As you may infer
from the title, this is a collection of stories I've written about some very
unique women who, by one means or another, have become invisible! As a result,
these women have become very powerful indeed, often with some very interesting
consequences! I hope you will enjoy reading them as much I enjoyed writing
But first...
A word of warning:

While not pornographic, many of these stories are somewhat mature in nature and
they occasionally deal with subjects that may be disturbing to some readers. So
if you are likely to be frightened, offended or otherwise disturbed by stories
of powerful, sexy invisible women running around taking advantage of people,
please log out now.
Otherwise...On to the Stories!
--Paul G. Cwick
* * * *
Like what you (don't) see? Contact me here
or here
or (if all else fails) here.
(One of 'em's bound to work!)