Wyndstar's Fantasy Realm

As you enter, you see a man carrying a mandolyn. He strums it lazily, and he looks up to see you approach. He greets you with a warm smile.
"Welcome to Wyndstar's New Realm. My name is Alyx, and I am the court minstrel. I will be your tour guide, and if you have any questions, you can send a message to Wyndstar himself, and he will get back to you as soon as he can. Please understand that he is a busy man, er, elf, and it may take some time before you get a response. (After all, he is trying to maintain the sanity of an entire world by himself...)"

He continues, leading you into the castle.
"Wyndstar is going to be starting a PBeM campaign soon. You can also read about the new problems of the world of Ampgard here. To let you know, Wyndstar plans on turning this adventure into a novel. Campaigns that follow will become future books, and so on. Credit will be given to those who contribute to the game by submitting characters or ideas."

Alyx stops in front of a winding set of stairs leading up into darkness beyond the reach of the torch's flames.
"The final stop on this tour leads me to the library. At the top of these stairs is an extensive grouping of all the books Wyndstar has collected over the years. Stop in and speak to Elvar the Mage, and he can show you around."

He wanders back toward the entrance to stand where he was when you met him.
"That just about sums up the tour. Oh, yeah, I forgot. In case any of you are wondering, I can tell you a little information about Wyndstar and what he likes to do. Also, I have directions to the realms of many of his friends, if you so desire."

"Well, I hope you enjoyed yourself, and I hope my tour gives you a little insight about Wyndstar and his Realm. Be sure to sign in below before you leave, so we know who was here and who wasn't."

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