The Asyl
Welcome to The Asylum. I am the head of this Asylum and I will be your guide on your visit. Please, feel free to look around and make yourself at home.
The Asylum is a place for X-Philes who have been driven off the edge by, what our psychologists call, 'withdrawl'. This is a place for them to come, sit back, and be cured.
Remember, I'm not just the President, I'm also a client.
What is The Asylum? Do questions like this arise when you come here? Maybe our FAQ will answer some of them.
After you've had a look around, don't forget to commit yourself at the desk.
If you are unsure of whether or not you're insane enough to be commited to this fine institution, please take our IQ (insanity quotient) test. It should clear things up.
If there's anything you need, push the panic button to call Nurse Owens.
Links to the outside world (yes, there is one).
Three plans of treatment guaranteed to speed recovery
Because life at the Asylum can be lonely, especially when all your cell mates go out for burgers without you...
The Petshop
Patient List
Now, would you like me to show you to your room, or would you rather be dragged away kicking and screaming?
Show Me to My Room
   Oooh, Kicking and Screaming Please
Awards I've won

Terrible News! Your Asylum is down for the count with the recent shut down of free the free Homestead server. It may or may not come back up on the "air." ~ December 2001
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                        The X-files does not belong to me. It belongs to Fox, 1013 studios and Chris Carter. This site is not authorized by any of the above. This site is for entertainment purposes only. No infringement intended. Don't sue! (Think of it as free advertising)