Click here for The NEW CD-i Collective site

Welcome to the Collective!!

11-19-03 : I'm still finishing polish on some new reviews, but also have been cleaning up house on the new display here. I've fixed the coding on some of the reviews to make them look more presentable, and also fixed the corrupted review.. sorry about that, never noticed. Aparently got blended with the ACCELLERATOR review. Anyhow, look for some new software reviews later this month. Possibly later today if I get the chance.

Work on the 3DO Collective is chugging along nicely, more and more solid as time progresses.

Now to some fun news, software!! Yeah, over at the Blackmoon forums recently, I noticed mention of CD+G discs and desire for them. Saddly, with the exception of a small handfull of discs, KARAOKE is the only thing you can find. Well, just for fun, I did some more digging into the format again... guess what I found? A kick-ass program to CREATE YOUR OWN!! Yep, CD+G fans, it's in your hands now.... as long as you've got the cash for it. Check the LINKS page for links & info on POWER KARAOKE. You won't be disappointed. Just finished making one myself, and it really is cool. No, it's not just lyrics like all the other karaoke software. Add your favorite images, text and even do transitions. SO nice.

11-12-03 : Well, I've got the new CD-i Collective site working for the moment. You can join us over at the new site HERE. Please let me know what you folks think by emailing me at the address below. Fans of this version of the site need not worry, I will be keeping this one up as well, but new info and reviews will be hosted on the new site.

And why not a little update to start things off? I've altered the MULTIMEDIA section (in blue on the left menu) to include interviews. First added, two interviews with Jay Woefel, creator of TITANIC: AN INTERACTIVE EXPLORATION. Second, in the LINKS section, you'll find a link to THE FOOLS It's the website for CLIFF JOHNSON, of the Philips *FunHouse* group team. Too cool!

Thanks for visiting.

Gir Draxa

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