Hey this is mulderslady, An old fan of the X-Files who has refound her faith.
On this page it provides pics of the stars, and links to pages with info on the X-Files.
There are too many out there that give better background info than I could.
On this page, we are going to have some fun. We'll track the evolution of Mulder's and Scully's hair to there coiffed perfection.
We'll analyze episodes and point out the scenes in which sparks are lit between Mulder and Scully.
There will be ideas on how to end the show and ideas for good follow up movies. In other words, if your looking for some fun X-Files fans, this is the place.
Links to other sites on the Web
Scully and Mulder: The pictures
A Treat for Mulder torture fans
Why Mulder and Scully are destined to be together(if only in our minds): The Sparks page
The Evolution of Mulder's and Scully's hair
Links to more informative sites and to more fun sites like mine
How to end the X-files and How the next X-Files movie should be: Mulderslady's Fanfic
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What if Mulder And Scully were never in the FBI??: Alternative reality Fanfic