AF-7 Homepage

AF-7's Personal Experience: Aliens

9 June 1974

March 1980

August 1984

October 1988

November 1988

February 1989

July 1989

August 1989

October 1989

April 1997

May 1997

June 1997

July 1997

August 1997

September 1997

October 1997

November 1997

December 1997

January 1998

February 1998

March 1998

April 1998

May 1998

June 1998

July 1998

September 1998

October 1998

November 1998

June 1999

27 June 1999

July 1999

19 July 1999

9 June 1974 – Fort Devens, Massachusetts

Active duty military, U.S. Army. I was watching TV with my 2 roommates. The movie ‘Ice Station Zebra’ was on a major network. It’s a 2 hr movie. I left in the middle, and went for a walk (about 2200hrs). I walked from the Barracks to the football field in front of USATC&S Building. The Officer’s Quarters were behind me, the flagpole was to my left, and I was facing the church at the other end of the field. It was a cool, clear night. I saw a big white light coming towards the church. As it got closer, I noticed that it wasn’t just a light. It came closer still and I saw it was an oval shaped silver-metallic object with six individual lights on the bottom rotating. I heard a slight humming sound, similar to noise that bees make. As it got closer, I noticed 3 occupants in the clear top section. They had on jumpsuits with a semi-circle red emblem ((())) on it. I was able to see equipment behind them. They hovered over the flagpole. I felt surprised, but didn’t move. The next thing I knew I woke up to my alarm set for 0600, got dressed in my uniform and went to work. I think this happened on a Wednesday night. I left for the weekend on Friday night and returned on Sunday. When I returned my 2 roommates told me that two Men-In-Black had come looking for me on Saturday. They had shown them official identification. They asked them: "What did she see?" "Who did she tell it to?" "Does she have any proof?" "Where can we find her?" This gave me goosebumps all over when they told me. I had to go to the public library to find out what MIB was. I felt fear when I found out, but I never did see them.

March 1980 – Alexandria, Virginia

Strange dream: I had a nervous feeling and asked my husband to get me something. He went to one of the other rooms. (Something happened!) Then I saw license plate CSI068, Virginia license plates, the sedan had been there watching us. I had a feeling that they had come for the baby. I had a tremendous sense of fear. Recall something about chasing, me riding in an ambulance and husband trying to follow. The car stopped and husband got me out, then we drove away. Woke up feeling uneasy with a nervous stomach. NOTE: At this time we were not expecting a child, and I don’t scare easy. Possible memory?

August 1984 – Woodbridge, Virginia

I was floating down a passageway and saw a pale, short being floating towards me. The hair was dark and an antenna came out of the forehead. I had a strong feeling that the being was feminine. The body was completely white, humanoid in shape. Next thing I knew I was home, and felt exhausted.

October 1988 - Woodbridge, Virginia

We lived in a huge country-style house with lots of windows. Husband was TDY (temporary duty). I was home with my daughter (born May 1987), two-year-old son, and Lady (my german shepherd-sheltie dog). The kids were in bed. I heard a noise in the basement and went down to investigate. There was a man in a silver jumpsuit and he was still glowing. He told me not be afraid and was talking to Lady. He told me that he would be here for a little while. He said that I should go about my normal business. I remember doing the laundry in a haze, and then went upstairs to read. I don't know how much time passed but I think I fell asleep reading the book in the living room. I remember if 'she' should come he would protect the baby and Lady would help him. I was to immediately leave the house and get help. It was 0300 when I heard a strange noise in the backyard. I went to look and he told me that I should leave because it was her (from what I could see she looked like the actress Jill Ireland, Charles Bronson's wife). He assured me that she was dangerous and not from this world. A protection field had already been set up in the kid's room. I was to leave now to get help. I seem to remember her asking me if I had seen him in the living room. I said, no and explained that I had no idea of who she was talking about. She stormed out and went to the basement. I then found the strength to run out the front door and down the street to our nearest neighbor. I knocked on the doors and yelled: 'Somebody call the police now! I need help'. A few of the neighbors responded immediately. I was surprised as to how fast they had gotten here. We went back to the house. Them first! I sensed that he was still around but she was gone. Lady greeted me at the back door. The police said that everything looked normal, filled out a report, called in, and left. I went to check on the children and they were fine. He was there and explained. He also said that a new gadget was coming out on the market 'a mandala' and mentioned that none of us should try it. It was dangerous to us, now. (The alarm rang then and I woke up) NOTE: We do not have a son (son - 2 yrs old in above dream) nor the house we owned and lived in mentioned above. The nearest neighbor was one mile away in the above incidence. Strong feeling the man was real but the rest was a test? Could not find any evidence of police ever coming to the house or any neighbor contacted.

November 1988 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I was looking out the front door (early morning) when I saw what looked like meteors in the sky. I saw several of these. One started making erratic maneuvers then I saw a purple ball of light coming toward me. I kept saying mentally 'take me with you' and suddenly found myself inside it, as it floated around the neighborhood (one of our neighbors was adding to the back of his already huge white Victorian style house). Suddenly, it let go I held it in my hands and it changed shapes. Another one came it was brown. The next thing I knew I was in a hospital emergency room. A nurse was looking at me saying that 'I've seen this reaction before. It's a form of shock acquainted with people who have had close encounters with UFOs.' Several doctors came in and I heard myself say 'they talked to me. I was with them.' They ordered tests and started checking my vital signs (I woke up then.). NOTE: In our current neighborhood there are no Victorian style houses. Yet I distinctly recall seeing the meteors that morning. Was the rest a test?

February 1989 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I had been looking out the window and commented to my husband about some of the strange formations in the night sky. There were some pyramid (triangular) shapes and they were small pointing in different directions in the sky. We looked at these for a while. Then we found ourselves at the front of a building labeled "Wilkes Center." It was a museum. It had several rooms set up. They seemed very familiar. I saw some quilts that I had owned in there (the one his sister made, the one his grandmother made, the one I made for my daughter). Some of the rooms looked exactly like some I had seen while I was growing up (in-laws, mama's, grandma's, and one of mine). Everything was so real! Husband couldn't believe that we were in this museum. I wanted to check the whole place out. It didn't take long. (Husband's alarm rang then and I woke up). NOTE: I remember seeing those triangular shapes, the rest seemed surrealistic. Another test?

July 1989 - Woodbridge, Virginia

On this night, the whole family was asleep, and I had seen a green light coming from the ceiling (no green lights in the house). I was taken aboard a ship by 3 Grays. I was handed a black box with a red light on the top. I lived in a large house with two dogs. I was secure in what I did for a living. I helped others. One day some government types came in showed their identification (CIA and DIA) and said I had to leave my home for security reasons. I was blindfolded and taken to another place. I could not tell how far we went or in which direction. I found myself looking at a three-story house, quite small by my standards. Looking around, it was open fields on one side, heavy woods on another, and guards all over. This was where the testing started. They had the standard IQ tests, psychological tests, ESP testing and some I'd never seen before. During these exhausting procedures, I heard someone say something about me 'not being completely human'. Just when I thought the tests were over, they did some more. I lost track of time. I then lost track of what was being done or redone for that matter. I was so exhausted all I wanted to do was sleep. It was then that I noticed clothes all over and I kept seeing the same people over and over. They promised one last test and I could go to sleep. I was put in front of what looked like a musical keyboard. I was told to play it. I barely felt my fingers touch this keyboard when I fell into a dead sleep. (I woke up then). I felt shocked that our own people would do something like this to another being. The Gray in charge then looked me straight in the eyes and then I found myself back in my bed.

August 1989 - Woodbridge, Virginia

The whole family was asleep, and I saw a green light coming from the ceiling (no green lights in the house). I was taken aboard a ship by three Grays. I was handed a black box with a red light on the top. I was working with my husband on the new space station. We were on Earth trying to do a few things before we went back up. It was a dark and stormy night, when we saw it. Definitely not one of our spaceship or shuttles, it was absolutely beautiful! It glowed blue at the front-end tip with a high ridge going straight down the whole length of the rod. We could see the different structures and it was quite advanced from anything we had. After watching the ship for an hour, we immediately drove to headquarters and reported what we had seen. An associate gave the computer the description of the ship and it printed an exact duplicate of what we had seen. Things started going crazy then. We got a call from the space station saying they spotted the ship. A beam of light went into the lab and two of our people were in there. Almost immediately they started to change, the skin darkened to a green mottled texture and the face started changing to reptile form. They spoke as the changes occurred. Every thing was being recorded by the computer. An associate gave the order to sea the lab area until further notice. We were wondering whether or not we should try and return when we received a message from Space Control (now based in Colorado). "Under no circumstances were we to return to the space station. Everything was being monitored and our presence was requested at Space Control." (I woke up then). I had felt some fear upon seeing humans change into reptiles. The one Gray then asked why? I remember saying that it was because of the shock, why didn't they just let us know who they were. He had me look into his eyes and when I found myself back in my bed.

October 1989 - Woodbridge, Virginia

The whole family was asleep again, and I saw a green light coming from the ceiling (no green lights in the house). I was given a black box with a red light on the top to look at: I was standing in the ruins of a building. It was just starting to get light. All of a sudden, I looked up in the sky and there were all sorts of UFOs there. I pointed to the sky and yelled: "UFOs." My voice didn't want to work, but after the fourth try it finally came out. The people on the balcony of the next building saw it. The people near me saw it. I kept saying over and over to the UFOs 'help us, help us." One came closer to my group and was just above my head. It was 0619 on a Wednesday, when I saw them and as I looked at my watch it said 0710 Thursday. We were trying to get people out of the ruble of a collapsed building. The one Gray then asked what did I feel after seeing this. I told him that I felt despair, helplessness, and then joy in seeing the UFOs to come help us. He had me look into his eyes and then they were gone. NOTE: That day the news on TV stated that San Francisco, CA had an earthquake. A 7.0 on the Richter scale.

April 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Found a bump on the bridge of my nose, right nostril bled all day. Family and friends thought I hit it, but I woke up that way. It bled a little for the rest of the week. Everyone asked if I broke my nose. Yet for some unexplained reason I refused to go to the doctor to get it checked. (Possible implant?)

May 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I felt scared, only remembered spiraling tunnels, and a bright white light. Did not feel rested at all, even felt as if I were being watched by someone all day.

June 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Felt real tired, not rested at all when I woke up. I immediately started drawing pictures:

Five different heads of aliens,

Map of Home World, Portal to another place, experimental section (full-grown human/hybrid/alien) in a glass tube,

A particle collector for their main propulsion system and propulsion system schematic. Questions about the propulsion system was answered by one of the Grays:

Light is channeled through it.

The light energy is gathered through collectors, then focused to the propulsion system. This light is harnessed and used for anti-gravity. Once the ships are here they utilize electromagnetic waves of our planet. Ships built solely for use on this planet. Larger ships travel further, utilize different means of propulsion, depending on distance traveled. Pass through glicks in the continuum by bending light and time. Light in many forms can be used in many different ways: nutrition, healing tissue, travel, disassemble molecules/pass through (as) light reassembles. Light as a means of propulsion. Travel by means of light fusion. Able to travel great distances using this power. Transformation of light energy to light fuel, efficient and powerful. Harnessed this energy and magnified it to transport us in/out travels through the universe. Brought individuals on board and out of craft by spectral transport. Your essence was blended with the light beam. It is one method of matter transference. The light particle, which is recorded into the transporter memory, matter is then reconstructed at the desired site of appearance. Light penetration or matter causes matter to become light, which can be controlled and directed to the chosen area of reintegration. Picture was sent to a friend in Texas.

July 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Felt tired again and not rested, when I woke up. I immediately started drawing a picture of 'alien medical equipment.' I remember seeing each of these devices used on humans. Also this month was taken onboard and shown symbols. This was when I was shown four different types of UFOs (top and side views), almost like schematics. Later in the month was taken for a ride to a desert planet with three moons. This world had purple waters, mountain ranges, and a crystal city. Also drew pictures of what I call 'mind toys'. These help us humans and hybrid children to use telekinetic abilities on board. Picture was sent to a friend in Texas.

August 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Went to bed early (midnight), woke up at 0121 to let the dog out and felt half awake. I then opened my eyes 0800 for a little and went back to sleep and didn't wake up until 1034. When I had closed my eyes at midnight, I saw a bright blue light surrounding me. I remember walking with six humanoids through a stone archway. I woke up this morning with a little pain in the back of my neck and lower back. The pain went away quickly, but I felt real stiff and extremely tired. The six humanoids were pale pink, gray tint skin tone, with the deep penetrating eyes and had on gray skin-tight jumpsuits. It was as if I was being escorted (surrounded by them) on the walk. If I hold my hands out they shake. My eyes were sensitive to sunlight. At 1630 hrs I got a real bad headache and had to lay down. At 1730 hrs I opened my eyes and remembered a human-sized tube, felt like I had come out of it, also a bright green light was in the tube. (Possible system cleansing and a Council visit?) Also later in the month, I was taken on board a scout ship and shown the control room. The view screen covered an entire wall. On the left side was the Earth, basketball sized, and the other two screens were blank. The controls under the screen with the Earth were diamond shaped and glowing. The controls under the screen in the middle had what I would call a communication device (wavy lines over a y lying on it's side next to an oval next to a y lying on it's side with wavy lines under it all). The controls under the screen in the far right were crystal shard shaped lying on their sides.

September 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

The whole family was asleep when I heard the beeping in my left ear. I was on the Internet talking in #UFO on Undernet about my initial experience with the missing time. These various types of equipment started to come to be visually: a connector of some sort, a possible stasis chamber, a possible source of energy (green fluid), and for the first time saw one of them very sick, tired, and could hardly stand up. This one had almond shaped eyes, pale pink/gray skin tone, but the skin was peeling (possible radiation burns), and was 4.5 to 5 feet tall. On the 15th had been on board a scout ship and saw bright white light emitted from wands in the ceiling of these ships (resembled the frets and arms of a guitar). The white light pulsed--the more you thought or looked at it--the pulse changed. No other memory from that visit. Later in the month (23rd), I woke up with a lump on the back of my neck on the left side. Had my husband feel it 1900 hrs and he found it. (Could some fluid been removed in the early hours of the morning?) I had no inclination to see a doctor about this either. I don't usually wake up with strange lumps. Also later in the month (24th) someone had placed a Phase I, delta tone on the Internet. When I listened to this tone, I visualized a gray's face, a pyramid receiving/sending energy, and a global map of Earth with landing sites. End of month (26th) was on the Internet in #Sufoit/Para-4 on DALnet when Spotk2 and Bambina said that I should go outside to look at the Zeta motherships. I couldn't find the Big Dipper or Orion's Belt, but I did see a ship just below the left of the Little Dipper. It was yellow with orange tinge. I saw this through binoculars.

October 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I was downstairs in the basement everyone in the family was asleep. I just wasn't tired and concentrated on a candle to relax. It was then that I saw him. He was 4.5 feet tall, dressed in a skin-tight black jumpsuit. There was a red geometric square within a square emblem embroidered on the jumpsuit. He reached out his hand for me and I took it. It felt baby soft and cold, but looked all wrinkled (like a mummy's). I was dizzy after I held his hand and then we were no longer in my house. We were in a ship. He exuded power, like a leader, not a researcher like the others. His eyes were almond shaped but florescent green, his head was slightly oversized (not too bad though), small nose, lip-less and then mouth but it looked almost normal and his skin was almost flesh toned but pale. To my surprise his face showed some emotion, and I cried when I had to leave him. I felt the tears flowing and felt an overwhelming sense of loss. I have never seen one like this before the feelings I had were so intense. He held my hand and I was then again at home. He told me to sleep telepathically (felt a tickling inside my head and then heard the word sleep) and I couldn't help myself and closed my eyes. When I woke up, he was gone and the day progressed as normal.

November 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I felt an energy shift (20th), it was the second time that it's happened. Like the opening of a door, then I felt a swirl pattern of energy on my right temple. It was tonight that it was revealed to me that I was being prepared for 'an event which is to come.' On the 21st I awoke with a big bruise on my right arm, on the inside. These even looked like fingers. I sat quietly and cleared my mind with meditation. It was then that I saw what had happened: the three-fingered militant Grays had come for me. I fought them because I was scared---not the one's that I normally see. Possible new implant---left temple area, above left corner of the eyebrow. It is placed through the nose. I had never met this type before.

December 1997 - Woodbridge, Virginia

On the 7th, I felt like I took a trip on board another UFO. I was actually standing in a corridor looking down three other corridors. The same three Grays came for me that usually come. We went down the center corridor. I saw a new symbol. This symbol exudes power and I felt as if I lost myself in it. Also saw a map with that new symbol on it. I found myself back in bed and started drawing. Everyone in the family was asleep. I was on the Internet chatting on #Sufoit/Para-4 on DALnet (14th), when Rabibaner came in and said that he was dizzy. I made the comment that maybe he had a visitor (ET) with him. Shortly after that he left, said he got dizzier. I then got dizzy. I tried to talk to Spotk2 for a little, but the dizziness increased. I had to sign off, this was 2 minutes after midnight. I shut down the computer and then shut off the light in the computer room. I got an electrical shock (never happened before) and simultaneously heard a loud 'twerp' sound. Normally when I'm done with the computer, I go upstairs to bed; but this time I went downstairs with my clipboard and my candle. I set the pillows up to lounge on the sleeper sofa and concentrate on that candle. It didn't last long, the room started spinning, so I closed my eyes. I saw a bright green light (seen this type before) and found myself on board another ship. This time I saw a Reptilian. I saw him before he saw me it was a clear side view. He had a scar on his neck, a little red finger w/claw on his right hand, and 3 knobs on his head, six feet tall. He had no eyelashes, eyelids. He wore a purple jumpsuit, brown belt with yellow diamonds, brown boots. He was standing in front of a communication device (I think). It was then that I released a sigh and felt a push. It felt as though I had been shoved inside. I then touched the green scales of his arm to balance myself. They were soft to touch, but not warm like us. There was a sickeningly sweet odor present and made my stomach flip. I thought I was going to barf----fermented flowers? We were both caught by surprise, and kept eye contact. It was then that I heard gutteral (almost like clearing your throat) type voice coming from the device near him. He cocked his head, raised his eyebrows but kept his eyes still on mine. The eyes were red with black centers, which were vertical, oval shaped. I also noticed that his pupils tended to expand some when he looked back at you, as if he was looking deep into your soul. What was strange was I felt safe, secure and loved but did not move. I don't know how much time passed but two others came. It was then that I got to notice the room we had been in. It was the size of an elementary school cafeteria. I saw an appendage coming from the bottom of the device the Reptilian was near. Also saw the shape of the power consoles, and what looked like a flight panel. The other two then walked me down the hall. They were on either side of me. In the hall were some Grays, four feet tall, pink-gray skin, deep set oval shaped eyes. They were walking into another part of the ship, yet, I was taken in to a different area, where I saw a human (or at least I thought he was human). He wearing a blue T-shirt, dark pants, then whispy blond hair, looking older at the cheekbones/chin, and strange blue eyes. He was six feet tall, but still very handsome despite the cheekbones/chin area I opened my eyes at 0142 (15 Dec 97) and still felt dizzy. I then opened my eyes again at 0700 and was still dizzy but also felt disoriented (as if I didn't know where I was). It took me most of the day to shake this off. I actually felt like I had been somewhere, but that disorientation was strange. . What surprised me was the fact that I saw three distinct and separate species on board: a Gray, a Reptilian, and a Nordic. Don't think this is normal.

January 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

<P>On the 5th, Bambina and I contacted "Red", a Reptilian. This was the first contact made on my part since I physically met him last year (Dec 97). On the 15th Satyricon, Bambina and I talked to "Red", a reptilian. He channels through me when I talk over the Internet. He lets me know ahead of time who is ready to sit in on a meeting. They have to be able to visualize very well and travel astrally. On the 29th, I was on the Internet talking in #Sufoit/Para-4 on DALnet and in #psychic_protection. I talked to Rabibaner and zMarlene. I felt a tugging on my left ankle from 0100-0300 hrs. No one was in the room with me. The entire family was asleep upstairs and in the basement. The dog was asleep in the living room. The tugging felt real like someone was pulling the left ankle. I had been retyping a log for Rabibaner and went to bed at 0300. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw the faces of three Grays. That's all I remember.

February 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

On the 1st I contacted "Red", a Reptilian again. On the 8th I had another talk with "Red", a Reptilian. On the 10th, I went to bed alone. Husband was on the computer. My dog was in the living room and the kids were in the basement. Suddenly, felt a sharp burning sensation on my right knee, just above the knee cap---slightly to the left. I called husband up and he looked at it. He also said: 'it's radiating heat'. I did not have this earlier. It was instantaneous! I was wide awake, nothing was there to cause this…looked like four rows square of little dashes (or cuts), but it burned and was stinging lot. The redness left on the 20th but yet a shadow of this mark stays. I have no explanation for this!

March 1998 - Chantilly, Virginia

I attended the Bridges Abductee Conference at the Hampton Inn, South Dulles. I had the distinct impression that I was supposed to be there today. (Never had that happen before when I was compelled to be at a certain place. A tall, 5 feet 11 inches, red-haired woman from Front Royal, Virginia sat next to me all day. Everyone at this conference was a total stranger to me, yet I felt quite strongly that I had seen her somewhere. She seemed to recognize me too, but we couldn't figure out where we had seen each other.

April 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

Got the burnt match smell tonight (3rd), we didn't do anything to warrant this. It occurs to me whenever the Grays are near. I remember being on a new planet (home world?) looking at a red sky and two suns. Then we walked for a while and saw the clay buildings, had no problem breathing there and the gravity felt lighter. They were little--like Native American hogans. The one Gray placed a light on the symbol above the door of one of them and told me to remember this symbol, it's colors and shapes. The emblem that I was shown was in the top of a door on one of those clay buildings. It was triangular with a branch with buds centered in it. The triangle was gold, the branch shape was red, and green stripes at the base. We entered and continued a long corridor to a crystalline room, where the Council sat. The impression I got about that particular symbol was that it will be necessary in the future and only a few of us would be utilizing it. There was a Nordic (7 ft blond male), a Reptilian (7 ft male), a Mantis (7ft), and one other on the Council. The Nordic was talking when we entered the room. A melodic voice, nice--gentle was talking about an upcoming battle. The Reptilian was voicing about the 'Renegades' that kept interfering, his voice gutteral and powerful. They all settled down and looked at me then. Talk about a feeling of insecurity---all that power looking at you. The general feeling was of concern, but that I had passed a major milestone. The Reptilian was saying how the 'diamond ships' had been doing experiments and not following the advice of this council, and that was not the first time either. He said that they had to do something before the situation got worse. Earth is a prize that is being fought for (our world was set aside as a 'Galactic Retreat' and it was to be pristine and used by all races. It was also to be a 'Galactic Library.'). He also said that what 'us' humans had done to the Earth was still repairable at this stage. There are many mother ships from various council members stationed high above the Earth and in some of these ships are every living animal, plant…whole ecosystems. These ecosystems would be restored once the world was returned to its pristine condition and the council would assist. I was to help with the communication between them and those who have gone before and returned. My empathic and healing skills would also be very useful at the same time. Each person is given a rating at the choosing time by the Council I was told that tonight was my time. (I don't recall what was said at all after that, but I did hear a high pitched sound. I felt like I was falling then opened my eyes and I was in my own bed and grabbed my pen and paper)

May 1998, - Woodbridge, Virginia

On the 15th, Lafkin and I had a talk with "Red", a Reptilian. On the 16th, Lafkin, Wize1, Mil and I talked with "Red", a Reptilian again. This was the first time that "Red" left my presence and returned while we were connected telepathically/astrally. This meeting was when I was given the information about an upcoming physical meeting. This meeting had caught him by surprise. I went to bed and when I awoke, felt as if I had taken an extended journey, physically.

June 1998, - Woodbridge, Virginia

On the 4th, Wize1, Lafkin, mil, Lighten, and I talked with "Red", a Reptilian again. He spoke of his 'mission' here and the Council of 7. On the 8th, Jaryd and I talked with "Red", a Reptilian. This was his first visit with him. Reptilian bases, in the Amazon region and New Mexico USA, were mentioned tonight. He mentioned his home planet and it's location and size. Various instruments were used and shown. On the 13th, Merick2 and I talked with "Red", a Reptilian. This was his first visit with him. Merick2 was shown various instruments. Again it was mentioned about an upcoming physical meeting. A new world was mentioned. It is twenty light years away, with four moons, and Earth-like atmosphere. On the 18th, Merick2, Zeus and I talked with "Red", a Reptilian. I met "Red" later that night, physically.

July 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

On the 13th, Spotk2, Merick2, and I talked with "Red", a Reptilian. Strong energy changes due to some new equipment being set up in Central America by the Reptilians, Grays, and 'Light Beings'. After our talk, "Red" helped me to my bed. On the 15th, Merick2 and I talked with "Red", a Reptilian. We noticed that change in energy again but this time it was for the best--not so erratic. Tonight my three Grays met Merick2 for the first time, they came with "Red". We were both given a 'blue liquid' to drink, it was to boost our energy levels. It reminded me of the blue raspberry Kool-Aid that is currently on the market, same color but different texture and flavor. We were shown the differences in each group's Star Gates. Upon conclusion the 'blue liquid' in our bodies was changed to aid us to sleep. "Red" helped me to bed again. The next day (17th) Merick2 and I were still feeling the effects of that 'blue liquid'. I had the strongest impression that more knowledge had been imparted to me after "Red" had brought me home. Also had the impression that we were shown how to operate the 'Triangle' device. On the 20th, Merick2 and I talked once again with "Red", a Reptilian. The energy changes we had felt before were more balanced now. My three Grays came with "Red" again. We had a short question and answer period. "Red" confirmed that the two of us did receive further information after we separated from our last meeting. We usually travel astrally to see him at some ancient ruins in South America. So this started out astrally (spirits only). We met "Red" and my 3 Grays were there also. We ended up going for a ride in the Grays scout ship. My friend and I were taken to a large cavern which house many different types of UFOs. We entered one. They took us to a room where two tubular (coffin-like) structures were centered in the middle of it. These structures were filled with green goo the consistency was like Jello. It was cold to touch and we were told to lay in it. They helped us in and the goo warmed to our body temperature. One of the grays stayed with us in this room. The others left for the control area. My friend and I could talk to each other, and we were still receiving telepathic comments from the Gray in charge. We felt a little pressure pushing us down into the goo, not unlike someone walking up to you and giving you a shove. We were told telepathically that we had just left the Earth's atmosphere. The Gray that was in the room let us know that we would be removed from the goo soon. They had a specific method of removing this stuff. I don't recall exactly how, but it tickled. Permission was granted to the Control Room. In the control room is a huge view screen, big enough to cover the side of the room. We could see the Earth it was the size of a basketball. The ship was rotated and we then saw where we were headed. Off in the distance was a huge mothership (bigger than the one shown in the movie Independence Day). It was a dark gray color, with many tiny colored lights. We had to wait for the mothership to slow down in order to dock with it. While we waited, we both commented: "This is too real to be a dream!" It opened an area near the bottom and the scout ship flew in. As soon as the ship shut down, the Gray in charge took my friend and me out. We felt the difference in the texture of his skin. Felt the difference in body temperature. This was when my friend noticed that the Gray with us was five feet tall. The hangar area inside was awesome. There were too many ships to count and the variety. We walked down a long corridor and went up a slight incline. It ended up on a balcony area looking down on the promenade. The Reptilian had gotten off too but had gone to a different area. The Gray in charge let us look and observe what was happening down below. Various Grays were going about their business: moving various types of equipment, standing in groups. Our people and theirs were moving by the thousands. It was then told to us that we had to return. I was disappointed because I had wanted to show more of the mothership to my friend. It was not to happen at this time. We were returned to our homes in a blue-white light.

NOTE: I was wide awake when this happened. I was not dreaming. I was also talking with this friend on the Internet. I felt the changes and textures, smelled the smells, etc. This does not happen in a dream.

September 1998 - Woodbridge, Virginia

On the 27th, Merick2 and I were in a private chat room. We noticed a shift in energies where we met "Red" the Reptilian. He told us: "Yes, quite soon your people will discover the ziggurats (South America). It is time to start the information sharing to your species as a whole. The opening of the room under the Sphinx was the beginning and now these have to be found." Were introduced to a new instrument: a slender hand-held with a blue light on the tip. The meeting was a short one.

NOTE: I was wide awake when this happened. I was not dreaming. I was also talking with this friend on the Internet. I felt the changes and textures, smelled the smells, etc. This does not happen in a dream.

October 1998, - Woodbridge, Virginia

On the 8th, Merick2 and I were in a private chat room. We met one of the Light Beings we had been told about by "Red" the Reptilian. We called him Arnett. He toned down his light and frequency vibrations to a tolerable level for the both of us. The ship we used tonight was of a higher density than what we've tried before. It looked like fine crystal, and quite clear. It is diamond shaped. No damage comes to our retinas. It was on a higher light spectrum than what we were used to. It was blinding white at first, until our eyes adjusted. Seats had been prepared for us to travel to the mothership, no green go this time. We could see everything. I've noticed that the ship doesn't look very large on the outside, but it's unbelievably larger inside. Why? Red explained that our theories on quantum physics are quite immature and we have utilized vibrational frequencies, magnetics, and matter to achieve what we have. Looks like clear glass/plastic, quite different than the other scout ship. We went to the 'same' mothership we were at the last time. They also wanted to show us that other species scout ships could enter that one ship. The Earth is the same basketball size as the last time we were up here. The mothership shouldn't be too far then. We saw the ship at the same time. It seemed as if the ship was tilting a bit. My companion thought it looked bigger than last time. Interesting we could feel the tilt but not slide any. Maybe the difference in how we are viewing the mothership through this style of ship versus the other one, looks like it's rotating to accommodate us, entry like before. Red just said that we will be getting the 'blue liquid' before we get off this ship. Our energy levels have dropped due to the difference in vibrational frequencies. Arnett did not enter the mothership with us. Red came with us. This was when we were told that we would be coming home utilizing a different method. There was a difference in viewing the inside of the mothership. It's uncanny. Going to be a little tricky getting out. All I see is the inside of the mothership, not sure of where I'm supposed to step to get out. We walked straight through the wall. It was different. Kind of felt odd too. It was quite enlightening, tingly all over. I got to take my companion straight from the landing area, up three levels and to the left. Red was behind us. You won't believe this section. You'd think you were back on Earth again, several habitats on board. I started running to get there, surprised my companion. I had him wave his hand over a yellow square on the wall and the door opened. Inside there was a difference in the smell of the air - it's so much fresher than on Earth, cleaner and more beautiful nature can be. We got to the other side and touched the yellow square on this wall. We went up five levels, to the 'play room'. This is where they have all the 'mind toys' that I drew. Not everyone gets allowed to explore like this. What's nice too is you really get to see different levels of the ship. Notice the structure, composition, colors, feel the different energy liquid we were given when we got off the crystalline scout ship was working rather well, energy to burn. Seems like their going to let us explore quite a bit tonight, too. This is the kind of stuff I wish everyone could see. It's not all gray like most people think. There are a variety of colors. Touched a green knob, and we entered the room. The dog bone shape, with the little things sticking out of the top and bottom concentrate on that and the little things will light up as it goes up in the air. I can move all these here, just can't do it back on Earth. Don't know why it's so hard to move anything by telekinesis on Earth. The one that looks like a Star next, breaks up into 4 separate triangles. The one that looks like an African Drum with knobs at the top, as it moved up the lights got brighter---blue, red, white, and purple. Red was ready to take us to another section. He doesn't want us to tax our energy levels in here. My companion had a problem visualizing, I had to describe…where we were going. We are going out another entrance, the opposite side of the room. Red touched a lime green knob on the wall. The doors glides open and a orange light is in the corridor it curves around to the right and we're continuing on. If I remember right, this leads to the map room. Just hold on to my arm, like we're going to square dance. It's the same way that sighted people lead the blind I believe. We have a few more turns and we'll be there. My companion finally got his sight back. This was the last room - it's 3 dimensional, you can actually see the planets, satellites, etc. It's also nothing like you've ever seen before. This is why it's so hard to describe/draw. Now you see why I haven't been able to do it. My companion stated: "Indeed I can. Kind of reminds me of that map room on Star Trek: How it is all 3-d and stuff." Red switched our 'blue liquid' to sleep mode. We both felt like we were going to drop off to sleep. I suspect that thin tube-like device with the blue light would be used to send us home again.

NOTE: I was wide awake when this happened. I was not dreaming. I was also talking with this friend on the Internet. I felt the changes and textures, smelled the smells, etc. This does not happen in a dream. On the 18th, I started having problems with the phone lines cutting off but not completely, computer going haywire, and there was a physical change. Red and I always have time alone after Merick2 leaves. I remembered being carried to another section of the ship. It was a section I had never been in before, the lighting was still a dim yellow. The texture and hallways were still the same, but it had a different feel to it. Nothing else is surfacing---blank.

November 1998, Woodbridge, Virginia

On the 23rd, Merick2 and I were in a private chat room. We found ourselves walking carefully because of the damage from the hurricane that had hit the area. There's a lot of vegetation blown all over the place, hopefully not too many tree trunks in the way. It was a beautiful clear night, could see some stars. A good size log there was in the pathway. We suspected that his storm would help the archeologists to find the temples (ziggurats) The energy levels were balanced from the ziggurat We finally made it to the ziggurat, there was a lot of damage. As we climbed the ziggurat we saw just how much damage that Hurricane Mitch caused---those out buildings near the second ziggurat are uncovered, but to the left of them, you can see lots of water still. Lots of things taken out of there places, the steps don't look damaged, just a lot of vegetation. "Red" the Reptilian said that they were caught unprepared by the weather, storms such as hurricanes had been eliminated. A small force field was erected to escape most of the storm, that is why we only saw the vegetation lying about. It protected the grays and the lightbeings. He also explained why I had the problems on the 18th of October - "We did a medical exam on you. We needed to know if you had been damaged in any way for what had happened. Don't let it upset you, you are fine. We had a junior flight officer release a gas that is not normally found here. We didn't know what kind of reaction it would have on humans. The safety of the two of you and any member of the 3 teams is utmost importance. Her Grays have visited since then too, to insure that she was all right. We find your Halloween amusing it allows us to walk about in safety. You are quite right about only being to the 'future Earth' twice. Your culture may be primitive by our standards, but we find your customs quite fascinating. We are always learning something about you and your people. Sometimes we're quite near you but you won't notice us just to see your reactions in various situations, until your species unites as a species it will be difficult to accept others not from your world."

You were shown the future earth because the two of you and many others will actually get to stay there at a distant time from now. You will need this information to tell others that things will get better. When the natural disasters strike, it will help many of your species to carry on knowing that there is a place of sanctuary, there will be major changes in how you use energy, how to grow nourishment, how to survive. Those of you who are going through hard times now, will be the survivors of the future. You will be leaders for your communities. Those who have been through hard times, Know how to survive through hard times..."

NOTE: I was wide awake when this happened. I was not dreaming. I was also talking with this friend on the Internet. I felt the changes and textures, smelled the smells, etc. This does not happen in a dream. I was extremely tired and went to bed.

June 1999, Woodbridge, Virginia

On the 5th, remembered getting together with Merick2 on the 28th of May and the 3rd of June 1999. Yet we were not on the Internet. He lives in another state, we've never physically met. A new Mayan city was located with pyramids, saw it on a newsletter from Jeff Rense. Notes for that 4 tone sequence is D G F B.

Energy feels like it's increasing. Almost like static electricity, hanging heavy in the air. A high-pitched noise, coming from the energy, a crackling sound. Sounds like something you see in Science class, the arcing of an electrical wave. Anxious to get to the second landing tonight to see if this is the Mayan city they were talking about. The archaeologists would have cleared some sort of path to get here, I would think. I'm hoping to be able to draw an aerial map of what we see tonight. The electrical field doesn't feel as active this high up. The hairs on my arms have gone back down. Wonder if it is a type of protective grid?

Things look a bit more uncovered, look straight to the left, looks like a path that has been cut recently. Is that firelight in the distance--like a campsite? My companion said 'possibly.' Several of the buildings are uncovered more than the last time we were here. Right now, all we can do is remember and try and draw what we saw. This is also one of the clearest nights for stargazing. We should be able to see that light better from the second landing. Did you just feel a high-energy tingling sensation go through your body? My companion answered 'yes.' I swear I saw a light blue light too, possible scan?

Standing on the second landing of the ziggurat, to the right near the water, a dock of some sorts, one of the crystalline ships and a silver-metallic one too? The electrical field we felt might have been to hide the visual aspects of those ships from the ground. My companion saw the dock. I swore it was a dock but for interstellar craft not conventional boats. Protection of some sort, it would be protecting the ships from visual detection. We were told that this place would be special. Another shift in energy there, the hairs went back up on my hairs and the nape of my neck. Looking where we saw the cut path, that does look like a fire at what could be a campsite. I don't see any one moving down there, so I'm assuming that they are asleep. My companion saw it too and wondered if the camp sent out night scouts. Getting into the secret room felt different, like we passed through a curtain. He noticed that on the floor a brush for dusting things off. It was one archaeological tool. I think this is the new Mayan city with the pyramids that was talked about. The picture of the Leader with the passing of the staffs, was still intact. We were able to open the secret passageway, the air is musty but it doesn't look like the archaeologists have found this out yet.

My companion remembered something…Another benefit from an eye implant. Hey, there is a chance it wasn't a dream, maybe something I saw plans for it looked kinda like a contact…and I said 'and it let the bearer see much clearer, different dimensions.' He continued: when placed over the eye, Perfect vision occurred, and other things were possible, a computer generated screen in the contact, and zoom capability, more stuff too. Saw, three modes: Zoom mode, Information mode, and Normal mode.' I saw that, too. It was on board the mothership, in the medical section. Three modes - dimensions? It was then that he remembered seeing two grays, in this dream too. I commented: 'Yes the grays were there and had been working on this. They tried it on an old woman first. She was legally blind.' This felt like a bona-fide memory not a dream. We felt a shift in energy again. He remembered the old lady. I remembered that with those 'contacts' she did achieve perfect vision and was startled by it. He remembered that there were like 4 test subjects. I finished saying: 'one old lady, an old gent, a toddler, and one other'. He then remembered that he tested them in info mode. I can remember what it looked like. I was starting to doubt my own mind and asked him: 'Am right about the old gent and the toddler?" He verified that I was right. I've seen so much it's hard to keep track of who, when, and where. Hey we're near the portal. Looks like a note and some of the blue liquid. My companion remembered that the toddler was chosen because of his new eyes, making sure they would work with his age. The portal has direct access -- That's different, a little bit of vertigo. Haven't experienced that before. We're near the Map Room, I believe. I sensed that "Red" the Reptilian was nearby. My companion thought probably in the map room, waiting for us. The grays seem busy, don't they? We noticed a large view screen then, looks organic - possibly more medical improvements. My companion said 'looked kinda weird, and was moving an awful lot. Let's head on in. Been here so much, it doesn't phase them (the grays).' I replied: "Isn't it nice when you have the freedom to roam around the ship without an escort?" He commented: 'We are thinking the same thing." Active telepathy on board between us. We finally got into the map room. Things have changed in here, they have more maps out. Something is up then----a possible alignment? I saw Red and told Merick2 to look to his right. Isn't that him talking to that tall beige being? He commented: 'Possibly the reason for the medical advancements. Yes, I believe so. If he would turn a bit more I could be certain, from his thumb. Yep, that's him.' I agreed: "It's a dead give-a-way for me too. Sometimes that's the only way I can tell him apart from his fellow Reptilians." Merick2 had a sudden urge to reach into mid air, Like they do on Earth Final Conflict, and start poking, liking I was controlling a view screen. I always see the little finger on Red's right hand that is red. Merick2 always saw his thumb being red. We still interpret our visuals differently but at least we're confirming each other's visuals too. Maybe when physical contact is made, Everything will be certain. I wouldn't say it was telepathy either, because we do see the same things, maybe slightly different views, but the same. Like you might home in on something of interest to you, where I've already seen a different version or something. It's Red, he has that distinctive perfume odor about him (sickeningly sweet flowers). My companion was amazed how this ship has been undetected. It just proves that our technology is way behind theirs. Red said that they were aware of the visitor's campsite and have taken necessary precautions. This was when he confirmed to us that we had been quite often. (So these were actual memories after all.)

Red explained that it was for our protection that they blocked those memories on our world. There are people on your planet that would abuse the knowledge that the two of you have been receiving. We were curious why all the maps were out. He explained further: 'We are studying possibilities of various dimensional alignments with your star system. It will bring about changes that some of you sensitive enough to feel will notice. We're trying to figure out the precise moment in your reckoning of time.'Merick2 was testing him and said: "Our reckoning of time? You mean like 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds?" He then tested him again: 'The medical advancements, will we benefit from those? Like the eye contacts, and whatever that was we saw the grays working on.' Red answered: 'Yes, and soon. There are so many of your species that need those and other items we've been working on.' It was then that I got answers to my questions: Recently I've been able to remember some pictures or hieroglyphs that I saw up here, when will I know what they mean? He explained: 'That will come in the near future, the 4 tones you heard will release what the meanings of those pictures/hieroglyphs mean. It will also be a signal for all of you that have been trained to get together. He then surprise my companion by saying, 'you've heard them too -- the D G F B with the G cleft flat. You'll recognize it when you hear it and that picture might help.'

I had to have an answer and said: Tonight instead of our usual fire, drink the tea...we came through the hidden room and through the portal. Will that be the standard way up from now on, since the city has been found? He replied: 'For now, until other arrangements can be made. You need not worry about being detected by your own people. The two of you can pass through our energy fields, the tingling sensations you felt were part of those. Others of your kind that have not been prepared cannot pass through them. It is also what blocks the vision of those there for the interstellar dock that we have for local system travel. From here we can travel through several of your surrounding star systems in those craft you spotted tonight.' He dismissed us to explore in the ship, suggesting that we stay together and that he would see us before we leave. I took him to his left, and then turn right. We went down that orange colored corridor. It will took us down a few levels, but he didn't really notice that much of a change. Down here they have Natural Habitats - many from different worlds that they have visited. Merick2 started having problems - The pup is whining, in the kitchen. He returned to check on the dog and because the blue liquid was still in his system he was able to return but felt a bit weird. He thought that the liquid we had ingested earlier was compensating. I assured him that the liquid would settle things. I want you to be ok before we enter this room. The first time I came in here, it took my breath away. I want you to feel everything you can feel, see all you can see, smell all the smells, etc. He finally said that he was fine. I invited him in and said: Tell me what you see...He replied: 'The colors of those plants.' I see it did the same for you, as when I first saw this place. He started having problems with the dog again. I told him that it was perfectly safe to enter, we can breathe with no problems here. Do what you need to do, I told him. He returned saying that he had to go. We felt that it was time to go, and Red was already approaching us. It was as if he knew. We were told to close our eyes and when we opened them we would be totally back at home in front of our computers with no residual effects. Red also told me that we would talk a little longer, once you've gotten home. We made it back okay, but Merick2 said his eyes felt funny - dry. This was when Red told me that I would be able to bring my friend back up to the ship again. That he had shown great promise with all the knowledge and training he has received. He literally told me to go to sleep and that he was well aware of my family situation (husband's loss of a job, and me trying to find one, etc.) He also assured me that the archaeologists would not find those secret entrances either. They were safe. They were there for my friend and me. He said that the remnants of the blue liquid we ingested would help me to sleep deeply tonight. He left saying: 'You have done well.'

June 27, 1999 - Woodbridge, Virginia

I was attending an annual Amateur Radio Campout/Drill by Woodbridge Wireless "HAM" Club. My daughter and I had just recently received our amateur radio licenses. This would be our first chance to work on the radio with them. My daughter had spent the whole day out there and I joined her later in the night. Most of the radio operators had called it a night and said that their wouldn't be too many calls left to listen to. It was almost 0200 hrs. I made sure that my daughter was already in her tent and told the radio operators that were still awake that I was going home. My watch chimed at 0200. I got into the car, but instead of going home I felt compelled to drive in the opposite direction. I had no idea where I was going. I did see a Prince William County police car at the intersection of Bristow Road and Linton Hall Road. He turned right and I turned left on Nokesville Road (Rt 28), and then right onto Vint Hill Road (Rt 215). I found myself at a closed NSA site - Vint Hill Farms Station in Fauquier County, Virginia. I parked in a parking lot next to a picnic area just outside the fence. I got out of the van at 0250 hours and sat on a wooden railroad tie at the edge of the parking area. I took my clipboard with me. I sat and watched the full moon. It was a cool, clear sky. I started drawing a picture of the fence, the antenna tower, and the moon. It was then that I noticed a bright blue light. Looking at the moon, it was to it's left (my right side). It was coming closer…as it got closer I noticed that it was egg shaped and the color of Berry-Blue Kool-Aid. The object hovered over a clump of trees in the field, which was about 200 yards away. The egg shaped object was inside the fenced area. I notice three beings, humanoid 3-4 feet tall with four fingers under the object. I did not see them get out, just noticed that they were under the blue egg shape. It looked as if they were gathering soil samples, touching the grass…I remember hearing my watch chime 0300 hours. They moved toward my direction, as if they had heard it too. The next thing I knew, I was in my van. The doors were locked and the clock on the van said 0600. I was crying and shaking all over. I was scared to death, of what I didn't know. No one else was in the area. It was daylight. I didn't think I could drive home in my condition so I drove on the base to the Ambulance/Fire/Rescue station that was still operative on the base. I walked in and told dispatcher on duty that something just happened. I was still crying and shaking. He asked for some identification and called out the Emergency Medical Technicians. I sat down. A blond man in his early twenties asked me to tell him what happened. I was still crying and shaking but it was starting to subside. They did not take the standard walk-in procedures: "check for shock, blood pressure, respiration…. He had a hard time stopping from laughing at me. He asked me what did I want him to do. I said that I really didn't know but I wanted this reported. Something happened and I was scared. They then called the local sheriff. Sheriff Lamper came a little later. She asked me to show her where this happened. I walked across to the parking lot and got into my van. She followed me down the road to the parking lot next to a picnic area just outside the fence. I parked my van in the exact same spot and explained to her what happened. She took notes and asked if she could keep my drawings. I let her have them. I drew new ones after she left. I asked her if a dry mouth, shaking, and crying were symptoms of fear. She said that it could be. She told me to be careful going home. I assured her that I would. She went back to the base. I drove off in the van and went home the same way I had driven in earlier. I made it home all right. My husband had never seen me so shaken up. I explained to him what had happened. I was extremely tired. I took a nap. I don't scare easily. I'm an Army brat, and ex-military. I know the consequences of placing a false report….THIS REALLY HAPPENED!

July 1999 - Woodbridge, Virginia

On the 2nd, I got on the Internet with my friend, Merick2. I needed to talk to him about what had happened to me. I was having dreams, and trouble sleeping completely through the night. I also felt a need to find out if our meeting site had been disturbed further by the archeologists.

The path looked pretty worn this time, as if others have been walking this path besides us and quite a few times. I thought it was more like heavy equipment was brought in, deep footprints. It was then that we felt a vibration change - caused my teeth to vibrate. My companion's hair on the back of his neck stood up and he jerked all over a bit. We were soaking wet by the time we made it to the ziggurat. It was then that I noticed that the place looked a lot different, a lot clearer.

I started to squeezing some of the water out from my clothing. I hoped that we would not to run into those archeologists, either. It would be difficult explaining why we're here. My hairs on my arms, back of neck, just went up, the shielding is still intact. My companion said his was the same. Our vibrational frequencies were still working with the shielding, that might stop the archeologists from seeing us. The shielding was offering some sort of cloaking to us. I noticed that the steps were clearer. Noticed a difference in gravity--felt a lot lighter than usual. My companion commented: "They have been doing some work. In a way, yes it does, seems like I am being pulled instead of using energy to make myself go." I noticed a laser light, one of those dot jobs. My companion couldn't figure out from where it had come. I thought it came from behind. It looks like one of the workers. I suggested that we could make it up to the landing before he gets any closer. Our cat guides (a black panther - mine, and a leopard - my companions) smelled them too, they growled. The individual was close. He looks about 5' 4 inches, small body, native to this area. He has that jet black, slick looking hair. It was then that we felt an energy shift. It was then that he noticed that their camp looked bigger than before. I agreed that there was a lot more cleared area than last time. More permanent housing too, not just tents. He confirmed that small shed type buildings were there now. The humidity increased as we climbed up. I saw a blue flash ahead of us near the opening on the 2nd level, as if someone was taking pictures with a flashbulb. I really did not want to get caught. I sent my black panther in. She chased a Caucasian male out, approximately late 30's, Italian descent. We entered and saw that they had indeed been taking photos of the inside. It was then that we saw the portable lights. I turned around and saw that they've cleared that ziggurat near the landing site for the ships. Wow! That was pretty covered up last time. The archeologists had left a lot of equipment in the way this time. We had to be careful not to move it. It was then that my companion noticed that there was some detection equipment over there too, possibly Magnetic detection. It looked like it measured magnetic fields. I had something about this in a magazine once. My companion thought that perhaps one of the men down there was picking up on the energy shifts. Our cat guides stayed behind as we continued down the secret passageway. I was able to project light so we could see where we were going. The strange thing is I couldn't do this anywhere else. Weird huh? My companion suggested that perhaps it was a gift that may be better off not shared with many yet. He did agree that it was weird. It was then that we sensed a familiar presence and an energy change again. I knew then that the gate was being set up we were heading up to the mothership tonight. I just wanted to get out of the wet clothes. I told my friend: "if you haven't had a chance to try on some of their clothing it is different. I'll ask you what you think once you have it on." The presence that we had felt was Red, the Reptilian. He wanted us to hurry through the gate. My friend went first. Red looked at me just before I entered and motioned for me to go quietly. I think someone was above the room. He finally joined us. I felt a slight electrical shock, think it was because of all the water logged clothes. My companion commented the he - Tingled all over. It was then that I noticed that my three grays wanted me to go with them for a change of clothes. He actually looked great in that flowing gown. For some reason my fingers were shaking too much, they had to help me out of my wet things. It was then that he commented on the texture - "looks like silk, feels like thin air." Jokingly I commented that it makes you feel like you're wearing nothing. It was then that I noticed a change in colors on his gown. He confirmed it. I've been told about these. He was curious and asked me: "ok, What is the factor that has an effect on the clothing - lighting, mood, or something? That was pretty neat." I explained that I thought it was the emotions---the moods. It's quite fascinating no human has ever had the exact same color. Yet, when the grays wear it, it stays one color. With Red's people, it changes color too. He wondered why the gray's stayed one color. I thought it was weak emotions. It's almost like they have lost the sense of feelings and that is why sometimes they don't understand about crying, and pain. We were heading for the map room. Looking to the right, I said: "Hey look over there, still a lot of activity down there. I still feel as if I'm watching ants in a maze." He said that it looked almost as busy as last time. One of the gray spoke then, telling me that Red is already waiting for us in the map room with something to warm us up. My companion commented that he only heard a muffled voice. It was clear to me. I than asked him: "a low or high pitch? He replied: 'High' I asked: "whiny? Almost buzzing?" He replied: 'whiny, interesting none the less.' I told him that the females usually sound like that. They have a higher pitch. Finally, we made it! Red was in the corner, to the right. My companion noticed the liquid they had prepared for us. It was a mixture of the 'special tea' and the energy blue drink. I noticed they had chairs for us - they looked like carved out balls to you. He agreed. It was similar to the ones used in the movies on a show called the 'Prisoner' with Patrick Magoohan. We sat down and he commented: "more comfortable than what they look." I was surprised at how comfortable they were too. It was then that I remembered that you could also access all sorts of neat things in here, too. I started crying my clothes were turning almost black. This was strange. He sat with a grin on his face. I felt dizzy as if I was going to fall, it feels like the fear is surfacing again from the 27th. I cried out for Red to help me. My friend offered to hold on to me. Red beat him to it. While Red held me I asked my friend if he saw the color change. He had commented that he did. I did not know what was triggering this fear. It was almost as if I was reliving that fear. My friend thought that maybe it was being triggered because of my need to talk with Red about what had happened. Red handed me the liquid and suggested that I drink. I felt steady with him holding on to me. He suggested that my friend drink the same liquid. He commented that he was glad that we had come together. My friend was starting to sense a greater fear now, than what he had felt as he read the letter I had written him. Red, the Reptilian said: "It is one and the same. We will be able to find out exactly what happened. If necessary we will block it from her conscious mind, since you are here you will be able to find out with us what occurred that night. It is still too fresh in her mind. She needs time. Let me carry her to the red seat. I'll show you what I mean. These are special seats we used them on occasion. Your species enjoys them for comfort and other things. I'll set this. I'm going to put her to sleep now." I felt as if I was having trouble keeping my eyes open.

Merick2 saw his friend close her eyes. Red continued with the explanation: "She will not hear any of this until I wake her up. This device, the triangular bright green one. It will enable us to search her memories and project them." He asked: "Is it all right if I hold her hand?" Red said: "That's quite all right. You may notice a slight temperature change while you're holding it. She is fine. I will not allow anything to happen to her. As you can see above this chair, a small view screen has appeared. The images are starting to clear." He was curious and said: "Yes, I see. This will display her thoughts on the event, or just what is going through her mind at this point in time?" Red answered: "It will display her thoughts on the event. It is as if she is actually reliving that experience. That is why sometimes we have them sleep when we do this. The trauma was bad enough the first time. If you feel any discomfort let me know, I can fix that. Let's see what happened. She was excited about working the radio frequencies. This heightened her awareness. Didn't she mention to you the night before....A calling? (Merick2 confirmed it.) Ah, this was a planned event then....

Merick2 mentioned: "We had planned on coming to you that night, and then I told her I thought she should go if she was being called, which she had also been thinking the same thing" Red said: "It is well that she didn't at that time. Let's see how they got through....As you just saw there was very little traffic, the way she traveled to the site. She had conscious memory of driving here. Here is where we find out what was done. As you can see she did leave her car, what's that in her hand? Can you make it out?" Merick2: 'no, I can't' Red said: "Let me adjust this. As you can see this is not effecting her, right now. She has a very relaxed face. Some kind of board with a metal piece on the top, and a writing stick?" Merick2 verified that he saw the same thing. Red asked: "what do you call those?" Merick2 replied: "ok, I had the impression she was carrying a note book, but it’s a clip board". Red noticed something and asked Merick2: "Did you catch that? She was looking at the full moon and then she turned to the left, a blue egg shaped object." He confirmed it. Red then said: "We haven't seen too many of those. They are from a different dimension. We haven't been able to determine why they are here. The council's been investigating them. The ship doesn't land, but there are 3 on the ground. What are they doing? I'm going to have to adjust this more.....

Merick2 was still watching and said: "They are taking something from the ground." It was then that Red commented: 'She was just spotted, did you see all of them turn toward her?' Merick confirmed that he saw the same thing. Red spoke again: 'The flash was noticeable too." They could both sense her fear building. Red said: "It's primitive but effective. I will adjust this even further. There she is deeper to sleep now. We need to see what happened next. I believe this is when they shut her conscious mind down. Ah, see this they took her through the fence and are floating upwards to the craft." Merick2 confirmed that he saw the same thing happen. Red spoke again: "It is a dimensional ship notice how much larger it is inside." Merick2 confirmed that it's quite a bit larger than out there. Red spoke again commenting on the movements of the 3-4 feet tall humanoids: "They looked almost automated...nonliving. They have her on an examination table." Merick2 was still watching and asked: "What are they doing to her?" Red explained: "They are checking for any previous encounters, specific items by their movements. I see they have found the implant in the left eye, at the temple, also the one on the bridge of her nose. The one's along her spine are still there too. Those were placed there to help her back. She had problems for a while. Hopefully they didn't alter any of these. We can make sure before we send her back home. Ah, they injected something in her gums, in her mouth. We can try and get a tissue sample and find out if there are any residuals. No wonder she was full of fear. This was extreme. We never would do anything so crude. Our methods are gentler. Her grays were never that rough either. Did she mention any bruising? Marks?

Merick2 replied: "unsure... I don't believe so though." It was then that Red noticed that his color was off and said: "Are you all right, you're a little pale by your standards? We do need to see this to the end. If it bothers you I can continue alone?" Merick2 replied: I think I may go for a walk...if that's all right?" Red, the Reptilian didn't want any harm coming to Maria's friend and said: "Go ahead. I'll have one of the grays walk you out. I didn't mean to upset you. Be well, the gray will return you here when I am finished. If there is any place you want to go let her know." Merick2 left then saying: '…not your fault.' Merick2 went to that room with all the plants it was up 3 levels. Before he completely left the area, he heard Red say:

"It will only take 10 of your minutes, I believe to finish this. I want you here, when I wake her up."

I could hear someone talking to me, it sounded like Red's voice: "Maria, I know you can still hear me. Release your fear completely. You are safe. You are among friends. You have chosen well with young XXXXXXX. I am pleased that you sought me out for help. You could not have managed this on your own. As you know we may have to change our meeting site. We do not need your people discovering our advanced technology just yet. They are not ready. I strongly suggest that you do not try hypnosis for what happened on the 27th. Your people are not well equipped to understand what happened. I am sorry that your own kind laughed at you." Merick2 returned in time, his skin tone had greatly improved. Red told him: "I have seen everything. I think we should wake her up now. Please do not mention what you have seen, after the flash. You saw the fear she projected before we investigated what had actually transpired. There have been numerous sightings in the Vint Hill Farms area. She will not have that fear when I reawaken her. I also feel that since this was traumatic for the both of you, once she is awake. We'll send you home to sleep. She needs the rest too. Sorry to say you will not be able to keep the clothing you have on right now. Your people would become too suspicious. Now watch, I can touch her in the third eye region and she shall wake up with no residual effects." I was startled to see that I was in the chair. I asked my friend, what happened? I didn't feel right, felt like I was falling...I feel a lot better now, but tired. He replied: Red sat you in the chair there..." I felt tired and had problems staying awake and suggested that we go home. I saw my friend sit in a green chair straight ahead of me. He was sent home with a flash of blue/white light. The gown he had on, stayed in the chair. It was then that I turned and Red said that he would take me home, himself. He physically picked me up and asked me to push a green button on his belt. He said that it would help him bring me back home. I felt as if all the fear I had been carrying had gone away. I was grateful. I found myself in the computer room. I shut down the computer at 0150 hrs 3 July and went up to bed.

July 1999 - Woodbridge, Virginia

On the 19th, my friend and I talked on the Internet. We decided to visit our meeting place in South America again, possibly for the last time since it had been discovered by archeologists now. I could smell their fires burning. Looks like they have cleared even more, even felt a ripple of energy. We started up the ziggurat before any more natives pass by. We were talking to each other, climbing up the steps of the ziggurat when I heard broken English....someone's coming this way. An Italian? We hid around the corner, where we might be able to see. The sounds were coming from the backside of the ziggurat. A lot of terrain was cleared in a week. I wondered why no pictures had been released yet, may be searching for treasure too, who knows? I didn't like being in the open like this, too vulnerable. I'm not ready to answer any of their questions. My companion was wondering what all we can do with the energy field, he have some ideas, but was unsure of whether or not they would work. Since the field is stationary, Yet we can reach it, and understand that this Ziggurat and the other three all have a field generator in them, maybe there are other pyramid like shapes on this planet, and would we not be able to get to them, by the same means? I would think so. There could be a slight variation in the field, but we have the right vibrational frequencies. He went on to say that we know the energy field emits energy, because we are effected by it each time that maybe we could effectively, draw from the energy and use it, Just like we do from other sources.

I felt another shift in the field, a slight one, not too strong but yet noticeable. I was sure that the archeologists had not found the right vibrational frequencies yet. It was then that I noticed how bright it was ahead. Looks like they have those heavy lights on again. I felt that since all this activity occurred here, that the ships were gone. Looking behind me, I noticed that the archeologists almost cleared the third ziggurat now, not much left to do. No one ran out this time...maybe they took a dinner break, the archeologists must have just left the lights on, maybe they are coming back. I wanted to get in and see what changed. It was then that we heard someone shouting from below. My companion had heard the same thing. We have possibly been spotted. I suggested that we head for the secret passageway. Upon entering I saw changes in the picture on the wall--the inlaid jewel was no longer there. We got in but it felt different. We heard more sounds and touched a block behind my companion to close the hidden entrance. We were still in the old section but felt the flow of energy from the gate. It looked like they started to moving some of the equipment. We walked through the gate and ended up on the mothership. We were not noticed. We had run of the ship. None of our regulars are at this site. I had a feeling that I knew where they were. I wanted to show my friend a different route so we went straight ahead you until we came to a 3-way split. We took the one in the center. There was more color difference. to the left it goes down below, to the engine section. To the right it goes to the laboratories, habitats. The center takes you to the map room, and control area. The habitat you like so much is actually above the control area. I think they like that One as well that is why it is in a different location. As we got closer to the map room I was aware of Red's presence with another of his race is with him, a younger one. We entered the room but not before I gave my friend a warning: "Be careful, I think I have met this one before. The young are not as civilized? I'm not sure if that is the right word. Just remember though, that Red will not let anything happen to either of us. Neither will my 3 grays. Red is very protective. As we entered the room we saw that Red was showing the younger one some of the maps and explaining about them. If we're quiet we might be able to get into the room without them noticing right off. It will be good for you to see the difference in reactions between Red's and the younger. My companion watched the young one close. He was really concentrating on those maps. Red already knew we were here, hard to hide it from him--recognizes my presence too. Red won't give us away, the young are supposed to have a keener sense of smell. I reminded Merick2 that we still carried the smell of the wood fires. It was then that my companion noticed a change in the young one--quick reaction. The young one's eyes changed, his tail twitched. I warned him to walk slow, that they could be quick fast at this stage. They also didn't control all of their strength too well at this age. My friend noticed that when the young one smelled us, his hunting skills became active. Red explained that it was his time to watch one of the young, that they have trouble controlling their basic instincts. Too dangerous for the grays and us. This one was doing quite well. Merick2 was trying to find out some of the cultural norms: "so this young one is privileged?" Red explained: "At this time he is. It is almost the coming of age. He will be trained and moved up in status. 'Rites of passage' so to speak. Do not be frightened Jason, if you hear me raise my voice and bear teeth. Maria has already witnessed this. It may be come necessary. The young one is agitated. Do you see how he shifts from foot to foot? He is trying to control his instincts. Actually doing pretty well, but at this age it doesn't last very long. It gets better with time, and training." Merick2 then asked me: "So when his instincts take over, Red will have to demonstrate superiority bearing his teeth, and raising his voice?" Red confirmed that he was right and that it would be soon. See the increase in his foot movements? I had hoped that he would be able to last a little longer. Merick2 commented: 'shifting faster one foot to another, like he is about to pounce or something.' Red replied: "Yes, quickly get behind me. Prepare yourselves!" I noticed that Merick2's face turned white as a sheet when Red spoke to him in his own language." He had been startled. It was the first time he had ever heard him talk in his own language, and such a loud tone. I suggested that we should wait here, looks like he has to take him out of the room. Pity. They are quite fascinating to watch. While Red and the young one was out I wanted to look at the map they were studying. I walked over and saw that it was one of their home world. It showed the geological formations in detail, 3-D cubing which were standard style maps around here that's one of the reasons why I have a devil of a time drawing them. I explained to my friend that Red's planet had a higher oxygen/nitrogen content. Their jungle foliage is thicker. The planet is in more of a greenhouse effect than ours. There are three major landmasses and they are connected by land bridges. He wondered if we would have difficulty in living on Red's world. I mentioned that it would be hard on us, but not impossible. I think our bodies would adapt but it would take some time, but then we would have difficulties returning to our own. I also reminded him that Red doesn't like the cold. None of his people do. I've only seen one female of his species. Their coloring is so much brighter. I think they don't give them that much freedom to meet other species. More protective of them. He asked: "Are females bigger, smaller, or just about the same size?" From what I understand it varies just like our own species, you saw the difference between Red and the young one. The boy's coloring was brighter. He wore different clothes had different instruments on his belt .His coloring will darken with age, his claws were longer and sharper too. I heard Red coming back. I was starting to feel tired but I noticed that Red was hurt on his right hand. He assured me that he was fine and explained: "Everything has already been taken care of. He was a little difficult in moving. The situation is under control. I noticed a shimmering effect around my friend when he was sent home. Red explained: "The energy field around him was fluctuating when he left. He is perfectly all right. It's just visually noticeable." He brought out his diagnostic tool. You're energy level shouldn't be dropping like that. You need to get back home. Your energy levels will reset themselves when you sleep. You will have that high energy level again and it will not deplete so easily." He bought me home.