LOS ANGELES, March 31, 2000
- Art Bell, the radio host famous for his spontaneous and compelling conversations of all things unexplained, officially resigns. His last broadcast will be on Wednesday evening, April 26, running into Thursday morning, April 27. Art delivered a statement on his show Friday March 31st, (2a.m. EST, 11p.m. PST) addressing his retirement from not only radio broadcasting, but also all other forums of media including book publishing, television, etc. He is looking forward to living an anonymous lifestyle.
"We have and will continue to support Art," said Kraig T. Kitchin, president/COO of Premiere Radio Networks. "I hoped he would return full time, but understand his inability to do so and agree this is the best course of action. A new host of Coast to Coast AM will be introduced to affiliates and listeners imminently through Art's own introduction.
Coast to Coast AM will continue to pursue the subject matter in the same entertaining and intriguing ways. In addition, affiliates and advertisers are being informed of the changes as they happen. The network is committed to delivering ratings results consistent to Art's."
Premiere Radio Networks, Inc., a subsidiary of Clear Channel, currently syndicates more than 60 radio programs and serves more than 7,800 radio station affiliates. Premiere is one of the top three radio networks in the country, and the leading provider of morning show material nationwide.