Please Bear with me as I'm under HEAVY construction!
Well, This is my page, thanks for stopping by!
I have many pages I wish to add but I'm afraid my time has been limited recently. But do check back as hopefully we will see many new changes.
With interests as varried and bizzare as my own I'll atempt to make some order out of them. I guess the first step into my mind, and what a weird step it is, is into the world of Discordia. Use caution when entering though. Discordia can have mind-altering and potentially hallucinogenic effects. Hail Eris, All hail Discordia!!
Look for my alter-ego, Balthizar Tunnelflame, the character I use in my Roleplaying chats.
well, until my hobbies page is complete I'll put a link to my new Diablo page here. While it is in the roughest of drafts, please take a look and give me some input.
for those of you that are extremely brave, or bored, this is my pics page. Be warned, it is rather dull, simply pics with brief descriptions. And it is not bandwidth friendly. It may take a while to load.
Now, last and, in a few cases, least (just kidding guys!) my Friends! Whom have helped me become the person I am.