As you can guess I am Lord Blackavar also known as Chad for those knowing my non-cyber self. I must say I feel im pretty normal outside of the computer and games, nothing too fancy at least nothing yet. I must say I got into computers late in my years not like some of the players I know that are online, though I think I know more than some of them do. I spent so far 3 years of classes in high school involving technology in robotics and computers and also was involved in a special program where only a few of my fellow classmates followed into. That program we were testing it out and the classmates were no longer class but more like workers in a team. We were set up like a rather well sized company and designed key chains for the school which we sold and spent the profits in parties :) which I must say none of us had problems with. I am a player of many action/adventure/tactics games mostly the ones with Role-Playing value. Some of which are: Werewolf, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Vampire, Changeling, Rifts, Battletech/Mechwarrior, Marvel, Starwars, and some more minor ones. I like HTML code and tend to be a traditionalist when it comes to it, I dont like learning new things unless it benefits my experience probally my hinderage with computers. Below here probally what some of you are looking for are PICTURE Links they are all of me, any others that I put up that are IRL pictures Ill have a different location for *s*

My life away from the computer and on the computer I try to put together, like my love right now is over long distance which I will be going to see IRL May of 99. I hope to have fun while there and see some of the sights since it will be near Seattle. For pets I have two mongrels, well purebreed yorkshire terriors, expensive none the less. They are great company for when no one is around and always a good "someones at the door" alarm too *g*. I work in the small town of Gillette, Wyoming at the local Kmart which before the year 2000 will be converted into a Big Kmart store (Big K) so I guess that will be fine with me... More helpers should come in and join but that also means more hour cuts in other spots, my mother you may know as Red Sasha (internet name) also works at Kmart though she has been there for about my entire life. I may of been born in Hamberg, Iowa but I have lived out my life out in the desolate lands of Wyoming. Nothing wrong with the state just remember the umbrella and heavy snow gear for the summer, yes it can be sunny one minute and snowing a blizzard the next. Currently my vehicles are nothing special both in poor shape and im hoping to get into something more reliable soon, though I plan to keep my soundsystem (twin 12" sub-wolfers with amp) probally just get it re-installed into whatever I settle in.

Well my main plans for my homesight is link pages to other homesights, friends page, games pages for different favorites of mine, and my main informational pages for me and my life that goes on *g*. Well I hope you like it while your here and feel free to browse the pictures.