The Ring of Dragons Previous Next <p align="center"><img src="UDHISS.gif" width="400" height="125"> </p> <p align="center">The <u>U</u>ltima <u>D</u>ragons <u>His</u>torical <u>S</u>ociety </p> <p align="center"><font size="5">UDHISS<br></font></p> <p>UDHISS is a group of members of the Ultima Dragons who are of the scholarly perswasion: </p> <p>We also run the Lycaeum, where all kinds of usfull information can be found</p> <p><a href="join.htm" target="main">Join UDHISS </a></p> <p><a href="lycaeum.htm" target="main">Visit the Lycaeum</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_top">Go to the UDIC Hompage</a> </p> <center>[<a href="/Area51/Cavern/1657/ring.htm">Rings</a>] [<a href="/Area51/Cavern/1657/awards.htm">Awards</a>] [<a href="/Area51/Cavern/1657/members.htm">Memberships + Misc.</a>] <p>A member of the Ring of Dragons<br> <img src="/Area51/Cavern/1657/ring.gif" usemap="#ring" border=0> <br>[<A HREF="" target="_top">Prev</a>] [<a HREF="" target="_top">Home</a>] [<a HREF="" target="_top">Next</a>] <br> And<br> <a href="">Sphere Fantasy Resources<br> <img src="welcometothesphere.gif"></a> <br> <b>This page hosted by <br> </b><a href="/"><b><img src="/pictures/gc_icon.gif" align="middle" border="0"></b></a><b> <br> </b><a href="" target="_top"><b>Proudly Canadian<br> <img src="canadian.gif" border="0" width="125" height="35"></b></a><b> <br> </b><a href="/SoHo/3886/dragons.html"><b>Save the Dragons<br> <img src="savedrag.jpg" border="0"></b></a><b><br> Designed by<br> </b><a href=""><b><img src="" alt="Kevin Smith Computer Services"><br> Kevin Smith Computer Services</b></a><b><br> (c)1997 Kevin Smith Computer Services <br> This page hosted by <br> </b><a href="/" target="_top"><b><img src="/pictures/gc_icon.gif" align="middle" border="0"></b></a><b><br> Get your own <br> </b><a href="/" target="_top"><b>Free Home Page</b></a><br> This Site is Maintained By <a href="Hai-etlik.htm">Hai-Etlik Dragon</a> </p> </body>