all followers of Aljan the Dark Moon, Battleprince of the Unicorns of the
Hallowed Hills; Alma's Firebringer. Here ye shall find peace and rest, and
the longer you stay, the more you shall understand. This is my nice little
(hah!) dedication the the Firebringer Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce. It
is more of a collection of information, pictures, news and all that nice stuff
from every other person out there BESIDES myself: the only Me on this site is
the little words you see now. :)
This place would most definitely have not been possible without the wonderful help of many people, including everyone at IFAS, every other Firebringer site on the web, the visitors (thank you!), and most of all Ms Meredith Ann Pierce.
Before you're done looking around and trotting off under the moonlight, take a moment to sign the guestbook to let those after you (and your humble Page-Keeper) know you've been through here!
Enjoy, and Swift Running & Far Seeing to you...
~ Jah-lila, the Red Mare...Council Elder and Runner of the IFAS.
This World of the Firebringer site owned by
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Thank You's, Disclaimers, and all that Miscellaneous stuff!
1. The only things created by me on this site are the title graphics and logos, in Paint Shop Pro. I in no way take any credit for anything else on this site: I only collect this stuff and present it to you, the websurfer, as stylistically as possible. If there is an artist, they have their credit given by me. Anything else was free for the taking on web graphics sites, etc, or else had NO artist credit.
2. Many thanks go out to Mystiriis at the Fox's Realm for allowing me to use her beautiful FT artwork!
3. Thank you to Ryhenna's Firebringer Shrine for the original inspiration!