All Software stored on this site is copyright of it's respective developer.

All apps download in .ZIP form.  If you do not have a .ZIP manager, I recommend >

If you find that some apps here are older versions of apps out now, there's a reason... newer does not necessarily mean better... or it's become shareware  :)

If you try an run an app and it tells you you're missing a .DLL / .OCX file, search for it here >

I use and recommend these apps for the following reasons:

Size:  None of them are huge, so they save on hard drive space.

Simplicity:  All apps are easy to use and come in very handy.

Self-Contained:  Most apps do not place files anywhere on your computer besides it's main folder.

Registry Entries:  Most apps do not place anything in your registry.

FREE:  All these apps are free and contain no adware or spyware.
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TweakUI version 1.33 Final is THE Windows 9x Tweakin' tool developed by Microsoft.  With it, you can tweak the OS/IE5 to your liking.
Size of zip:  19 KB!!!
AppSwat version 1.3 is an app that allows the user to terminate active processes running on their computer... in other words... nuke stuff that's running in the background.
Size of zip:  8 KB!!!
Developer:  Dikiye Dvizheniya
Sytinem version 1.8 is a POP3 email checker and Time Synchronizer.  It's easy to setup and easy to use... what more could ya want :).  Been using it since 1.3.
Size of zip:  215 KB
Developer:  Eric Tamminga
Internet Cache Cleaner version 1.01 is an app that cleans non-linked files and images from your Temporary Internet Folder instead of deleting everything.
Size of zip:  20 KB!!!
RegMon version 7.04 is an app that shows all "calls" to the Windows registry.  Use it to look for problems or just to find out what's happening "behind" the scenes.
Size of zip:  271 KB
Developers:  M. Russinovich & B. Cogswell
Change Icon version 1.2.1 lets you switch the default icons found in Windows, with any icon you want.  This nifty app works on Drives too.
Size of zip:  23 KB!!!
OleClean version 1.5 is a registry cleaner that searches your registry for stray OLE entries and deletes them.  It makes a back-up reg file but use with caution.
Size of zip:  178 KB
Developer:  Maurizio Ferreira
Cookie Manager Version 1.1 is an app that let's you toss your cookies ;)... or keep 'em.  Erases all user picked non-wanted cookies when it starts... a very handy app to have!!!
Developer:  Pierre-Marie DEVIGNE
Developer:  Pierre-Marie DEVIGNE
Developer:  Pierre-Marie DEVIGNE
CacheMan version 5.50 is a app that simplifies the optimizing of the Vcache/ memory settings in your system ini file/ registry.  By optimizing these settings, you can improve performance.  Now frees RAM too!
Size of zip:  927.4 KB
Developer:  Thomas Reimann
EasyMTU version 3.0 is an internet settings optimizer.  Speed up your throughput with this little beauty.  Grrrrreat for modem users!!!
Size of zip:  358 KB
Developer:  Rob Vonk
Multilingual Speaking Clock version 2.5 is a fun little time "talker" that can annouce the time at any given interval.  It also comes with an alarm and many other options.  Check the Homepage for multilingual support.
Size of zip:  915 KB
Developer:  Leif Porsklev
CleanReg2 version 1.2.1 is a reg cleaner that gives YOU control of which keys/values are deleted.  It's not as "automated" as some, but that's why I use it.
Size of zip:  403 KB
Developer:  Chuck Armstrong
My change FileView VBS script...  is a small VBS file that, when you click on it, either makes all hidden files visible or hides hidden files.
Size of zip: 904 bytes!!!
My AD-BLOCKING Hosts file...a list of ad servers that I've gathered & acumulated over time.  This Hosts file will stop many ADS from showing up.  Please read enclosed .TXT files before implementing.  Use included HostsToggle.exe to "turn off" the Hosts file if needed.
Size of zip:  Varies
FileMon version 7.04 , by the makers of RegMon, is a app that shows all "calls" to files in your 'puter.  Use in conjunction with RegMon for a great monitering set.
Size of zip:  279 KB
Developers:  M. Russinovich & B. Cogswell
TClockEx version 1.42 is a can't-do-without systray clock enhancer that also shows CPU usage AND system RAM!!!  Read Help file for setting up these features.
Size of zip:  189 KB
Developer:  Dale Nurden
MonitorOff version 1.0 is a simple tool to trigger sleep mode for your monitor.  Just click and your monitor will shut down... move your mouse and it fires back up.
Developer:  Dale Nurden
Size of zip:  29 KB!!!
ScreenShot:  N/A
Size of zip:  79 KB!!!
Developer:  Microsoft Shell Development Team
Path Copy version 4.0 lets you right click and copy the path (DOS path or Windows path) to a file or folder.  It also lets you  copy the name of a file or folder.  Great timesaver!
Size of zip: 155 KB
Developer: NinoTech Software
Process Explorer v11.33 shows all running  programs/ processes, where they are loaded from, and what dll's are being used by it.  Also gives the option to kill that program/process and to change it's Priority!
Size of zip:  1.60 MB
Developers:  M. Russinovich & B. Cogswell
Hostess 4.10 is a program that lets you easily maintain your HOSTS file by eliminating duplicate entries and by  grouping entries in a logical order for max efficency.  Hostess version 3.00 has been redesigned from the ground up.
Size of zip:  894 KB
Developer:  Ray Marron
NetLaunch version 3.14e is a small systray app that enhances the Windows Dial up Networking Services.  Features include:  timed connect/disconnect, launching up other apps, connection at specfic speed... etc.  A great app!
Size of zip:  83 KB!!!
Developer:  Robert Simpson
Color Selector version 2.0  is an awesome little app that lets you find any color's "makeup numbers".  With it, you can analyze any color you like... grrrreat for webpage building!  Use included reg file to integrate it into IE 5...
Size of zip:  66 KB!!!
Developer:  Josiah Reynolds
StartupCPL_exe version 2.8 is an app that lets you control the programs which launch when Windows boots-up.  Let's you edit/delete and change which part of the registry they launch from.
Size of zip:  34 KB!!!
Developer:  Mike Lin
Irfanview version 4.23 is a fast image viewer/converter that supports a TON of different image formats (too many to list).  Very easy to use... and a ton of plugins... I've been using it since version 3.31!
Size of exe: 1.28 MB
Developer:  Irfan Skiljan
(7.11 MB)
Fast Explorer 2008 v3.1.11.430 lets you add/create  menu/submenu items to the right click context menu of any file!  Add dividers, specify bitmaps, hint text, etc.  An awesome program for grouping your fav apps!!!
Developers:  Alex Yakovlev & Serge Kolesnikov
BookMark Wizard version 2.0.1 is a little program that generates an HTML page with all/selected links from your IE favorites folder.  You can specify colors, captions and what links to include or exclude.  A grrreat way to post your favs!!!
Size of zip:  222 KB
Developer:  Moon Software
Email me with any questions you may have... remove NO_SPAM from the Email address to send mail to me ;).
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PowerMenu version 1.51 adds extremely useful options to the right-click menu of programs/folders in the taskbar.  Options include changing of priority, minimize to tray, always on top... PLUS, for Win2K/XP, TRANSPARENCY!!!
Size of zip:  49 KB!!!
Developer:  Thong Nguyen
Flash Renamer version 3.02 is an awesome app for renaming multiple files/directories... annnnnnd that's just one of the many functions this program has!  Too many functions to list...  please see the screenshot for everything this little app can do!
Size of zip:  177 KB
Developer:  RL Vision
Sound Association version 3.02 lets you create sound event entries for any Window's based program on your system!  After using... open "Sounds" in Control Panel to add the sound events to the program you choose!
Size of zip:  201 KB
Developer:  Lior Ostrowsky
FastDNS version 3.60 is a great Hosts file maker/organizer!  Import your IE/Netscape favorites to speed up access to those site by obtaining their IP numbers!  This is the FINAL version, as the company has stopped development/folded :(.
Size of zip:  68 KB!!!
Developer:  Alchemy Development
IE SpellCheck is a small VBS file that integrates MS Word's spellchecker into IE's right-click menu!  A very handy shortcut to have if you tend to spall wurdz whrang... urrrrrrrrrrrr... spell words wrong ;).
Size of zip:  4 KB!!!
Developer:  Unknown
You must have MS Word and IE 5 or above installed for this to work...
Windows Enabler version 1.1 let's you check/uncheck boxes in Windows  which are normally greyed out (see ScreenShot).  Very neat app!  Make sure to click on the taskbar icon after starting the program to activate it.
Size of zip:  181 KB
Developer:  Stephen Hewitt
Icon Layout is a very small .dll/reg file that let's you save and restore your deskop icon layout.  Great for when your icons get moved around.  Right click on the "My Computer" desktop icon to access it.  Please read the readme.txt before installing.
Size of zip:  4.47 KB!!!
Developer:  Mark Carroll
Switch Off version 2.3 is an extremely small shutdown/disconnect app.  Automatically shutdown or restart your computer and/or disconnect from your current connection, etc.  Amazing app for it's size!
Size of zip:  41 KB!!!
Developer: Yaroslav Pomazkov
Spider version 1.16 scans your Cookies, History & Temporary Internet files folders for the hidden index.dat files and deletes them upon rebooting.  A great tool for maintaining your Internet browsing privacy!  Similar to apps that cost $$$!!!
Size of zip:  309 KB
Developers:  Ward Van Wanrooij
SCoooBY's FAV FREE APPs was last updated on 02/21/09
Maxthon Classic  version is a multi-tabbed browser based on the IE core (It needs IE 5.5 or above installed).  Maxthon can open multiple web pages in a tabbed interface, and  uses little resources.  It's much better than Avant, and Highly Recommended.  Skinnable, supports Google Toolbar (XP/2k) & many more options!
Size of exe:  1.35 MB
Developer: Blood Chen
RegShot version 1.61e5 is a small utility that allows you to take a snapshot of your registry/system files before installing new software, and then compare it with another snapshot taken after installation is complete.  All changes are shown!  A great way to find out whats being manipulated behind your back ;).
Size of zip:  35 KB!!!
Developer: TiANWEi
GoogleSearch version 1.0 is a new way to search the web!
Once installed, just...
1. Select (Highlight) any text on the page.
2. Right click with the mouse.
3. Choose "Search Google" from the context menu.
4. A new window, from Google, will popup with the results!
Size of zip:  5 KB!!!
Developer: Bloodeye
Developer:  SCoooBY
RecycleNOW version 1.0 is a utility that, when triggered, immediately empties the Recycle Bin. It is meant to be a timesaver, especially on slower computers, when emptying the Recycle Bin can take a while.  But be warned: there's no way back, no questions asked, so be careful!
Size of zip:  5 KB!!!
Developer:  David De Groot
ScreenShot:  N/A
CPU-Z 1.50 is a utility that provides information on your CPU, motherboard. RAM etc.  Take a look at the screenshot... it will show all the information that CPU-Z can give you  :).  A grrreat tool for finding component specifications!
Developer:  Franck Delattre
Metapad version 3.51 is a small, fast text editor for Windows 9x and Windows NT (2000) and  was designed to completely replace Microsoft's Notepad.  So many great options, this is definitely the best Notepad replacement I have ever used.
Size of zip:  45.6 KB!!!
Developers:  Alexander Davidson
TitleBarClock version 1.14 displays the Day, Month, Time and Megabytes of free physical memory in right side of the Title Bar of any main window that has the mouse or keyboard focus.  Very handy if you auto-hide your taskbar.
Size of zip:  17 KB!!!
Developers:  William F. Cravener
TinySpell Version 1.5.014 is a small utility that allows you to easily and quickly check the spelling of words in any Windows application. TinySpell monitors your typing on the fly and alerts you whenever it detects a misspelled word. It also checks the spelling of every word you copy to the clipboard.
Size of zip:  533 KB
Developer: Numerit
ScreenShot:  N/A
Mute is a small utility that mutes the windows system sound.  To use, just click on the exe... it will toggle your sound off/on.  Specify the parameter "/?" for more options.  I added it to MyIE2's Utility's Bar to MUTE annoying websites with sound/music... ;)
Size of zip:  4.17 KB
Developer: Christian Klukas
ScreenShot:  N/A
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Size of exe:  1.88 MB
Size of zip: 595 KB
Developer:  SCoooBY