X_tremroswellian's Dawson's Creek Fanfic


Common Bonds

Based off the first season episode, "Baby." Joey lets Pacey know he's not alone when rumors start circulating of his involvement with Tamara.

Rated: PG-13 for content

Seeking Warmth

A tag to "Common Bonds." After Tamara leaves town, Pacey is left feeling cold and alone. Who will he turn to for comfort?

Rated: PG-13 for language


Based off the end of the 3rd season premiere, "Like a Virgin." Joey's thoughts after she leaves Dawson's and Pacey shows up to comfort her.

Sweet Surrender

A tag to "A Weekend in the Country." Pacey's thoughts as he watches Joey sleeping.

Rated: PG-13 for content


Note: This site is only archiving my own work. If you're going to send me your D.C. fanfic, I'd love to read them, but they won't be archived at this site.

Go to my Roswell site, The Max and Liz Project.

Go to my Sliders Fanfic Site.

I do not own Dawson's Creek. It belongs to Kevin Williamson, the WB, and a bunch of other lovely people. No infringement is intended. Any comments or questions should go to the Web Mistress, Angie at X_tremeroswellian@yahoo.com.

Site opened: 7-29-00