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Downloadable Dragons Meracenth is destined for greatness! She is the calmest of my dragons, and was born, she'll tell you, for a young girl named Raina. Before Meracenth, Raina's life was harsh and sad. This little green, as much mother as dragon, taught Raina joy, and love...and made Raina believe in herself. 

Click on Meracenth to adopt one of her clutchmates!



He can be adopted here

This little guy is just a baby.
But he's made a lot of friends already. Many people have emailed me with a suggestion for a name. He is now called Tsia, which means Feather on the Wind. Thanks to Iceravyn at AOL for the suggestion



Dragon's Love Adoptions

Chewchie is a special dragon. 
He's named for my little brother Matt. 
You can read more about Matt on my 
upcoming kids page. Chewchie is fun, 
excitable and is the joy of everyone around 
him. It's dragons, and people, like him that
the worlds, real and fantasy, a better place!

Click on the banner to adopt a dragon like Chewchie.




Darksbane Dragons

This is Niala. She's just a baby still.
But it's her job to guard this page.
She's the guardian of creativity and
imaginations. She pretends she has an
adopted human. She named her
pet human Kayleen. She and Kayleen
together make sure thatthis page is
always full of fantasy!



Temple of love adoptions

This is Camarth, who waited a long time to join his kin here. Cam is inquisitive...always getting into something new. There have been many a misguided knight who mistook his curiosity for hostility. But that's not my Camarth...and here, he's protected from the knight errants of the world...and when he grows to full size...he'll show the world how majestic and noble he can be!

His name is a link to his kindred....



Meet Melleri.  As you can see, Melli is just a baby.  Her story is yet to be written...

But already she's bright, and tricky...her clutchmates know that Melli is behind any fun in the lair!

Click here for dragons like her at Draco's Lair! 



Olieth the lovely Olieth is a beauty most certainly. She's an artist's dream, which is a good thing, since her favorite Person is an artist. Though Olieth loves to pose for her portrait, don't think that means she can't be fierce and strong when the need arises. Especially if she needs to protect her Person!

Click on Olie to adopt one of her clutch sisters!



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Made the divider bars


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