Little is known of the early history of the Deep. It is fairly certain
that the Ancients visited several planets in the region; artifacts found
at various sites in the Deep have indicated this to be the case.
Near the end of the Pax Vilanica, as the First Imperium began suffering
from internal dissension and civil wars among ambitious provincial
governors, the Saie culture was first discovered in the Deep. One
provincial governor, seeking possible allies in support of his planned
revolt in the Daibei Sector, sent explorers out to the uncivilised regions
beyond the frontiers. The Saie were the most sophisticated race
discovered, with a thriving Tech 7 culture. The governor sent technical
aid to the Saie homeworld to help them develope interstellar travel.
Unfortunately, his plot was uncovered, and he was deposed and executed.
The technical mission remained on the Saie homeworld, cut off from support
and forgotten.
The agressive, militant Saie used their newly acquired technology to carve
out a small empire in the Caledon, Riftrim, and Nightrim subsectors. They
became rather thinly spread in the process; when a major civil war
erupted, their empire collapsed, and the culture vanished almost without a
trace. Even the identity of their homeworld and all records of their
appearance were lost, buried amid confused legends among the peoples they
had conquered.
It was during the period of the Interstellar Wars between the Vilani and
the young, vigorous Terran Confederation that humans of Solomani
extraction first settled the Deep. Settlers seeking to escape the wartorn
worlds near Terra set out on an epic journey which ultimately ended with
the settlement of Caledon in the Caledon Subsector. Other Terrans followed
later, during the period of the Second Imperium (also known as the Rule of
Man), exploring parts of the Deep; by and large, however, the region
remained mostly unsettled.
The Second Imperium did not last long; the inherited problems of the
Vilani regime could not be overcome by their Terran successors in time to
prevent a complete collapse. The Long Night ensued, at first a slow
decline of interstellar civilisation which at last ended in a chaos of
petty states and individual strong men attempting to cling to power in the
absence of unified government or consistent interstellar
It was during the latter part of the Long Night that the Reavers first
appeared in the Deep. The Reavers were petty warlords or outright pirates
who parlayed a few handsful of spaceworthy starships into an opportunity
to sieze local power bases and loot backward worlds. This was common
outside the Deep as well as within, but Reavers' Deep remained a haven for
these freebooters long after the rise of new interstellar states
extinguished their breed elsewhere.
Eventually, the arrival of the Aslan to spinward and the Third Imperium to
trailing, and the ensuing Aslan border wars fought within the Deep itself
by these two powers, put an end to the Reavers, though the name lingered
in romance and fiction - and is still frequently applied to contemporary
freebooters operating out of the independent worlds of the Deep.
Today, the Deep is a divided region, established as a neutral zone between
the Imperium and the Hierate many centuries ago. Aslan - and Aslan client
states - are present on the spinward and rimward edges of the Deep. The
Imperium is to coreward-trailing. Territory belonging to the Solomani
Confederation extends through part of the Fahinar subsector. But the core
of the Deep is independent, or under the influence of the two largest
political entities in the region, the Principality of Caledon, and the
Carrillian Assembly. Although influence from the larger realms ecircling
the Deep is pervasive, the Deep has a deeply ingrained tradition of
freedom from outside interference that makes it an interesting - and often
dangerous - sector of the frontier.
-- A Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector
© 1984 by Gamelords LTD