 April 1998

23 April 1998

29 May 1998

4 June 1998

21 August 1998

June 1974 - Fort Devens, Massachusetts

Active duty military, U.S. Army. I was watching TV with my 2 roommates. The movie 'Ice Station Zebra' was on a major network. It was a 2 hr movie. I left in the middle, and went for a walk (about 2200hrs). I walked from the Barracks to the football field in front of USATC&S Building. The Officer's Quarters were behind me, the flagpole was to my left, and I was facing the church at the other end of the field. It was a cool, clear night. I saw a big white light coming towards the church. As it got closer, I noticed that it wasn't just a light. It came closer still and I saw it was an oval shaped silver-metallic object with six individual lights on the bottom rotating. I heard a slight humming sound, similar to noise that bees make. As it got closer, I noticed 3 occupants in the clear top section. They had on jumpsuits with a semi-circle red emblem on it. I was able to see equipment behind them. They hovered over the flagpole. I felt surprised, but didn't move. The next thing I knew I woke up to my alarm set for 0600, got dressed in my uniform and went to work. I think this happened on a Wednesday night. I left for the weekend on Friday night and returned on Sunday. When I returned my 2 roommates told me that 2 Men-In-Black had come looking for me on Saturday. They had shown them official identification. They asked them: "What did she see?" "Who did she tell it to?" "Does she have any proof?" "Where can we find her?" This gave me goosebumps all over when they told me. I had to go to the public library to find out what MIB was. I felt fear when I found out.

September 1976 - Orange County, California

My friends (2 Army buddies, 1 Marine, 1 Navy), and I were at the beach and saw an orange ball of light over the ocean.

Summer 1977 - Goodfellow Air Force Base, San Angelo, Texas

I was stationed here for Voice Intercept Operator Training, German Language. All services were here: Marine, Army, Navy, Air Force. It was a weekend and I saw two sets of 5 saucer shaped UFOs flying over the flightline. It was a warm, clear night. The first set I reported to the Air Police, bad idea. They wondered what I had been smoking, drinking etc. I don't smoke and I wasn't drinking. I did find out that we have nothing military or civilian in the area at that time.

Spring 1978 - West Berlin Germany

At Templehof Airport, a huge UFO was sighted by the local German population, I was in the city.

March 1980 - Alexandria, Virginia

I saw a saucer shaped UFO. I was inside and they seemed familiar to me. Their writing looked like the Egyptian hieroglyphics. The city that was shown to me was beautiful, the structure, colors, sheer simplicity was astounding. In the morning, I felt really tired.

August 1985 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I saw another universe and cities floating in the sky (earth, lakes and everything). The cities had some kind of stasis field and the land below was unspoiled. It was beautiful. I was awake and had closed my eyes briefly when I saw this. I felt drained of energy when I opened my eyes.

September 1985 - Tysons Corner, Virginia

I was awake and closed my eyes briefly and found myself in a spaceship. Inside were people from other worlds. We were in the control room looking at the ship's viewscreens and we were being pulled into a bright white star (a nova?) and then I found myself on a planet looking at mountains (that were jagged and bare, and thinking how desolate this place is.) I left there and found myself back in the office. I felt light-headed and noticed a tingling sensation all over my body.

October 1985 - Tysons Corner, Virginia

I was in a spaceship and suddenly found myself on a planet studying an obelisk, the size and shape of the Washington monument. I then found myself in a room of stark white and felt a pulling sensation along my spine. I opened my eyes then and it took me 8 minutes to get feeling back in my hands. I still felt lightweight and very much at ease. This happened at work.

I was in a spaceship again and so was a man named Jack. (Note: I don't know any one named Jack) While we were talking I felt myself loose my sense of my surroundings and saw a spiral star system. This didn't last long and I was back in the sitting room with a microdot on my forehead. Jack was there and said: "They didn't expect you to pick up on it so soon. Yes, you have been with me all that time, even though you felt that you had not. The microdot listed all your vital signs and the level of your alpha waves. You should rest now." The next thing I knew I was back in my office and feeling totally relaxed.

February 1986 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I was in a sitting room in a spaceship. The next thing I knew I drifted to a mountainous region with a huge lake, from there I flew over this region and found myself underwater at a city beneath the sea (domelike) and then shifted. I was on a world much like ours but with a red sun. I stayed there for a while walking and meditating. I then found myself back in the white light in the sitting room. I opened my eyes at the office.

March 1986 - Fort Belvoir,Virginia

I was in the movie theater after closing, helping a friend. I felt as if I was being lifted to the sky in a blue/white light and found myself in/on a satellite/space station. Looked at the viewscreen saw the Planet Earth, we were over the Americas (North America, Central America, etc.) then the Asian continent came up. The water was a clear crystal blue. I looked at the equipment/surroundings then and Latitude 62 degrees N, Longitude 130 degrees E came on the screen. I felt myself drawn back to Earth and met a SGT Timothy L. Hammond, U.S. Marine Corp, 19 yrs old, brown eyes, sandy blond hair, service number 245-___-___. The friend I was helping came in the theater and said it was time to go. I felt as if I had actually been somewhere. NOTE: Location of coordinates: Siberia, near Yakutsk.

The Service Number: East Coast, USA. I don't know if the name is real or not.

February 1988 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I was in a room again in a spaceship. I found myself as part of an exploration team. Everyone wore flight jumpsuits. I was the pilot. We were getting a briefing at one of our space stations in the Andromeda star system. Our crew was made of various alien (humanoid) races. Everyone had a translating button in their ears or equivalents. It was then that I was informed that the trip would start in two weeks. We'd be gone for four light years. The space station had all the comforts of Earth. There were gardens, farms, living and working areas, space docks and repair sections and commercial areas (food, souvenirs from off worlds, clothing, etc.). I met Wong and we spent a lot of time together. We were to meet when we returned. There was a rigid security check before we departed. All passes were shown in order to get near the ship to board it. This was one of 'our' newest. It would utilize the warps in space and tiem to travel the voids of outer space in as short a time as possible. I opened my eyes in my house, feeling energetic.

October 1988 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Everyone else was in bed upstairs. I heard a noise and went to the basement. There was a man in a silver jumpsuit ad he was still glowing. He told me not to be afraid and was talking to Lady, my german shepherd. He told met that he would be here for a little while, and that I should go about my normal business. I remembered doing the laundry in a haze, and then went upstairs to read. I don't know how much time passed but I think I fell asleep in the living room.

November 1988 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I was awake and looking out the front door (early morning). I saw meteors? One started making erratic maneuvers, then I saw a purple ball of light coming toward me. I kept saying mentally 'take me with you' and suddenly found myself inside as it floated around the neighborhood. It let go and I held it in my hands, where it change shape. Another one came, it was brown. I got dressed. Husband went to work.

February 1989 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I had been looking out the window and commented to my husband about some of the strange formations in the night sky. There were some pyramid shapes and they were small pointing in different directions in the sky. NOTE: He doesn't remember this.

April 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Found a bump on the bridge of my nose. My right nostril was bleeding. Family and friends thought that I had broken my nose. I thought about going to the doctor but never did. (Possible implant?)

26 June 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Felt real tired, not rested at all when I woke up and drew a picture of a 'particle collector for an alien propulsion system'. Felt I had actually seen one.

3 July 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Felt tired again and not rested, when I woke up and drew "alien medical equipment". Show pictures to some people on the internet and they said that they had seen some of those before. It surprised me.

8 July 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Woke up and drew "alien symbols" and three different space ships, top and side views. Memories of an experience?

10 July 1997 - Woodbridge, Virignia

Remembered details of a planet with 3 moons. Beach, desert-like, no problems breathing, warm but not hot, clean sand untouched. Lake there right before mountain range, water is purplish in color, low lying haze or fog on water near mountain. Crystalline City to the North. Council of 7 can be found in a BIG room (no sense of walls, ceilings, etc with a Table and Seats for 7) inside an area in the city. 8 Light years away, 'school with the Robed Man'.

15 July 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Remembered details about the desert planet and got questions answered pertaining to the propulsion system I drew:

1. Do They Channel Light Through It?


2. How is the energy focused?

Light energy gathered through collectors, then focused to system propulsion systems. They harness the light somehow--also use it for anti-gravity.

3. How do you travel in ships?

Once here utilize electromagnetic waves of your planet. Ships built solely for use on this planet. Larger ships travel further, utilize different means of propulsion, depending on distance traveled. Pass through glicks in the continuum by bending light and time.

4. How do you use light?

Light in many forms can be used in many different ways: nutrition, healing tissue, travel, dissemble molecules/pass through (as) light reassembles. Light as a means of self-propulsion. Travel by means of light fusion. Able to travel great distances using this power. Transformation of light energy to light fuel, efficient and powerful. Harnessed this energy and magnified it to transport us in/out travels through the universe. Brought individuals on board and out of craft by spectral transport. Your essence was blended with the light beam. It is one method of matter transference. The light particle which is recorded into the transporter memory. Matter is then reconstructed at the desired site of appearance. Light penetration or matter causes matter to become light which can be controlled and directed to the chosen are of reintegration.

16 July 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Woke up extremely tired, felt like I wasn't all here and drew possible 'propulsion schematic.' Was taken to 'the school'. I was in the waiting room with the children. Seen talking to a hybrid, earth years approximately 11 years old, only 4 feet tall. Had a strong feeling it was my child. Remembered having ears ring, sleep feeling, anxious feeling, smelled a match burning where there was none, last night. Then woke up feeling tired.

18 July 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Remembered seeing a bright green light, walking down hexagon shaped corridors. Playing mind games: telekinesis with various objects in an open gray area. There was a toy that looked like a dog bone with appendages on each end. A pyramid that lifted with thought. Another looked like a conga drum with knobs at the top that spun when lifted by the mind. A five pointed star with little lights on each point and got brighter the higher it went in the air. A tear-drop style with a light in the center that glowed brightly the higher it went up. A four-pointed star that was open in the center and once up separated into four triangles. These 'mind toys' were to test and strengthen telekinesis.

5 August 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Went to bed early, about midnight. I woke up at 0121 to let my dog out and felt half-awake. I then opened my eyes 0800 for a little and went back to sleep and didn't get up until 1034. When I had closed my eyes at midnight, I saw a bright blue light surrounding me. I remember walking with six humanoids through a 'stone archway.' I woke up this morning with a little pain in the back of my neck and lower back. The pain went away quickly, but I felt real stiff and extremely tired. The six humanoids were pale pink skinned, with the deep penetrating eyes and had on gray jumpsuits. It was as if I was being escorted (surrounded by them on the walk). If I hold my hands out they shake. My eyes were sensitive to sunlight. At 1630 hrs I got a real bad headache and had to lay down. At 1730 hrs I opened my eyes and remembered a human-sized tube, felt like I was in that tube. Possible time distortion, system cleansing, and a council visit?

12 August 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I saw 3 separate view on the view screen on board a ship. I was able to work various controls on the console/control panel. I felt this was for real and not a dream.

14 September 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I woke up and drew a picture of a mountain plateau with a Stargate on it with ten 'signal beacons.' I felt like this really was there, just not sure if the humanoids with me had taken me through this Stargate or just looking at it.

15 September 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I saw a tuning fork type piece of equipment. Seen on the ceiling of the ship. The white lights pulsed--the more you looked at it, as if to match your heart beat.

23 September 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Woke up with a lump on the back of my neck on the left side. Had my husband feel it 1900 hrs and he found it. Talked to a friend on the internet and she said the lump was indicative of EBE spinal fluid removal and a possible ride in the early morning hours. Instinct--strongly think she was right.

24 September 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Was listening to a humming sound and saw a gray's face, a pyramid receiving/transmitting energy fields, and a global map of Earth with landing sites. Was wide awake, energetic when this happened and alone in the computer room.

26 September 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I was chatting in MIRC when two friends said to go outside to look at a Zeta Mothership. I couldn't find the Big Dipper or Orion's Belt. I did see a ship just below to the left of the Little Dipper. It was yellow with an orange tinge. I saw it through binoculars. Came back on the net and they confirmed my sighting (one lives in AK, and the other was in PA).

1 October 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

It was 2335 hrs, the family was asleep. I was in the basement. I saw an EBE with fluorescent green eyes. He was 4'5" tall, hands were wrinkly like a mummy's, baby soft to touch, felt cold, impressions: felt as if he was the 'Leader' not researcher like others, powerful. I remember crying when I had to leave him, felt tears flowing down my cheeks. There was a red geometric square within a square emblem embroidered on his skin-tight black jumpsuit. The skin tone was flesh colored but pale. His eyes were almond shaped, but fluorescent green. His face showed emotion, his mouth was lipless and thin but it looked almost normal, his nose was small (human standard), and his head was slightly oversized, not too bad though. I know this was no dream. I touched him.

14 November 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Was chatting on the internet with a total stranger when she told me: "In you I see glaring eyes starring back at me. Dark greenish black, only saw eyes through you." (I asked her if she had any abduction memories.) She replied: "No memory...just feel the power in your contact. You've much to learn yet but are not ready to take on all they've shown you, or to hide it totally. So it was erased...grey walls, lights inside, black suit can't see face...humanoid. Laser...scanning table, metal alloy, weird to touch. These I see now in my mind from you. Voices...a soft male. Hear something soothing...not sure what though." The strange thing was I saw this very clearly and instinctually felt that she was not lying.

20 November 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

It was 2200 hrs and I felt an energy shift (second time it's happened)--like the opening of a door; then I felt a swirl pattern of energy on my right temple. I was wide awake. Received the message: 'your purpose is known to you and will not be revealed to others. We are preparing you for the event which is to come. Said event is 5 years from now. You will be needed by us and humans that have been gone for a long time." I was wide awake when this happened. Talked to another friend about what I just found out and she said: "I think something special will happen and you are part of the core." We live on different ends of the USA and have never met physically.

21 November 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Found a bruise on my right arm on the inside. Strong feeling that I had been visited. Not the normal ones I go with--these were the militant ones, the three fingered ones who keep order. Fought them because I was scared. Possibly new implant--left temple area, above left corner of the eyebrow. It was placed up in the brain through the nose.

7 December 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I felt as if I had another trip onboard. I was actually standing in a corridor looking down on 3 other corridors. The same 3 grays that usually come for me, since 1974, were with me. We went down the center corridor. I saw a new symbol. The symbol exuded power and I felt as if I could loose myself in it. This was not a dream, I could feel the texture of the corridor. I woke up at 0730 hrs and started drawing what I had seen, energy levels were really low.

14 December 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I was chatting on the Internet when a friend came on and said he was dizzy. I asked him if he had a 'visitor' (EBE) with him. Shortly after he left, due to the fact that he got dizzier. I then got dizzy. I then talke to another friend in the chat room for a little bit, but I got dizzier and signed off real quick. Husband was already upstairs and asleep. The kids were in the basement in their bunk beds, asleep too. I shut down the computer and turned off the light switch. I got an electrical shock (never had that happen before) and simultaneously heard a very loud 'twerp' sound. Normally when I shut off the computer, I go upstairs to bed. This time I went downstairs with my clipboard and a candle. I set the pillows up to lounge on the sleeper/sofa and concentrate on the candle. It didn't take last too long, the room started spinning, so I closed my eyes. I saw a bright green light (seen this many times before usually before my 3 grays come to visit) and found myself on board another ship. This time I saw a Reptilian. He had a scar on his neck, a red little finger/claw on his right hand, and 3 knobs on his head (side view). The green scales were soft to touch, thee was a sickeningly sweet odor. He wore a purple jumpsuit, brown belt with yellow diamonds, brown boots. He was standing in front of a communication console. Also saw in a different area, a human (?) wearing a blue T-shirt, dark pants thin whispy blond hair (balding look), older looking at cheekbones/chin and strange blue eyes. He was approximately 7 feet tall. This was not a dream! I opened my eyes at 0142 and still felt dizzy. I closed them again and reopened them at 0700. Still feeling dizzy but this time disoriented (as if I didn't know where I was). I actually felt like I had been somewhere but that disorientation was strange. It took most of the day to shake it. I've never had a visitation with any type of dizziness before. It was definitely strange. (NOTE: I have been healthy for over a year now--no colds, sinus problems, back problems, nothing.)

15 December 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Early afternoon---remembered more of what happened in the late night/early hours. When I first saw the Reptilian he was looking at me, then I saw him turn his head towards what I called a communication device, that's how I noticed the 3 knobs on his head and the scar on his neck. Kind of like where horns would have been. He must have been listening because I saw his eyes look at that console and there was a slight twitch of his head. The room was huge, elementary school cafeteria size. The console was to my right, about the middle of the room. I could make out the shape of the console and saw the appendage protruding at the base. Also in the room---power consoles, what looked like a flight panel. The Reptilian has give fingers, scaled with claws protruding. I remember touching the scales, felt the body temperature, not warm like us. Yet the scales felt really soft. He made deep gutteral sounds(almost like clearing your throat). He had no eyebrows, eyelids, the pupils were oval. The eyes were red with black centers. The centers were up and down (vertical) and tended to expand some when he looked at you, as if he was looking deep into your soul. Thw sweet smell was overpowering, made my stomach flip. Thought I was going to barf---fermented flowers? Remember too that I had seen 3 different species on board, grays, the Reptilian, and what some call a Nordic. Unusual!! I do remember feeling safe and at ease in his presence, even a feeling of love coming from him.

23 January 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Heard my husband calling my name, I was trying to fix lunch for my son. I went upstairs and asked him what he wanted. He said that he didn't call me. I heard my first name clearly and distinctly in his voice. Strange! Later that night at 2043 hrs I heard someone move behind me, turned to look and no one was there, my dog was on the sofa in the living room. At 2044 hrs I heard someone behind me again but no one was there. The family was in the basement at the time. EBE's checking?

29 January 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I was on the Internet talking to two friends when I felt a tugging on my left ankle from 0100-0300. No one was in the room with me, the family was asleep upstairs and the basement. The dog was in the living room. The tugging felt real like someone was pulling on my left ankle. I had been retyping a log and went to bed at 0300. As soon as I closed my eyes in bed, I saw the faces of 2 grays. It felt like that wanted to confirm their presence for the ankle pulling.

10 February 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Went to bed alone, husband was on the computer, my dog was in the living room, and the kids in the basement. Suddenly felt a sharp burning sensation on my right knee, just above the kneecap--slightly to the left. I called husband up and he looked at it, also said: "it's radiating heat." I did not have this earlier. It was instantaneous! I was wide awake, nothing was there to cause this...looked like four rows square of little dashes. Looked and felt like little cuts, but it burned and was stinging a lot. The redness left ten days later, yet a shadow of this mark lingers. I have no explanation for this...possible tag?

28 March 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I attended the Bridges Abductee Conference at the Hampton Inn South Dulles. I had the distinct impression that I was supposed to be here today. (Never had that before where I was compelled to be some place.) A tall (5'11") red haired woman from Front Royal, VA sat next to me all day. I really felt that I knew her but neither of us could figure out from where.

3 April 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I got up early and started drawing symbols that I had seen. I remember especially seeing one of the symbols a pyramid with a red and green emblem inside it on a building on a planet with a Red sky and two suns. A bright white light was shown on the emblem for me to see the colors. Was distinctly told to remember this emblem. This was no dream, actually felt the ground, breathed the air, touched the emblem.

23 April 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I found myself up in space on board a gray ship looking down on the Earth. I saw a crop circle being made. Told a friend later in the day and sent her a copy of the picture I had drawn. She said that she found it in England.

29 May 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I was on board another ship and was shown various areas of a huge ship. We passed through a tunnel which had extinct lifeforms (plants/animals) preserved inside. I saw a human child floating on a platform going down one of the corridors. I saw a Stargate on board with familiar symbols on it. I was brought into a room that had a huge crystal sending blinding white light down on all in the room. The energy waves seemed to permeated every cell in the body. I was taken home and put to bed.

4 June 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I was talking to a friend on the Internet and asked him if he wanted to meet some of my extraterrestrial friends. He agreed to and I took him with. We met my Reptilian friend. He had a brown and green 'Robin Hood style clothing on' which included a belt with tools: a diagnostic reader, a stabilizer, an intelligence tester, a control wrist device, a telepathic tester, and a ring scanner. I finally had someone else see my EBE friends. He drew pictures and so did I - they matched. This was for real people.

21 August 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

My 5 year old daughter and I went camping at Prince William Forest Park. We picked a secluded spot - C5. It was near a small meadow. It was about 2 a.m. when I saw the head of a gray. I also saw a ball with Chinese or Japanese writing on it. I went back to sleep. I asked my daughter when we got up if she had a good night. She said: "I saw your friends on the spaceship." I did not ask any other questions. I didn't want to cloud her mind. I just said: "Good, how about if we go to the meadow and see if we can see any deer." We ate a can of fruit cocktail.