The gratuitous 'me' page!

Ahhhh. The gratuitous 'me' page found so often on the 'net.

I think I was against odds before birth. My mother being pure Irish and my father being a stuffy English proddie. I think I have turned out alright, considering I had 50% of dad's genes to conquer. :)

I'm the black sheep in the family. I got myself an expensive, useless degree in Art studio a couple of years back. Well, It's not *completely* useless. I can do oragami with it. Make a broach. Wipe my arse with it if I'd like...

I moved away from the family. Happiness is DEFINATELY a strong, close knit family in a city far, far away. Amen, Brother Burns. I am currently living in sin with my love just outside of Baltimore, Maryland.

One of my favourite things in the world is my jersey cotton knit sheets. A good bonfire. My river bend. Chocolate. Sex. (not in that particular order...)