Disclamer: All Pern-related material copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey. Her words, concepts and phrases are used here without permission; no profit-making or copyright infringement is intended.
**IC History**
**Other Stuff**
Dusk slips and eddies into human form. Ebony colored locks fall in a neat braid down past slender shoulders to hips, almond hued eyes glimmer softly, depending on mood, or circumstance. Willowy, curves grace her five foot two frame with surprising strength, working life taking it's toll in the form muscle augmenting softer planes. Expression is a consistant form of neutrality, compliments and insults rolling off of placid facade, as if never said.
IC History
Kumiko was part of quite the weyrbrat brood; her father, K'suke, rider of bronze Nth, and mother Amiko, greenrider to Risoth were a small part of her life in her home at Ista Weyr, whereas her brood of half sisters and brothers were everything. Though she was more closer to the younger members of the family, she did have a connection with a certain half sister, Kazumi... though it was more in the terms of the little sibling bugging the older with a mass of questions.
However, that changed. A severe storm, a hurricane, laid devestation to Ista Weyr, killing both parents and, to her knowledge, all her siblings. A joint effort by Fort and Southern Weyrs saved most of the inhabitants, including a mound of eggs from the infamous black sands. Distraught, and wanting nothing to do with Ista, she rode with a rider back to Fort, where she ecked out her existance in silence. She returned to the black sand Isle for a few months, but memories of the past haunted, and she instead moved to High Reaches Weyr with a few fast friends she had made within her short time on Ista Isle. Little does she know there are siblings around, and one about to settle in the cold North.....
Gold Natsume: Sallow, tallow-yellow melts around this gold firelizard's too-shiny hide; oily without the oil, she glistens almost scarily from triangled muzzle to spaded tail-tip. Slim-cut otherwise, she's small and awkwardly dainty, but a surprisingly deep voice makes up for /that/: don't be fooled, she's a sly one, and the twitch of her pale wings gives her away. Upon Natsume's shiny foreleg is the black and blue bandings of High Reaches Weyr. Natsume is close to three months old.
Natsume's lineage!
Green Webbles: Verdant green streaks across a pudgy form; this chubby lady carries a latticework of jade across her broad back. Her 'spars and muzzle have been graced with a more darker forest, the soft underbelly and tail wrapped in kelly green ripples. Movements uncertain, wobbly eggs are encased in lime hose, ending in bananna hued claws. Upon Webbles silken leg is the black and blue bandings of High Reaches Weyr.
Webbles is close to a turn and a half old.
Brown Kraft: Caramella-brown is this firelizard, smoothed to the pink side of things on the undersides of his wings; otherwise, he's a rich, comforting color, easy to get along with and subtly professional. There's no glamour to him, no glitz, but a self-effacing practicality that cants his wedged muzzle and slowly flicks that slender tail. Upon Kraft's smoothy cream leg is the black and blue bandings of High Reaches.
Kraft is only a few sevendays old.
- K'suke, rider, bronze (deceased)
- Amiko, rider of green Risoth (deceased)
- Kazumi, rider of brown Amanoth, High Reaches Weyr
- Kanami, Healer Apprentice
- Kurumi, DolphinCraft Apprentice
Other Stuff!
Big Sister Kazumi's homepage, and more!
Jh'ral's homepage! Swoon! The Weyrleader at High Reaches
HT's Homepage! The place I call home!
Send me mail!