Welcome to my news board.
If it's new here, it will be news here.
01 / 01/ 01
(You don't see that 01 vary often, do you. -sinker-)
I think I can.
–He pushes his update up the hill a little bit more.—
I think I can
--He finally reaches the top of a really tall mountain with his giant
heavy update.—
Hooray! Hooray! I finally got this place updated.
Or a part of it any way. It's been a while, being highjack by real
life (or the absence of a life) working for a living, the holidays, even
a bad review. (2 out of 5? What's up with that?) But Code Name
D is back. (At least until the next update) So without further
ado, I present to you my updated web page!
--Makes a grand motion and bumps the bolder resting precariously at
the top of the mountain.—
Uh ho.
--The bolder starts to role down the hill. There is the sound
of squealing tires and a car horn, followed by a horrific crash and the
crunching of metal.—
Hmm, some how I don't think a fan fiction spy's salary is going quite
to cover that. Any how, I finally managed to get Act
14 for Curse of the Ghost Dance up and going. A fella by the
name of Deric has been generous with his time to edit my older acts, a
big big help for me to update the versions I have posted in R.A.A.C.
Mega thanks Deric.
As for the rest of the web page, I am still working on getting the rest
of it updated, or at least repaired. The web ring fragment is out
of data, so that is my next target. In the mean time, I will see
if I can scrounge up some other new content as well.
Bug of the day.
I have regrettably let this page decay over the past few months.
There are broken links and missing pics all over the place. If you
find some, let me know and I will add them to my list of things to fix
around here. –Crash, sound of gushing water— Um, right after I fix the
plumbing. |
9 / 23 / 2000
Wow, it has been a while since I last updated this place. Most of
your probably thought I forgot about this web page. Well rest assured,
this is just not so. I do have an update for you, all though it is
not much today. But I do have a number of projects in the works that
I need to sit down and take care of. Doing this had not gotten easier
for me. Jimmu, my editor at large has started collage AND a full
time job. Sleeping is now list under one of his hobbies and volunteer
editing work has kind of gone the way side.
I have the latest installment of Oh My Demon
by Zane Richards.
The Bug of the day.
Where dose the time go?
7 / 27 / 2000
I finally got a more expanded version of the review for Curse of the Ghost
Dance, by Aristophanes. All though the review was rather hard, Aristophanes
did have a clear distaste for poor spelling. If you’re here, reading
this, than you know that Aristophanes has me over a barrel. But read
for yourself, it isn't as scathing as you might think.
Bug of the Day.
Well, it was here a moment ago. It must have crawled away.
7 / 26 / 2000
I finally have some news. But it’s a good news bad news kind of thing.
The good news is that after about a year sense posting it to his sight,
JP's sight finally rated Curse of the Ghost Dance. The bad news is
that it didn't fare to well, scoring only a 2 on a scale of 0 to 5, rating
only as a "Below average." Of course, how many other below average
Ranma 1/2 fan fics are there that have a mailing list for the next installment?
Okay okay, so its only one name.
Bug of the day.
Only a two? <Sigh> It's worth a two and a half at least.
7/ 24 / 2000
At last. A meaningful update, with actual new stuff to read.
Sorry if it took me so long to finally get some new stuff posted.
But real life has taken things over, and this is the first opportunity
I have had to really sit at my computer.
Congratulations must go out to my little sister and her new groom.
My they always know happiness together.
Now. Down to business. Tarry
1/2 #2 is finally done AND posted. (It takes both. I know
that now.)
Zane Richards writers block has finally broken, and we must now endure
a flood of his inspiration. Not a problem though since his Oh
My Demon is some of the better fan fiction that I have the pleasure
of displaying for you.
Bug of the day.
<Crunch> Ops. So much for the carpet.
7 / 2 / 2000
At last. Another update. Unfortunately, other than some new
links, I don't have much to show for this one. There is a lot of
stuff in the pipe line, but it seemed to be clogged at the moment.
I have Tarry 1/2 #2 done, and sent it of to Jimmu so he can do his magic.
But he has been sick, a new girl friend, and a new job all at once.
I am told that he is also on a journey of self discover to rediscover sleep.
I have started on the next exciting installment of Curse of the Ghost Dance.
Some one has finally taken advantage of operation Up-link, and I have
added his URL for his fan fiction in the vault.
For those of you who might not have noticed, this page is approaching
its first year on the web on the 11th of this month. Happy birthday
to the Fan Fiction Underground.
On a more personal note. My little sister, Lila, is due to be
wed to Bill Shameyer on the 15th of this month. I would like to take
this time to wish the both of them health and great fortune. (Sniff, I
always wanted a baby brother.)
Bug of the day.
A new index page. I know it looks the same. But uploading a
main index page has always proven to be a pain. This is the main
reason why I decided to separate the news board from the index page, so
that it will be easier for me to update this section, and to use links
and graphics and such. This will also mess up the link banners a
bit at the top of the page, but not by much. |
5 / 19 / 2000
I got some great news here for you.
Shampoo Cat has put up a new message board specifically for those
who are interested in, learning,
or practicing the art of writing fan fiction or drawing fan art. (Or writing
drawing in general) Moderated
by yours truly ( ^_^)(I will try to take a look at it once every few days
It picked up 4 posts on only a
few hours, so it's not doing to bad. (Too early to say though I suppose.)
To get there, just click on the
message board, or any where you see the three word balloons at the top
bar. But I am still in the process
of updating all the message links and still have a few of them set to
Shampoo Cat's old board. I know
for a fact that the one on here, Radio Room, The Vault, and the Secret
Files are all updated.
Bug of the Day
Still more message board links to update. -Sigh- A web master's job is
never done. |
5 / 16 / 2000
I have three new fan fictions by
Jose Argo here for your review and approval. It's clear, this guy has some
real talent. I hope to post a
lot of his stuff in the future.
Bug of the day
Phone solicitors. -Shivers- Boy how they do bug me. |
5 / 2 / 2000
At last. I finally managed to complete
my text on POV's in chapter III for the Field Training manual. For all
you new writers out there, this
new section will be like gold to you.
Bug of the day
AHHH!! Rats! What are rats doing here?!?! Go away! Go away!! AHHH!! |
_(_¬ ¬)_
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