Welcome,my friends,to the world of Stephen King. Have you ever wondered what 
posesses a man to write such things as Stephen King does? Or are you a fan?
I know I am. That's why I created this page, to show all of you "normal" 
people out there what it's like to be captivated by the master of horror.
On this page,you will find reviews on King's books, from the critics and 
the fans. Also,a profile on the master,his life,his family,and his 

The Man
The books


I realize that I have not included every book that Stephen King has ever written. There are a number of reasons. 1)I am not finished making the page. Keep watching, they'll appear. 2) I am writing what I know;I haven't read all of King's books, and I don't know what every single on of them is about. When I find out, I will write. Simple as that. I have received letters from people asking why I didn't include certain books,and I hope this answers your questions. I am immensely enjoying making this page.I hope that the rest of you Constant Readers enjoy it,too, and if you have anything to say; your page sucked, your page was great, you made a mistake , anything, I'll be glad to receive your advice. Sign my guest book, and keep checking back, I'm not done yet!

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Links to other sites on the Web

My personal home page
Another good King page
This is an interactive story/game called Dread. It's the typical dragon guarding the treasure tower story, with some great graphics.

Mail me with comments and suggestions

© 1997 valerie@access.mountain.net

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