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Welcome to the BenJay Homepage

Topics on this site include:

(topics in blue are already available, others will be added later)

  1. C/C++ Programming source code and links
  2. Footbag Information, Picts, and Links
  3. Guitar Stuff
  4. Jokes about oxidation - reduction(redox) reactions ( trust me, it's funnier than you'd think!)
  5. A link to my school's homepage
  6. A download site for legacy - my own fantasy action game. (The reason I'm in Area51/Cavern)
  7. Page dedicated to digital logic with plans for a digital half-subtracter
  8. Scholarship search
  9. Pictures of me and my friends!
  10. TWEAKED pictures
  11. Pictures of me at college!
  12. Pictures of us at FINALS TIME!
  13. StarCraft Links and Maps

If you have any questions, comments, etc., email me at