English Voodoo - Library Vault
Welcome to the Library Vault.
It is a hallway in which you can wander for eternity, but you will not notice the passing of time, it will become irrelevant to you as you wander down the corridors and look in the rooms. Forget your reality, this is the only true existence.....
Take a hint from the Gamecat....mark this place well.......breadcrumb trails are not very reliable, and maps are not yet available.
To give back to the world of literature what I took out of it, This feather is a guide through my world of books...
Snuggle up to the fire, kick off your shoes, and prepare to enter.....I am going to teleport you into another world....
We will start off simply for now, but danger lurks at every new taste of the feather....will you get out in time?!.....
Earth shattering news just in, You can now purchase books from this very spot, simply and securely, thanks to Amazon.com....Available so far are Jeff Noon and David Gemmell books. Click on the link to tell you more.
Keep looking on Gamecats....!
David Gemmell
This is the best British Fantasy writer around in my opinion! He can make a story seem so alive. From the first page onwards you are captured, not to be released 'til the very last word...
Don't believe me? Well see for yourself!
- David Gemmell This is my section on Gemmell
- Solar Flare This lists what the books are essentially about, and how they link together, in a different way to my section
Douglas Adams
Everyone has heard of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Find out what else he's done/doing...
Melanie Rawn
One of my favouirte fantasy authors. Currently has 2 big series on the go....Dragon Prince/Dragon Star books and the Exiles series. One of those authors who is willing to chat to her fans...but if you ever meet her, don't ask what the colours of Collan's robe mean...she's liable to bop you one!!!
- Melanie Rawn This is the official website, run by Irena. Also gives you access to Pandemonium, the fan club and mailing list. The mailing list is as it's name, but well worth joining!
- Melanie Rawn Don't know how up-to-date this page is, as they still have Sunrunner's Circle listed, and that is no longer around! Check it out anyway.
Anne Rice
Writer of vampires and witches and other weird occult stuff...
Katharine Kerr
Another one of my favourite authors! If you like Fantasy check out her Deverry books, full of Celtic Mythology. Or if your tastes run to Sci-fi, she has a number of Cyberpunk novels out which will blow your mind! Also very pleasant and willing to chat to fans.
- Deverry This is the Official Deverry page.
- Katharine Kerr This is Kitty's personal website.
- Deverry This is my stuff on Deverry. Now featuring an option to join a mailing list dedicated to this fabulous woman.
Jeff Noon
If you were wondering what the hell a 'Gamecat' was, and what is the 'Vurt', then you need to check out this writer! I challenge thee to tell me you don't like him! *g*
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You can now purchase the fabulous Noon & Gemmell books as you float through this feather light world, and unlike the feathers you may choose, this is a safe and secure path. Dream your way to me to keep updated....
Update last - 25th May 1999