Welcome to my

A-wing 76kStar WarsY-wing 67k

animated GIFs page

Hi, my name is Paul Washipabano. This page is devoted to the creation of animated gifs of STAR WARS material.

I will leave you the opportunity to download yourselfs the gifs that interests you. I don't want to discourage anybody from loading this page by putting them all here. For the moment, all of the animated GIFs here were made by me. I rendered these models from different source on the net using 3D Studio. The models were not all mine but the process of making them into animated GIFs was made by me. I hope people will use the graphics on this page for personnal uses like making their own pages like I did myself. So feel free to use any of these GIFs you find here and send yours to be posted here. I'm trying to get only rendered material, but if you have any other GIFs that you think is worth posting, don't hesitate to send it anyway.

Hello everyone and thanks you very much for all of your comments and visits. Wow 20,000 people have seen my site in one year, and it's been pretty fun. I'm writing to you now because I'm leaving for about 6 months and I won't be near any internet connection where I will be. But I will have my computer and I hope to come back with alot of new cool ones. I should be back between october and december this year so check out my site around those dates, I will post back my new e-mail address then. Many thanks again and have a great summer! :)

tiedef.gif Tie Defender from the game Tie Fighter - This one is worth loading!! A must-see!! 104 K
tiebom.gif Tie Bomber - A nice one, nice shadowing effect. 74 K
tieadv.gif Tie Advance - Darth Vader's Tie or from game Tie Fighter. Whichever you think. 75 K
awingtrs.gif A-wing starfighter. This model(3D) was my creation. It's my first real good file worth putting. 76 K
ywingtrs.gif Y-wing starfighter. This model was done by a good pal named Starlight. 67 K
speebike.gif Speeder Bike - Nice, bike from Endor Moon in ROTJ. 114 K
r2d2.gif R2-D2 - R2 dancing away! Cool! 146 K
bluesabe.gif Luke's blue lightsaber - Cool GIF of the handle. 48 K
redsaber.gif Darth Vader's red lightsaber - Nice. 48 K
greensab.gif Luke's new green lightsaber from Return of the Jedi - Cool! 50 K
shuttle.gif Little screen display of analysis of a Tydirian Shuttle. Nicely done. 96 K
z95.gif Z95-Headhunter - The rebels' old fighter. 84 K
titleani.gif Star Wars title - Nice little gif of the title. I'm sure this one will be popular amongst web page creators. 102 K
slave1.gif Slave One - Bobafett's craft, nice. 108 K
calamari.gif Calamari Cruiser - This one is pretty cool, it's huge but it's worth seeing for sure. I could of made it a little better, but I think it's still worth posting for now. I might start working on a better version soon. 527 K

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Great Links:

The Holocron

-Greatest Star Wars Animated Gifs Collection I've seen!

Star Wars Modelling Alliance

-One of my favorite sites. The artists to whom I owe alot of credits. Great work!

Freewheelin' On-Line Animated Gifs Community

-A Great Resource to find all sorts of Animated Gifs