Greetings! I am Ninane, the youngest daughter of Oberon and Titania! This page is, well, all about me and how I came to be. I started out in the mind of my creator Melissa as Merlin's daughter, but then after she saw Gargoyles, I got shifted to where I am now.. and I love it! Basically, much of the information about me can be found here, since I am a character who is also featured in Wintersmith Dreams. My in-depth profile is at the link! :) Mostly I'm used to go into Gargoyles chat, but there are some fanfics about me! So sit down, relax, and...
Anyway, enjoy what I have here, and please come back again!
The various sketches fan artists have done of me! (All of them excellent, might I add...)
© 1996, 1997, 1998 Melissa Farrell
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