I'm not a parent, but there are children in my life who touch my soul, and live in
my heart. These children teach me about joy, and love, and everything good.

 This page is for them!


Matthew isn't really a child anymore. He'll be 24 this year, but to me, he's always my baby brother. I was 11 when he was born, and fewer better things have happened to me since! We called him Chewchie, because he couldn't say his name when he was very young, instead he would call himself Mat-chew.

This is Matt at 10 Matt at 10                               Matt in high school Matt in High School

Matt and his fiance Lindsey. They get married on December 9, 2000!

One of my fondest memories is sitting with an 8 year old baby brother in my lap, rocking in the big chair, telling stories and watching television. And now he's grown, working a tough job, and planning marriage in December of 2000. But he's still my Chewchie. "Stud" and "Deejay" the best bro./sis. team ever!
Works for me!

Below are two pictures of Matt with two of my other "babies", Kayleen and Christopher.


Matt and the kids Summer '99

Matt and the kids Summer '00





Justin was the first kid who ever made me feel like a parent. He's the son of my best friend, and I've been his "Auntie" Denise since he was about eight years old. I couldn't be more proud of Justin if he were my own son. And of course his opinion is, I should be proud of him!

Justin at 10 10 year old gator fan                        Justin at 15 (He can drive now!)
Justin is a senior in High School now. So now comes all the questions about his future, and how to manage college. Justin is a hard-working young man, and a boy I am very, very proud of! He's a wrestling fan, and continues to hone is writing skills in Wrestling related RPGs. .



Kayleen is the best little girl in the world! I admit, that as her aunt I'm a little biased, but I think she's about as beautiful and smart as they come! She turned 4 in January, and every time I see her, or talk to her, or hear about her, she amazes me. She's bright, and funny, and as stubborn as I am.  She has a wonderful imagination. She's the joy of my life, and it pains me every day that she lives 1600 miles away. But she's beginning to master email, and instant messages, so we keep in touch!

Kayleen at 2 1/2 Prettiest girl in the world!     Kayleen at 3 1/2 My happy, devilish little angel!

These are pictures of Kayleen in the Summer of 2000 at our local Science Museam. She's about 4 1/2 here. Isn't she just the cutest??



Our Memorial Weekend baby, Christopher is the newest light of my eyes. Dubbed "Topher" by his doting Aunt Denise, he is full of sunshine, laughter. Already, at just over a year, he has a great sense of humor! Big sister Kayleen adores him! I can't wait to see how he grows!

Topher's hospital picture. Nice of them to match the background of my page, wasn't it? This is Topher, or 'Gooshie' when he was about 3 weeks old. Quite a face!

  These next three are pictures of Christopher in the Summer of 2000. He's just over a year old in these pics.

Christopher and Aunt Denise Christopher 14  months Christopher 13 months


Lexie Rae is my cousin Pam's little girl. I think I've finally figured out that the relationship is "first cousin, once removed". However we're related Lexie Rae is, as her mother calls her, our "Little ray of sunshine". The smiles in the pictures are her everyday expression.

Out Little Ray of SunshineLexie Rae at 3

These pictures are of Lexie when she turned three. Her smile is almost always that big!

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 Please Visit Moyra's page, it's phenomenal!

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