Welcome to my 306 word palindrome page. There has been much talk about this term, so I decited to explain it. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or story that is the same both forwards and backwards. There are two wonderful people
(Emily and Elizabeth) that were laughing at a palindrome I told, "You can cage a swallow, can't you, but you can't swallow a cage, can you?" They encouraged my to come up with more, and with the help with my friend, came up with this. After publishing this, another person (who shall remain anonymous) stole my palindrome, put his name on it, and said it was his. So if you see this around, my friend and I are the creaters of this lovely palindrome. Enjoy!
Adam? I'm Adam! Moody, me? Dam it (sic)! Are we all? I know Ada.
I saw Ada.
Ah, a short symbol to no denial: Eyes omit naive dog-desserts. Evil right,
old-name diets. A tree-bonnet foliate, relax: If Ada did pull order, read.
Ada had a foe, fire-rose facade tool, too-hot yard Iraq: arid Elijah at
a haj. I lead a reviled noose, Canadian!
It is coded, on a pistol by Rome, "Man is an ardor pelt, tactiler,
sad." A tacit sin, a rude Roman enema. I ran; Agnus Dei, Dada lived
I, a gap, a zero monad, Ada's nose: "Rift on, evil royal pilots!"
I pass a nasal acolyte. I pondered, now idle.
His flack: late no-no's, tits, a cow. Two-cow, to tenor of God! A sin is
a sign, ignoble udder-cases! La femme fatale gnawed at a phone-post, also
lost call, eh? She'll act solo, slats open. Oh, pat a dew-angel at a femme
false. Sacred duel, bonging is a sin; is a dog? For one to two-cow two,
cast it so none talk calfs!
I held, I wondered. No piety local as an ass. A pistol (I play, or live
not) fires on sad Ada. "No more!" Zap! Again. O devil! Ada died,
sung an aria. Men, enamored, uranistic at Ada's relit cattle prod, ran as
in a memory blot.
Sip an ode, Doc; sit in. Aid an ace, soon deliver Ada! Elijah!
At a haj, I led Iraq (arid ray to hoot), looted a cafe sore, rife of Ada.
Had Ada erred? Roll up. Did Ada fix ale, retail? Often. "No beer taste,"
I demand, "loth girl! I've stressed! Go, deviant!"
"I mosey!"
"Elaine, Do not lob my Stroh's!"
Aha! Ada was I; Ada won. Kill a ewe, racist.
I made my doom: "Madam, I'm ADA!"