Fan Fiction Archive

Updated January 28, 1999

As of January 28, 1999: I just added a terrific story by Julie Evans called "No Absolutes". Check it out! I will be adding more stories, so keep checking back. If you have a story, and would like to have it posted, please e-mail it to me at Thanks, and enjoy!

Brenda Atrim

Paris Nocturne: Tom Paris begins acting violently and having recurring nightmares.

Le Rossignol: Sequel to Paris Nocturne; Tom continues to work through his past.

Margaret Berger

Enmity Mine: An alternate universe story, set just after the Caretaker episode, only in this timeline, Tuvok and Janeway were killed on the Array. Chakotay must now lead the crew home, and deal with Tom Paris.

Lisa A. Browning

Sea Changes: Tom Paris is kidnapped and tortured while on an away mission. After he returns to Voyager, he must deal with what happened, and his own actions.

Addiction: Weeks later, Tom returns to duty, but another setback occurs.

Second Chances: A short story written in Admiral Owen Paris' POV. The Admiral comes to an important decision, and reflects upon his life and his relationship with his son. Some angst, rated PG.

Julie Evans

No Absolutes: A coda to "Nothing Human". How does B'Elanna deal with the fact that she is alive courtesy of the suffering of thousands of torture victims? And how will she deal with the feelings of those around her? Rated PG13.


And I Will Do No Harm: Primarily a Doctor story; the EMH is forced to kill a patient who attacks him and Tom Paris, and must deal with his emotions afterwards.

Over the Edge: A misunderstanding leads to hurt feelings for Tom, who believes that his friends never cared for him.

PT Collective

Flight of Memory: A shuttle accident brings back old nightmares for Tom.

Malcolm Reeve

Double Dealing: Told in three parts, the crew of Voyager enter into a deal with the other Caretaker to gain passage back to the Alpha Quadrant, but can they trust her? Rated PG, kind of long, but worth the effort.

Part I / Part II / Part III

Instant Replay: Following an encounter with an unexplained phenomenon, Tom Paris relives the past six years of his life while B'Elanna and the Doctor race against time to save his mind from irreparable dammage.

Siubhan (Jennifer Pelland)

Retrovirus: Tom Paris catches a seemingly incurrable disease on an away mission, and must come to terms with how the rest of the crew reacts to him.

JoAnna Walsvik

Love Is Blind: Tom loses his sight on an away mission and must come to terms with the changes in his life.

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