I have updated this survey with some new questions so please address them and any other comments you would like to make about DS9 and/or the new series' "Andromeda" and "Enterprise".

New and Revised Jadzia Dax Survey

Please give your opinions for all DS9 fans to see:

What is your name: (Do not hit return)
Email address:         (Do not hit return)

1)Jadzia Dax's death in Tears of the Prophets the Season 6 Finale:

2) Would you like to see a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine movie?

3)Was the end of Deep Space Nine a total loss?

4)Your additional comments and views of DS9 and all of the Star Trek series' as a whole.
(No foul language please, or it will be edited out!)

5) What are you opinions regarding the Enterprise which is now shown in reruns on the Sci-Hi channel?  Do you watch it?  

6) Do you watch Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda? What do you think of the "rebirth" of Andromeda with Kevin Sorbo on the Sci-Fi channel? It is now shown in reruns on the Sci-Fi channel

Thank you for your time filling out this survey and your responses will be posted within 6-8 hours.



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