My life is very boring In the cupboard you see, Until the day, Sept. 1st When you must try on me. I have some of the finest brains From the founding four, Sweet Hufflepuff, Fair Ravenclaw, Shrewd Slytherin, Bold Gryffindor. How I came about? 'Twas Gryffindor who said, "We'll give him part of our brains and place him on their heads!" My job is to sort you out To where you ought to be. So step on up and take a seat, Nothing gets by me! You might go to Griffindor Where are the brave and bold, Or yet belong to Hufflepuff Where loyalty and patience hold. Don't forget wise Ravenclaw Who have logic on the mind, And last but not least Slytherin Where the cunning find their kind. So don't run away from me, There's no good in that. Just take a seat and put me on For I'm the Sorting hat! |