Elves of all types have always conflicted with each other
because of their different beliefs and views. The forest
and gold elves always fighting for the side of good. Of
course their mortal enemies the ebony skinned elves, whom
fight for themselves and their own ascent to power.
Everyone didn't believe an alliance between these two races
could be reached because of their completely different
beliefs... Finally the two divisions of the most ancient
race to walk Tera decided that they must but aside their
differences and live together in harmony.
Putting these differences aside the elves of all type
finally decided to join together and form an elven
alliance. The group formed is known as "The Legacy"
because of the vast amounts of power this group holds and
how difficult it was to obtain the elven alliance.
Most of the members believe that there must be a balance
held throughout the realms in all situations. There are
always certain people who enjoy siding with a certain
faction, whether it be good or evil.
A very distinctive elite few from the members of
"The Legacy" of only ebony color and evil intents call
themselves the "Siege Of Darkness". This group of elite
drow are completely dedicated to their own ascent to power
no matter what actions are to be taken to reach it. In
regular clan wars you will see each member
of this elite group fighting for their clan, they also tend
to join practice battles to tone their fighting skills.

"This alliance was formed on: the 13th day in the month of the Frost Giant, Year 160."

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