The Circle's Role Playing System

By Grymm

Special thanks to the following, for contributing, or helping test the rules: Rust (Preliminary work), Jacen trueKnight (Original Sparring system), IR (Various ideas), Dragonfly, Lerana, Emerald Flame, Kittrel, FreezingRain, Kimji (HTML help, that saved my life), Sir Cecil, Phantom ghost, Cormallen, PurrWhisper, and anyone I may have inadvertently forgotten.


Strength (STR) - A direct modifier to damage caused in melee combat.
Dexterity (DEX) - Modifies the character's chance to defend in combat.
Constitution (CON) - Modifies hit points, directly; ie add CON to Hit Points. Also, acts as a modifier for health affecting attacks, like disease, and poisons.
Hit Points (HP) - A direct gauge of how much damage a character can take.

Rolling Attributes: To figure out your attibutes, roll 1d6+3, once. This number is the number of points you have, to divide between STR, DEX, and CON. The points can be divided however you like, but no attribute may be placed higher than 5. 0 is an acceptable attribute number. Points may be taken from one attribute, and added to another, as long as no attribute is lower than -5, or higher than +5. Hit Points are automaticly set at 10 points, modified by the character's FINAL CON score.

Racial Modifiers to Attributes:

The race a character chooses to play will affect attributes, possibly taking the scores above +5, or below -5.
The following races are available:

* The Rah of The Circle must approve the character.

The races Vampfurre, 1/4 Prime, Elvenfurre/Faerie, Dragon, and Werefurre, all give modifiers IN ADDITION to the base species of furre. For example, a Feline Elvenfurre would get the modifiers for both Feline, and Elvenfurre.
The modifiers are:



Special Note Concerning Dragons:

Dragons have two additional attributes they need to worry about; Armor Rating (AR), and Breath Weapon (BW).
Armor Rating determines how tough the dragon's scales are, with each point allotted to it reducing damage done to the dragon by one point.
Breath Weapon is the level of damage the dragon's breath causes, with each point allotted to it causing 1d6 damage.
Dragons get 1d4+2 points, total, to spend on these attributes, and once the attribute is set, it cannot be changed, unless Emerald Flame, or the Head of the Scening Circlette, agrees to the modification.

Abilities of Werefurres:

Werefurres are able to heal at double the rate of normal furres, and get to choose a second form. The second form uses the base stats of the character, and recieves modifiers based on the second form's race. When going on a Quest, the form to be used must be chosen BEFORE the Quest, and not changed during, due to time constraints of the players. And finally, werefurres take double damage from any weapon that strikes them, that is made of silver.


When a character is first created, they get to choose 6 skills. All skills start at level 1, but can be increased later. New skills can be learned by taking a class in the skill, or by finding someone with the desired skill AND the teaching skill. The only way to obtain the teaching skill, is to attend the Circle class on Teaching. Learning the skill WILL cost experience points. (See the Experience Points section for cost.)
To use a skill, the character must roll 1d20, and add his or her skill level to the roll. If the number rolled is higher than 12, they have successfully used the skill.

Skill List:

Animal Handling & Training
Combat: Armed
Combat: Defensive
Combat: Paw to Paw
Combat: Ranged
Gem Cutting
Leather Working
Musical Instrument
Paper Making
Stone Masonry

Skills Defined:

Acrobatics - The ability to perform feats of agility, such as flips and other tumbling maneuvers. May be used during comabt, as a defensive move, in which case, roll once; if the roll is higher than 12, and higher than the attack roll, the move is successful, otherwise the attacker hits.
Acting - The ability to perform in front of an audience, onstage or otherwise. In game terms, if the character fails the skill roll, he or she should deliberately deliver a poor performance in front of those watching.
Alchemy - Lets the character produce potions, powders, and other chemical type creations. A failed roll indicates the potion is mishandled while being created, and spills on the character, who suffers the chemical's effects. (Note: Emerald Flame must approve of the character taking this skill.)
Animal Handling & Training - When this skill is chosen, the character must choose a specific animal type, such as ostrix, raptor, or some other beast, which he or she will be adept at handling and training. The skill allows the character to train wild creatures, to tame them, and prepare them for possible sale. It also allows the creatures to be trained for combat purposes.
Appraising - Useful for determining the approximate value of an item. Also capable of determining if a particular item is magical, and what attributes the item may have. A successful roll means that the current holder of the item must truthfully tell the character what the true value of the item is, and any magical properties it may have, or, if the item is found in a quest, the GM will inform the character what powers the item has.
Armorer - This skill allows the character to create armor. One suit of armor may be created per 24 hrs, real time. If a 20 or better is rolled when the suit is being created, the armor is a quality suit, and will provide one extra point of protection. (See the Combat section for the effects of armor in combat.)
Astrology - The ability to divine the future through the movement of the stars and planets. A successful roll allows the character to learn a vague piece of information about a quest or similar situation he or she may be involved in undertaking. This skill is best performed in front of the Head of the Scening Circlette, as he will have the most information about the quests.
Blacksmith - Blacksmithing is the ability to work with iron, for the purposes of making tools, and other non-weapon items. Should the smith try to create a weapon, he or she will suffer a -4 penatly yo the success roll. The number of itmes created per 24 hrs, real time, is one large item, or two small items.
Bookbinding - A skilled book binder can put together one book per 24 hr period. Of course, it is up to the furre purchasing the book to fill it with writing. In order to create a book of high enough quality to be used as a spell book, the book binder must roll 19 or higher.
Bowyer/Fletcher - A bowyer makes bows, while a fletcher makes arrows. A furre with this skill can make one bow, and 12 arrows, per 24 hour period. A roll of 20 or higher, while making a bow, not crossbows, means the bow is a quality weapon, allowing furres to add their STR to damage done by arrows fired from it. There is no special bonus for crossbows, or arrows.
Brewing - This skill allows the character to brew various alcohols, such as wines, beer, and stronger spirits. A batch which is created with a roll of 20 or better, can easily command twice the usual price, and may be considered a collector's vintage.
Carpentry - The skill necessary for the creation of furnishings, and other objects of wood.
Ceremony - One who is skilled in ceremony is capable of performing weddings, funerals, and other such activites.
Cobbling - Cobblers are responsible for making footwear of all kinds, from shoes, to boots, to slippers.
Combat: Armed - For sake of ease, Armed Combat covers skill with all weapons. While not truly necessary for combat, the skill provides bonuses to combat rolls with weapons.
Combat: Defensive - This skill provides a bonus to defense in combat, giving the character a better chance to parry, or dodge, an attack.
Combat: Paw to Paw - A character with this skill is good at fighting without weaponds, and receives a bonus to combat whenever attacking empty pawed. The skill does not provide defensive bonuses. This skill includes such forms of combat as martial arts, boxing, and wrestling.
Combat: Ranged - Ranged Combat encompasses all ranged weapons, such as bows, crossbows, and even thrown weapons, like daggers, rocks, axes, etc. As with other combat skills, it provides a bonus to attack when attacking.
Cooking - A furre with the cooking skill is adept at the preparation, and serving, of food. A roll of 20 or better is the equivelant of a meal prepared by a master chef.
Crystalsmithing - A furre with this skill is capable of shaping Balarian crystal into weapons, and armor. A roll of 20 or better creates an item of exceptional quality (see Armorer and Weaponsmith for details).
Dancing - A furre with this skill is knowledgable in various forms of dance, for the period.
Engineering - This skill is necessary for any architect, or furre who decides to design and build intricate machines, such as clockwork devices. Engineering allows the furre to lay the design out on paper, for others, or him/herself, to follow to build what is planned.
Falconry - The art of hunting using birds of prey. A successful roll indicates that the furre's bird has caught something, and returned to its master with its prey.
Finesmith - The skill of working with precious metals, for the making of jewelry, and other artistic objects. A roll of 20 or higher indicates an item of quality, which can command a price double what would normally be expected for a similar item.
Gem Cutting - A furre with this skill is proficient with cutting gems, and setting them properly in jewelry, or other decorative setting.
Glassblowing - This skill allows the furre to create glass works, from bottles, vials, and beakers, to intricate works of art.
Healing - Using this skill, a furre can examine an injured furre, and attempt to use simple healing techniques to repair the damage, cure the disease, or whatnot. It is NOT surgery, as such a skill did not exist in midieval times. A successful use of this skill returns 1d2 HP to an injured furre, with a roll of 20+ returning double that amount.
Herbalism - A furre with this skill can use it to create simple herbal medicines, to aid in healing, or to create herbal toxins and drugs. Herbal medicines allow an extra HP to be gained while a patient is being treated. The effects of drugs and toxins will be mentioned later, in the Potion section.
Juggling - Juggling, while normally used to entertain, also has a second use, beneficial in combat situations. Used as a defensive move against ranged combat, a successful juggling roll, which is higher than the opponents attack roll, allows the furre to catch the missile weapon, and possibly use it against the furre who first launched it. A failed roll, as a defence, means the furre has taken damage.
Leather Working - Using this skill, a furre may create all manner of leather goods, including leather armor, studded leather armor, and scalemail armor. The number of items created per day depends on size, with one large item created per day, or two small items created. When creating armor, a roll of 20+ indicates a quality suit, able to absorb 1 extra point of damage.
Magic - A furre with this skill is adept at casting spells, and counts his skill level toward spell attacks, and when rolling for spell success. (Note: Emerald Flame must approve of a furre taking this skill.)
Musical Instrument - This skill makes a furre proficient in the playing, and care, of a specific musical instrument. To play more than one instrument, the skill must be taken once for each instrument.
Painting - A furre with this skill is good with a brush, and has a keen eye for color, texture, etc. A successful roll indicates that a passable work of art has been created, while rolls of 20+ indicate a masterpiece.
Papermaking - With the successful use of this skill, as many as twenty sheets of paper, per day, may be made.
Pottery - A furre with this skill is adept at working with clay, to make pots, plates, vases, etc. One item may be created per day.
Psionics - The skill to access the powers of the mind. The skill is used similarly to Magic. (Note: Emerald Flame must approve of a furre taking this skill.)
Religion - This skill confers knowledge of the Primes, and Dark Primes. A furre with this skill may opt to become a priest.
Riding - When this skill is chosen, it must be applied to one specific riding beast, such as an ostrix, or raptor. Simply put, the skill allows a furre to ride the chosen animal type.
Sculpting - This skill allows a furre to create sculptures out of clay, stone, or wood. The specific media must be chosen when the skill is first taken. For example, a furre starts with Sculpting Wood, and if he/she wants Sculpting Clay, he/she would need to learn the new skill.
Singing - A furre with this skill has voice training, and can carry a tune well enough. A roll of 20+ results in a quality performance, worthy of a star.
Stone Masonry - The skill of cutting stone, and using it for building purposes.
Tailoring - This skill allows a furre to create clothing, at a rate of one outfit per day. Rolls of 20+ create quality items, which can bring higher prices.
Tattooing - The skill of placing artwork on the furre body.
Teaching - The ability to pass one's knowledge on to another. A furre gains this skill by attending the Teaching course offered by Emerald Flame.
Weaponsmith - A furre with this skill can create weapon, at a rate of one per day, or three small weapons such as daggers, or knives. A quality item (roll of 20+) has the option of gaining a +1 to attack, or a +1 to damage.
Weaving - The skill of spinning thread, and weaving it into cloth. Quality cloth is light, and soft to the touch, bringing higher prices.

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