Hello. this page is devoted to roleplaying games, Stragety games and other various games that I like to play. if you see anything you like feel free to follow a link
The Main Page of Command and Conquer which I made nearly 6 years ago is still standing. It sucks. that simple. leave it alone >.<
or to the sig board at which i'm still working on. I store my sigs for boards here but sense geocities doesnt like to let me link.. i'm looking for somewhere else.Sig Board!
The Christmas wishlist which is for anybody that wants to give me something for christmas. mainly my parents but if you have money and are in a good mood.. Hell find it at Christmas!
or my favorites page for when i'm not at home and i want to see my comics Favorites
I suppose i'll be remaking some of these pages when i get the time. patiance is a true virtue as I kinda suck at html
Links page
Car Mods
My old friend casey
Song bout casey
I suppose i should add the cars link considering i'd forget the weblink on my own page.Cars
There is also my Livejournal Simply look under the name Artenius and you should find mine and what mood i'm in atm.