Matt's Star Trek/Star Wars Page

Welcome to my Star Trek/Star Wars Page. This page is dedicated to all those people who can't decide which one to go with: the Trekkies or the Warries. Anyway, this page is still under heavy construction, because I'm focusing all of my "force" into my other pages. But below are some pictures that I help create. Hope you enjoy them.

This image was created using Adobe Photoshop. It was first a composite image project for one of my friends art projects, but then I gave him the idea to make a web page out of it. After him and I "beefed" it up, we used the set tool of light opacity and a really nice color scanner. And tada! that is what it turned out like. I'm really quite proud of it. I basically did most of the ships and the background. He did the "effects" and did that light opacity thing.

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Text and art copyright © 1997-98 by Matt's Gargoyle Lounge. All rights reserved. No part of this web page my be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means, (electronic, recording, or otherwise) without the written permisson of the other words, me!