The LLR Campaign in the Gamehenge*
The Story: After emerging from the laberath with the survivors of the Pegasus Task Force returned to the Ranks of the Alliance. Admiral Les Paul was given command of a Battle Line and sent to the Rim to free systems from Imperial rule and gather support in personal, funds, and material for the continuing war effort. Admiral Les Paul took his flag ship Lucifer's Lowrider* which he constructed during the Pegasus Task Force insident.
The Area: The LLR Task Force headed out in the Rim toward the GameHenge* Sector and quickly conviced the governments of Ronan and Kerr to join the Alliance. Colonel Chuckles had to help unseat the Imperial Governer of Kerr before they could join. The Planet PHAT houses the main group of Imperials headed by Admiral Jones, who is angry to lose troplanets to the Rebels.
Where would you like to go?
See the Chain of Command Listing for the LLR Task Force
View Stats of Notable Personalities in the Gamehenge Sector
Read the Admiral's Log to hear about current issues
Good to the Gamehenge Sector Player Page for their creations
The Player Character's Are:
Admiral Les Paul- Played by Jay
Colonel Chuckles (Transfered)- Played by Matt
Colonel Hemlock- Played by Matt
* Note: I don't make up these names, blame the player characters for that.
I'm open to any comments or sugjestions.
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