Richie's Place
Welcome to Richie's Place. On this site you can find manga/anime pictures, gif animations Linux games, Java games, free stuff and more. This site has been away for a while but now it's back and here to stay ;-)

If you want to bookmark/link to my site then please use one of the following URL's (The one I use in ads) (fast with no ads/banners etc.) (Comes with a pop-up window)

If you want to say something about my site, or something else, then you can mail me by using the link on the bottom of my page. Another option is using the FORUM to post messages which other people can read too.

Click on one of the links below or use the buttonbar to get
where you want to be :

Pictures + Links to other sites
Gif animations
Animations + links to other sites
Free Stuff
Free homepages, email, storage space
Linux games + links
Java Games
Various Java games
Misc. links
Misc. links
Search Engines
Links + built-in search engines
For viewing and signing of my guestbook

Amount of manga/anime pictures on this site: about 182
Last update: 13-03-2000
Added a few polls in free stuff
Added a forum

If you want to mail me because my link aren't correct or because you can't read the text because of the background or perhaps some other reason you can do so by clicking on the envelope:
